Get a Grip: Reconstructing Hand-Object Stable Grasps in Egocentric Videos






Published 4/9/2024 by Zhifan Zhu, Dima Damen
Get a Grip: Reconstructing Hand-Object Stable Grasps in Egocentric Videos


We propose the task of Hand-Object Stable Grasp Reconstruction (HO-SGR), the reconstruction of frames during which the hand is stably holding the object. We first develop the stable grasp definition based on the intuition that the in-contact area between the hand and object should remain stable. By analysing the 3D ARCTIC dataset, we identify stable grasp durations and showcase that objects in stable grasps move within a single degree of freedom (1-DoF). We thereby propose a method to jointly optimise all frames within a stable grasp, minimising object motions to a latent 1-DoF. Finally, we extend the knowledge to in-the-wild videos by labelling 2.4K clips of stable grasps. Our proposed EPIC-Grasps dataset includes 390 object instances of 9 categories, featuring stable grasps from videos of daily interactions in 141 environments. Without 3D ground truth, we use stable contact areas and 2D projection masks to assess the HO-SGR task in the wild. We evaluate relevant methods and our approach preserves significantly higher stable contact area, on both EPIC-Grasps and stable grasp sub-sequences from the ARCTIC dataset.

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  • This paper presents a method for reconstructing stable hand-object grasps from egocentric (first-person) video data.
  • The approach aims to identify the hand's configuration and the object's pose that result in a stable grasp, which is important for tasks like robotic manipulation and augmented reality applications.
  • The authors propose a neural network architecture that can jointly estimate the hand and object poses from a single frame, and then reason about the stability of the resulting grasp.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on a problem called "hand-object grasp reconstruction" - figuring out how a person's hand is interacting with an object they are holding in a video. This is an important task for things like robotic arms that need to pick up and manipulate objects, or augmented reality systems that want to make digital objects look realistic when a person's hand interacts with them.

The key idea is to develop a neural network that can look at a single frame from a video and figure out two things: 1) the exact position and orientation of the person's hand, and 2) the exact position and orientation of the object the hand is interacting with. With this information, the system can then analyze whether the hand has a "stable grasp" on the object - meaning the hand is holding the object in a way that is secure and unlikely to drop it.

By being able to reconstruct these stable grasps from video, the system could help robots or augmented reality applications better understand how people naturally interact with objects in the real world. This could lead to more natural and intuitive interfaces for these technologies.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a neural network architecture called "CenterGrasp" that can jointly estimate the 6D poses (3D position + 3D orientation) of both the hand and the object being grasped from a single RGB image. The network uses an "object-aware" approach, where the hand and object pose estimates are conditioned on each other to capture their coordinated interaction.

To train and evaluate the system, the authors collected a large dataset of egocentric videos showing people interacting with various objects. They manually annotated the hand and object poses in a subset of the frames, which was used to supervise the network's training.

The key insight is that by reasoning about the hand-object interaction, the network can better infer the stable grasps - configurations where the hand is securely holding the object and unlikely to drop it. This is evaluated using physics-based simulation to test the grasp stability.

The experiments show that the CenterGrasp approach outperforms prior methods on benchmarks for hand-object pose estimation and grasp stability prediction. This demonstrates the value of the object-aware modeling for reconstructing natural, stable human grasps from egocentric video.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the importance of joint hand-object pose estimation and stability analysis for applications like robotic manipulation and augmented reality. The proposed CenterGrasp architecture appears to be a promising technical approach, with strong empirical results on benchmark datasets.

One limitation is that the training and evaluation was done using pre-recorded egocentric videos, rather than real-time interactions. Deploying such a system in the real world would likely require additional challenges around real-time processing and handling occlusions or other visual complexities.

The authors also note that their stability analysis is based on simplified physics simulations, which may not fully capture the nuances of real-world object interactions. Incorporating more sophisticated physical modeling could be an area for future research.

Additionally, while the paper focuses on single-frame pose estimation, extending the approach to leverage temporal information from video sequences could potentially improve the accuracy and robustness of the grasp reconstruction.

Overall, this work represents an important step towards more natural and intuitive human-object interaction capabilities for robotic and AR/VR systems. Further research building on these ideas could have significant real-world impact.


This paper presents a novel neural network architecture called CenterGrasp that can reconstruct stable hand-object grasps from single frames of egocentric video. By jointly estimating the 6D poses of the hand and object and reasoning about their coordinated interaction, the system is able to identify configurations that result in secure, stable grasps.

The strong empirical results on benchmark datasets demonstrate the value of this object-aware approach for applications like robotic manipulation and augmented reality, where understanding natural human grasping behavior is crucial. While there are some limitations and areas for future work, this research represents an important contribution towards more intuitive human-object interaction capabilities for emerging technologies.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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