Graph-based Forecasting with Missing Data through Spatiotemporal Downsampling






Published 6/11/2024 by Ivan Marisca, Cesare Alippi, Filippo Maria Bianchi



Given a set of synchronous time series, each associated with a sensor-point in space and characterized by inter-series relationships, the problem of spatiotemporal forecasting consists of predicting future observations for each point. Spatiotemporal graph neural networks achieve striking results by representing the relationships across time series as a graph. Nonetheless, most existing methods rely on the often unrealistic assumption that inputs are always available and fail to capture hidden spatiotemporal dynamics when part of the data is missing. In this work, we tackle this problem through hierarchical spatiotemporal downsampling. The input time series are progressively coarsened over time and space, obtaining a pool of representations that capture heterogeneous temporal and spatial dynamics. Conditioned on observations and missing data patterns, such representations are combined by an interpretable attention mechanism to generate the forecasts. Our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods on synthetic and real-world benchmarks under different missing data distributions, particularly in the presence of contiguous blocks of missing values.

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  • This paper tackles the problem of spatiotemporal forecasting, which involves predicting future observations for each point in a set of synchronous time series associated with sensor-points in space.
  • Existing spatiotemporal graph neural network models often rely on the assumption that inputs are always available, and fail to capture hidden spatiotemporal dynamics when data is missing.
  • The proposed approach, hierarchical spatiotemporal downsampling, addresses this issue by progressively coarsening the input time series over time and space to capture heterogeneous temporal and spatial dynamics, and then using an interpretable attention mechanism to generate forecasts based on available observations and missing data patterns.

Plain English Explanation

The paper is about a technique for making predictions about future values in a set of related time series data, where each time series is associated with a specific location or sensor. This type of problem is called "spatiotemporal forecasting" because it involves both the spatial relationships between the locations and the temporal patterns in the data over time.

The key innovation in this work is the way it handles missing data. Many existing methods for spatiotemporal forecasting assume that all the data is always available, but in the real world, there are often gaps or missing values in the data. This paper introduces a new approach that can make accurate predictions even when some of the data is missing.

The core idea is to take the original time series data and gradually simplify or "downsample" it over both time and space. This creates a hierarchy of representations that capture different levels of detail about the underlying spatiotemporal dynamics. An attention mechanism is then used to combine these representations in an interpretable way, taking into account which data is actually available, in order to generate the final forecasts.

This method is shown to outperform other state-of-the-art techniques, especially when dealing with large contiguous blocks of missing data, which can be common in real-world applications.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel approach for spatiotemporal forecasting called "hierarchical spatiotemporal downsampling". The key insight is that by progressively coarsening the input time series data over both time and space, the model can capture a hierarchy of temporal and spatial patterns that are useful for making accurate predictions, even when some of the data is missing.

Specifically, the input time series are first transformed into a graph representation, where each node corresponds to a sensor-point in space, and the edges capture the relationships between them. This graph is then progressively downsampled over multiple levels, creating a pool of representations that encode heterogeneous spatiotemporal dynamics at different scales.

An interpretable attention mechanism is then used to selectively combine these representations, conditioned on the available observations and missing data patterns. This allows the model to focus on the most relevant features for generating accurate forecasts, even when faced with partially observed spatiotemporal data.

The proposed approach is evaluated on both synthetic and real-world benchmarks, and is shown to outperform state-of-the-art methods, especially in scenarios with large contiguous blocks of missing data.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling solution to the problem of spatiotemporal forecasting with missing data, which is a common challenge in many real-world applications. The hierarchical downsampling approach is a clever way to capture the underlying spatiotemporal patterns, and the attention mechanism provides an interpretable way to handle missing data.

However, the paper does not address the computational complexity of the proposed method, which could be a limitation for large-scale or real-time applications. Additionally, the paper could have explored the sensitivity of the model to the choice of hyperparameters and the impact of the missing data distribution on the forecasting performance.

Furthermore, while the paper demonstrates the effectiveness of the approach on synthetic and real-world benchmarks, it would be valuable to see how the model performs in more diverse and challenging real-world scenarios, such as those involving complex spatial dependencies or rapidly changing temporal patterns.

Overall, this paper makes a significant contribution to the field of spatiotemporal forecasting, and the proposed hierarchical downsampling technique could be a useful tool for researchers and practitioners working with incomplete or partially observed time series data.


This paper presents a novel approach for spatiotemporal forecasting that addresses the challenge of missing data by leveraging a hierarchical downsampling strategy and an interpretable attention mechanism. The key innovation is the ability to capture heterogeneous temporal and spatial patterns at multiple scales, and then selectively combine these representations to generate accurate forecasts, even when a significant portion of the data is missing.

The results demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on both synthetic and real-world benchmarks, particularly in scenarios with large contiguous blocks of missing data. This suggests that the proposed method could be a valuable tool for a wide range of applications, from environmental monitoring and urban planning to supply chain management and smart city infrastructure.

Looking ahead, further research could explore ways to optimize the computational efficiency of the model, as well as investigate its performance in even more complex and dynamic spatiotemporal domains. Additionally, integrating this approach with techniques for continuous learning could enhance its ability to adapt to evolving data patterns over time.

Overall, this paper represents an important step forward in the field of spatiotemporal forecasting, and the insights and techniques presented here could have far-reaching implications for a wide range of data-driven applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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