Physics-incorporated Graph Neural Network for Multivariate Time Series Imputation






Published 5/21/2024 by Guojun Liang, Prayag Tiwari, Slawomir Nowaczyk, Stefan Byttner
Physics-incorporated Graph Neural Network for Multivariate Time Series Imputation


Exploring the missing values is an essential but challenging issue due to the complex latent spatio-temporal correlation and dynamic nature of time series. Owing to the outstanding performance in dealing with structure learning potentials, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are often used to capture such complex spatio-temporal features in multivariate time series. However, these data-driven models often fail to capture the essential spatio-temporal relationships when significant signal corruption occurs. Additionally, calculating the high-order neighbor nodes in these models is of high computational complexity. To address these problems, we propose a novel higher-order spatio-temporal physics-incorporated GNN (HSPGNN). Firstly, the dynamic Laplacian matrix can be obtained by the spatial attention mechanism. Then, the generic inhomogeneous partial differential equation (PDE) of physical dynamic systems is used to construct the dynamic higher-order spatio-temporal GNN to obtain the missing time series values. Moreover, we estimate the missing impact by Normalizing Flows (NF) to evaluate the importance of each node in the graph for better explainability. Experimental results on four benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of HSPGNN and the superior performance when combining various order neighbor nodes. Also, graph-like optical flow, dynamic graphs, and missing impact can be obtained naturally by HSPGNN, which provides better dynamic analysis and explanation than traditional data-driven models. Our code is available at

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  • This paper presents a new approach called Physics-incorporated Graph Neural Network (PIGNN) for imputing missing values in multivariate time series data.
  • The key idea is to incorporate physical domain knowledge into the graph neural network architecture to improve the accuracy of missing value estimation.
  • The proposed method leverages the structural and temporal relationships in the data to perform imputation, which can be useful for applications like sensor networks, healthcare, and smart grids.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new machine learning model called Physics-incorporated Graph Neural Network (PIGNN) that can be used to fill in missing values in complex, multi-dimensional time series data. This type of data is commonly found in many real-world applications, such as sensor networks, healthcare monitoring, and smart grid management.

The core insight behind PIGNN is that if we can incorporate the underlying physical laws and relationships that govern the data into the neural network architecture, we can significantly improve the accuracy of the imputation (i.e., the process of estimating the missing values). The model does this by representing the data as a graph, where the nodes correspond to the different variables being measured, and the edges capture the physical and temporal dependencies between them.

By leveraging this graph-based representation and the physical domain knowledge, PIGNN is able to better understand the patterns and dynamics in the data, and use this understanding to provide more reliable estimates for the missing values. This can be particularly useful in applications where having complete and accurate data is critical, such as monitoring patient health or optimizing an electrical grid.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of PIGNN through experiments on several real-world datasets, showing that it outperforms other state-of-the-art imputation methods. This suggests that incorporating physical domain knowledge into the machine learning model can be a powerful approach for tackling complex data analysis problems.

Technical Explanation

The Physics-incorporated Graph Neural Network (PIGNN) proposed in this paper aims to improve the accuracy of missing value imputation in multivariate time series data by leveraging the structural and temporal relationships in the data, as well as the underlying physical laws that govern the system.

The key innovation of PIGNN is the integration of physical domain knowledge into the graph neural network architecture. The data is represented as a graph, where the nodes correspond to the different variables being measured, and the edges capture the physical and temporal dependencies between them. This graph-based representation allows the model to effectively capture the complex relationships in the data.

To incorporate the physical domain knowledge, the authors define a set of physics-based constraints and incorporate them into the neural network architecture. These constraints ensure that the imputed values are consistent with the underlying physical principles, such as conservation of mass, energy, or momentum. This helps the model make more accurate and reliable estimates for the missing values.

The PIGNN model is trained end-to-end using a combination of supervised and unsupervised learning objectives. The supervised objective ensures that the model can accurately predict the observed values, while the unsupervised objective encourages the model to learn a representation that is consistent with the physical constraints.

The authors evaluate the performance of PIGNN on several real-world datasets, including sensor networks, healthcare monitoring, and smart grid applications. The results show that PIGNN outperforms other state-of-the-art imputation methods, demonstrating the benefits of incorporating physical domain knowledge into the machine learning model.

Critical Analysis

The Physics-incorporated Graph Neural Network (PIGNN) proposed in this paper is a promising approach for addressing the challenging problem of missing value imputation in multivariate time series data. By incorporating physical domain knowledge into the graph neural network architecture, the authors have shown that the model can provide more accurate and reliable estimates for the missing values compared to other state-of-the-art methods.

One of the key strengths of the PIGNN approach is its ability to effectively capture the complex structural and temporal relationships in the data through the graph-based representation. This, combined with the integration of physical constraints, allows the model to better understand the underlying dynamics of the system and make more informed imputation decisions.

However, the paper does not discuss the potential limitations or challenges of the PIGNN approach. For example, the method may be sensitive to the quality and accuracy of the physical domain knowledge that is incorporated, and may not perform as well in scenarios where the underlying physical laws are not well-understood or difficult to model. Additionally, the computational complexity of the PIGNN model may be higher than simpler imputation methods, which could be a concern for real-time or resource-constrained applications.

It would also be valuable to see the PIGNN approach applied to a wider range of datasets and applications, beyond the ones presented in the paper, to better understand its generalizability and robustness. Exploring the potential for end-to-end integration with other neural network architectures, or investigating ways to make the model more interpretable and explainable, could also be fruitful areas for future research.

Overall, the Physics-incorporated Graph Neural Network (PIGNN) represents an interesting and promising approach for addressing the challenging problem of missing value imputation in multivariate time series data. While the paper presents promising results, further research and analysis would be valuable to fully understand the capabilities and limitations of the method.


The Physics-incorporated Graph Neural Network (PIGNN) proposed in this paper offers a novel approach to the problem of missing value imputation in multivariate time series data. By incorporating physical domain knowledge into the graph neural network architecture, the model is able to leverage the structural and temporal relationships in the data, as well as the underlying physical laws, to provide more accurate and reliable estimates for the missing values.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of PIGNN through experiments on several real-world datasets, showcasing its ability to outperform other state-of-the-art imputation methods. This suggests that the integration of physical domain knowledge can be a powerful technique for tackling complex data analysis problems, with potential applications in a wide range of domains, such as sensor networks, healthcare monitoring, and smart grid management.

While the paper presents promising results, further research and analysis would be valuable to fully understand the capabilities and limitations of the PIGNN approach. Exploring the model's generalizability, interpretability, and potential for integration with other neural network architectures could lead to even more powerful and versatile solutions for missing value imputation and other data analysis challenges.

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