Guarantees on Robot System Performance Using Stochastic Simulation Rollouts






Published 6/17/2024 by Joseph A. Vincent, Aaron O. Feldman, Mac Schwager
Guarantees on Robot System Performance Using Stochastic Simulation Rollouts


We provide finite-sample performance guarantees for control policies executed on stochastic robotic systems. Given an open- or closed-loop policy and a finite set of trajectory rollouts under the policy, we bound the expected value, value-at-risk, and conditional-value-at-risk of the trajectory cost, and the probability of failure in a sparse cost setting. The bounds hold, with user-specified probability, for any policy synthesis technique and can be seen as a post-design safety certification. Generating the bounds only requires sampling simulation rollouts, without assumptions on the distribution or complexity of the underlying stochastic system. We adapt these bounds to also give a constraint satisfaction test to verify safety of the robot system. We provide a thorough analysis of the bound sensitivity to sim-to-real distribution shifts and provide results for constructing robust bounds that can tolerate some specified amount of distribution shift. Furthermore, we extend our method to apply when selecting the best policy from a set of candidates, requiring a multi-hypothesis correction. We show the statistical validity of our bounds in the Ant, Half-cheetah, and Swimmer MuJoCo environments and demonstrate our constraint satisfaction test with the Ant. Finally, using the 20 degree-of-freedom MuJoCo Shadow Hand, we show the necessity of the multi-hypothesis correction.

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  • This paper proposes a method to provide performance guarantees for robot systems using stochastic simulation rollouts.
  • The approach involves running multiple simulations of the robot system with probabilistic models of the environment, and then analyzing the resulting performance distributions to make guarantees about the system's behavior.
  • The authors demonstrate their method on a drone landing task and a warehouse robot navigation task, showing that it can provide safety and reliability assurances for robot systems.

Plain English Explanation

When designing robot systems, it's important to be able to predict how they will perform and guarantee that they will behave safely and reliably. This paper proposes a new technique to do this, using stochastic simulation rollouts.

The key idea is to run many different simulations of the robot system, each with slightly different models of the environment. For example, if the robot is landing a drone, the simulations might have varying wind conditions or obstacle placements. By analyzing the results of all these simulations, the researchers can understand the range of possible outcomes and make guaranteed statements about the system's performance.

For instance, they might be able to say that the drone will land safely 95% of the time, even in the face of uncertain environmental conditions. Or they could guarantee that the warehouse robot will navigate to its goal without colliding with obstacles 99% of the time.

This type of guarantee is important for ensuring the safety and reliability of robot systems, especially when deploying them in the real world where there are many unpredictable factors. The stochastic simulation approach allows the designers to quantify the system's performance and provide strong assurances about its behavior, which is crucial for building trust in autonomous robots.

Technical Explanation

The core of this paper's approach is to use stochastic simulation rollouts to quantify the performance of a robot system. The authors first develop probabilistic models of the robot's dynamics and the environment it operates in. They then run many simulations of the robot system, each time with slightly different random samples from these probabilistic models.

By analyzing the results of all these simulation rollouts, the researchers can construct distributions of the robot's performance metrics, such as the probability of successful task completion or the likelihood of constraint violations. They then use these performance distributions to make guaranteed statements about the system's behavior, for example by specifying that the robot will meet a certain performance threshold with 95% probability.

The authors demonstrate this approach on two robot applications: a drone landing task and a warehouse robot navigation task. In the drone landing scenario, the simulation rollouts account for uncertain wind conditions, while in the warehouse task, they model unpredictable obstacles and disturbances. By analyzing the resulting performance distributions, the researchers are able to provide safety and reliability guarantees for both systems.

Critical Analysis

The key strength of this approach is that it allows robot system designers to quantify the performance of their systems in the face of uncertain environmental conditions, rather than relying on point estimates or worst-case analyses. This is important for building trust in autonomous robots and ensuring their safe deployment in the real world.

That said, the paper does not address some potential limitations of the method. For example, the accuracy of the performance guarantees will depend on the fidelity of the probabilistic models used in the simulations. If these models do not accurately capture the true environmental dynamics, the resulting guarantees may be overly optimistic or pessimistic.

Additionally, the computational cost of running many simulation rollouts may be prohibitive for some applications, especially those with complex robot dynamics or high-dimensional state spaces. The authors do not provide a detailed analysis of the scalability of their approach.

Finally, the paper focuses solely on providing guarantees about individual task performance, without considering longer-term system reliability or the potential for cascading failures. Extending this framework to account for such system-level properties could be an important area for future research.


Overall, this paper presents a promising approach for providing formal guarantees on the performance of robot systems operating in uncertain environments. By leveraging stochastic simulation rollouts, the method allows designers to quantify the range of possible outcomes and make reliable statements about the system's safety and reliability.

While the technique has some limitations, it represents an important step forward in the quest to build autonomous robots that can be trusted to operate reliably in the real world. As robot systems become increasingly complex and deployed in high-stakes applications, tools like this will be crucial for ensuring their safe and responsible use.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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