Hiding in Plain Sight: Disguising Data Stealing Attacks in Federated Learning






Published 4/16/2024 by Kostadin Garov, Dimitar I. Dimitrov, Nikola Jovanovi'c, Martin Vechev



Malicious server (MS) attacks have enabled the scaling of data stealing in federated learning to large batch sizes and secure aggregation, settings previously considered private. However, many concerns regarding the client-side detectability of MS attacks were raised, questioning their practicality. In this work, for the first time, we thoroughly study client-side detectability. We first demonstrate that all prior MS attacks are detectable by principled checks, and formulate a necessary set of requirements that a practical MS attack must satisfy. Next, we propose SEER, a novel attack framework that satisfies these requirements. The key insight of SEER is the use of a secret decoder, jointly trained with the shared model. We show that SEER can steal user data from gradients of realistic networks, even for large batch sizes of up to 512 and under secure aggregation. Our work is a promising step towards assessing the true vulnerability of federated learning in real-world settings.

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  • Researchers demonstrate that existing "malicious server" attacks can steal user data from federated learning, even when using large batch sizes and secure aggregation, which were previously considered private.
  • However, they also find that these attacks are detectable by clients using principled checks.
  • The researchers propose a new attack framework called SEER that satisfies the necessary requirements for a practical, undetectable attack.

Plain English Explanation

The paper explores a type of attack on federated learning systems called "malicious server" attacks. In these attacks, the server running the federated learning system is compromised and tries to steal private user data from the updates (gradients) sent by the clients.

The researchers show that even in settings with large batch sizes and secure aggregation - which were thought to protect privacy - these malicious server attacks can still steal user data. However, they also find that the clients can detect these attacks using some basic checks.

To address this, the researchers propose a new attack framework called SEER. SEER uses a "secret decoder" that is trained jointly with the main model. This allows SEER to steal data from client gradients without being detected by the clients' checks. The researchers demonstrate that SEER can steal data effectively, even for large batch sizes and under secure aggregation.

Overall, this work highlights the vulnerabilities of federated learning systems to malicious server attacks, even in settings considered private. The SEER attack framework represents a step towards understanding the true security risks in real-world federated learning applications.

Technical Explanation

The paper first demonstrates that existing "malicious server" (MS) attacks, which aim to steal user data from federated learning gradients, can be effective even in settings with large batch sizes and secure aggregation, which were previously thought to provide privacy. However, the researchers find that these MS attacks can be detected by clients using principled checks.

To address this, the researchers propose a new attack framework called SEER. The key insight of SEER is the use of a "secret decoder" that is jointly trained with the shared model. This secret decoder allows SEER to extract user data from the gradients without being detected by the clients' checks.

The researchers show that SEER can successfully steal user data from the gradients of realistic neural network models, even for large batch sizes of up to 512 and under secure aggregation. This demonstrates that SEER satisfies the necessary requirements for a practical, undetectable MS attack.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough analysis of the client-side detectability of malicious server attacks on federated learning systems. While the researchers demonstrate that existing attacks can be detected, their proposed SEER framework appears to address this limitation. However, some caveats and areas for future research are worth noting.

The paper focuses on gradient-based attacks, but there may be other attack vectors, such as those targeting the feature space, that were not considered. Additionally, the paper only evaluates SEER on a limited set of neural network architectures, and its effectiveness may vary with different models and tasks.

Further research is needed to explore the broader applicability of SEER and to assess its robustness against potential countermeasures. The precision-guided approach to mitigating data poisoning attacks, for example, may also be relevant for defending against malicious server attacks like SEER.

Overall, this work represents an important step in understanding the gradient leakage vulnerabilities of federated learning systems and highlights the need for continued research to ensure the security and privacy of these distributed learning systems.


This paper demonstrates that existing "malicious server" attacks can steal user data from federated learning gradients, even in settings with large batch sizes and secure aggregation that were previously considered private. However, the researchers also find that these attacks can be detected by clients using principled checks.

To address this, the researchers propose a novel attack framework called SEER that satisfies the necessary requirements for a practical, undetectable malicious server attack. SEER's use of a secret decoder allows it to effectively steal data from client gradients without being caught by the clients' detection mechanisms.

This work highlights the ongoing challenges in ensuring the security and privacy of federated learning systems, even as they are adopted for a growing number of real-world applications. The SEER attack framework represents a concerning development, but also an important step towards a more comprehensive understanding of the true vulnerabilities of federated learning in practice.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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