Incorporating Heterophily into Graph Neural Networks for Graph Classification






Published 5/10/2024 by Jiayi Yang, Sourav Medya, Wei Ye



Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) often assume strong homophily for graph classification, seldom considering heterophily, which means connected nodes tend to have different class labels and dissimilar features. In real-world scenarios, graphs may have nodes that exhibit both homophily and heterophily. Failing to generalize to this setting makes many GNNs underperform in graph classification. In this paper, we address this limitation by identifying three effective designs and develop a novel GNN architecture called IHGNN (short for Incorporating Heterophily into Graph Neural Networks). These designs include the combination of integration and separation of the ego- and neighbor-embeddings of nodes, adaptive aggregation of node embeddings from different layers, and differentiation between different node embeddings for constructing the graph-level readout function. We empirically validate IHGNN on various graph datasets and demonstrate that it outperforms the state-of-the-art GNNs for graph classification.

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  • Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) often assume strong homophily, where connected nodes have similar class labels and features, but real-world graphs can exhibit both homophily and heterophily, where connected nodes have dissimilar characteristics.
  • Many existing GNNs underperform on graph classification tasks when the graphs have nodes with both homophilic and heterophilic connections.
  • The paper introduces a novel GNN architecture called IHGNN (Incorporating Heterophily into Graph Neural Networks) that addresses this limitation.

Plain English Explanation

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are a type of machine learning model used to analyze data represented as graphs, which are collections of nodes (e.g., people, locations, products) connected by edges (e.g., friendships, transactions, dependencies). GNNs often work well when the graph exhibits homophily, meaning that connected nodes tend to have similar characteristics, such as the same class label or features.

However, in real-world scenarios, graphs may also have heterophilic connections, where connected nodes have dissimilar characteristics. Existing GNNs struggle to perform well on graph classification tasks when the graph exhibits both homophilic and heterophilic relationships.

To address this limitation, the researchers developed a new GNN architecture called IHGNN (Incorporating Heterophily into Graph Neural Networks). IHGNN incorporates several key design choices, including:

  1. Combining the embeddings of a node (its own features) and its neighbors' embeddings in a way that can capture both homophilic and heterophilic relationships.
  2. Adaptively aggregating node embeddings from different layers of the GNN to better capture the graph's structure.
  3. Differentiating between different node embeddings when constructing the final graph-level representation used for classification.

By incorporating these designs, IHGNN can better generalize to graphs with varying degrees of homophily and heterophily, leading to improved performance on graph classification tasks.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel Graph Neural Network (GNN) architecture called IHGNN (Incorporating Heterophily into Graph Neural Networks) that addresses the limitation of existing GNNs in handling graphs with both homophilic and heterophilic connections.

The key designs of IHGNN include:

  1. Integration and Separation of Ego- and Neighbor-Embeddings: IHGNN combines a node's own features (ego-embedding) with the embeddings of its neighbors (neighbor-embeddings) in a way that can capture both homophilic and heterophilic relationships.

  2. Adaptive Aggregation of Node Embeddings: IHGNN adaptively aggregates node embeddings from different layers of the GNN architecture, allowing it to better capture the graph's structure and account for varying degrees of homophily and heterophily.

  3. Differentiation of Node Embeddings for Graph-Level Readout: IHGNN uses different node embeddings when constructing the final graph-level representation used for classification, further improving its ability to handle graphs with both homophilic and heterophilic connections.

The researchers evaluate IHGNN on various graph classification datasets and demonstrate that it outperforms state-of-the-art GNN models, particularly in scenarios where the graphs exhibit both homophilic and heterophilic characteristics.

Critical Analysis

The paper addresses an important limitation of existing GNN models, which often assume strong homophily in the graph structure and struggle to generalize to real-world scenarios where both homophilic and heterophilic connections are present. The proposed IHGNN architecture introduces several novel design choices that effectively address this issue, as evidenced by the empirical results.

However, the paper could benefit from a more in-depth discussion of the potential limitations and areas for future research. For example, the authors do not explore the computational complexity of IHGNN or its scalability to very large graphs. Additionally, the paper does not provide much insight into the specific mechanisms by which IHGNN can better capture heterophilic relationships compared to other GNN models.

Further research could also investigate the performance of IHGNN on a wider range of graph datasets, including those with different levels of structural homomorphism or graph generation processes. This could help shed light on the broader applicability and robustness of the IHGNN approach.


The paper presents a novel GNN architecture called IHGNN that addresses the limitation of existing GNNs in handling graphs with both homophilic and heterophilic connections. By incorporating effective designs such as the integration and separation of ego- and neighbor-embeddings, adaptive aggregation of node embeddings, and differentiation of node embeddings for graph-level readout, IHGNN demonstrates improved performance on graph classification tasks compared to state-of-the-art GNN models.

This research contributes to the ongoing efforts to develop more versatile and generalizable GNN architectures that can effectively handle the diversity of real-world graph structures. The insights from this work could inspire further advancements in the field of graph representation learning and its applications in various domains.

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