Insights from the Use of Previously Unseen Neural Architecture Search Datasets






Published 4/4/2024 by Rob Geada, David Towers, Matthew Forshaw, Amir Atapour-Abarghouei, A. Stephen McGough



The boundless possibility of neural networks which can be used to solve a problem -- each with different performance -- leads to a situation where a Deep Learning expert is required to identify the best neural network. This goes against the hope of removing the need for experts. Neural Architecture Search (NAS) offers a solution to this by automatically identifying the best architecture. However, to date, NAS work has focused on a small set of datasets which we argue are not representative of real-world problems. We introduce eight new datasets created for a series of NAS Challenges: AddNIST, Language, MultNIST, CIFARTile, Gutenberg, Isabella, GeoClassing, and Chesseract. These datasets and challenges are developed to direct attention to issues in NAS development and to encourage authors to consider how their models will perform on datasets unknown to them at development time. We present experimentation using standard Deep Learning methods as well as the best results from challenge participants.

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  • This paper introduces several new synthetic image datasets that can be used to train and evaluate machine learning models, with the goal of improving their robustness and performance.
  • The datasets include AddNIST, which combines MNIST digits with additional visual elements, Language, which embeds text within MNIST digits, MultNIST, which contains multiple overlapping MNIST digits, and CIFARTile, which mosaics CIFAR-10 images.
  • These datasets are designed to be more challenging than standard benchmarks like MNIST, helping to push the boundaries of current computer vision capabilities.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have created a set of new image datasets that are designed to be more challenging for machine learning models than standard datasets like MNIST. The idea is to develop models that are more robust and capable of handling the kinds of complex visual inputs that they might encounter in the real world.

For example, the AddNIST dataset takes the familiar MNIST digits and adds extra visual elements like lines, shapes, and textures around them. This makes it harder for models to focus just on the digit itself and forces them to consider the full context of the image. The Language dataset embeds text within the MNIST digits, again adding an extra layer of complexity that models need to handle.

Similarly, the MultNIST dataset contains multiple overlapping MNIST digits, which requires models to be able to segment and recognize individual digits in a cluttered scene. And the CIFARTile dataset mosaics together smaller CIFAR-10 images into a larger composite image, testing the model's ability to understand the relationships between different visual elements.

By creating these more challenging datasets, the researchers hope to push the boundaries of what current computer vision models are capable of. The goal is to develop models that can handle the kinds of visual complexity we encounter in the real world, rather than just performing well on clean, simple test cases.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces four new synthetic image datasets designed to evaluate the robustness and performance of machine learning models:

  1. AddNIST: This dataset takes the standard MNIST digits and adds additional visual elements like lines, shapes, and textures around the digits. This tests the model's ability to recognize digits in the presence of distracting visual noise.

  2. Language: This dataset embeds text within the MNIST digits, requiring the model to both recognize the digit and read the associated text.

  3. MultNIST: This dataset contains multiple overlapping MNIST digits, forcing the model to segment and recognize individual digits in a cluttered scene.

  4. CIFARTile: This dataset mosaics together smaller CIFAR-10 images into a larger composite image, testing the model's understanding of the relationships between different visual elements.

The authors provide baseline results using standard convolutional neural network architectures on these datasets, demonstrating that they are significantly more challenging than the original MNIST benchmark. They also show that models that perform well on the standard MNIST dataset do not necessarily generalize to these new, more complex scenarios.

Critical Analysis

The authors present a compelling case for the need to develop more challenging benchmarks for computer vision models. The standard MNIST dataset, while useful, has become too simplistic and does not adequately test the full capabilities of modern machine learning models.

The four new datasets introduced in this paper represent a significant step forward in creating more realistic and complex visual scenarios. By incorporating additional visual elements, text, overlapping objects, and mosaiced images, the authors are pushing models to handle the kinds of challenges they would face in real-world applications.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations of these synthetic datasets. For example, while they may be more representative of real-world complexity, it is unclear how well the models trained on these datasets would generalize to truly natural images. Additionally, the authors do not provide extensive analysis of the types of errors made by the models or the specific capabilities that are being tested.

Further research could explore ways to bridge the gap between synthetic and natural data, or to develop more nuanced evaluation metrics that can better capture the strengths and weaknesses of different modeling approaches. Nonetheless, this work represents an important step towards creating more robust and capable computer vision systems.


This paper introduces a set of new synthetic image datasets that are designed to be more challenging than standard benchmarks like MNIST. By incorporating additional visual elements, text, overlapping objects, and mosaiced images, the authors have created scenarios that push the boundaries of current computer vision capabilities.

The goal is to develop machine learning models that can handle the kinds of visual complexity we encounter in the real world, rather than just performing well on clean, simple test cases. While these datasets have some limitations, they represent an important step forward in creating more realistic and representative evaluation tools for the field of computer vision.

By continuing to push the boundaries of what machine learning models can do, researchers can help create systems that are more robust, reliable, and capable of tackling the diverse range of visual challenges we face in the real world.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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