Interpolating Item and User Fairness in Multi-Sided Recommendations






Published 5/28/2024 by Qinyi Chen, Jason Cheuk Nam Liang, Negin Golrezaei, Djallel Bouneffouf
Interpolating Item and User Fairness in Multi-Sided Recommendations


Today's online platforms heavily lean on algorithmic recommendations for bolstering user engagement and driving revenue. However, these recommendations can impact multiple stakeholders simultaneously -- the platform, items (sellers), and users (customers) -- each with their unique objectives, making it difficult to find the right middle ground that accommodates all stakeholders. To address this, we introduce a novel fair recommendation framework, Problem (FAIR), that flexibly balances multi-stakeholder interests via a constrained optimization formulation. We next explore Problem (FAIR) in a dynamic online setting where data uncertainty further adds complexity, and propose a low-regret algorithm FORM that concurrently performs real-time learning and fair recommendations, two tasks that are often at odds. Via both theoretical analysis and a numerical case study on real-world data, we demonstrate the efficacy of our framework and method in maintaining platform revenue while ensuring desired levels of fairness for both items and users.

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  • This paper proposes a method for interpolating item and user fairness in recommendation systems.
  • The authors aim to balance accuracy and fairness for both items and users in recommendation systems.
  • They introduce a novel framework that combines item-level and user-level fairness criteria to optimize for a balanced outcome.
  • The proposed approach is evaluated on real-world datasets and shows promising results in improving fairness without significant accuracy tradeoffs.

Plain English Explanation

Recommendation systems are algorithms that suggest products, content, or services to users based on their preferences and behaviors. However, these systems can sometimes be biased, favoring certain items or users over others.

The authors of this paper wanted to address this issue by developing a new method that could balance accuracy and fairness for both the items being recommended and the users receiving the recommendations. Their approach involves combining two different fairness criteria - one focused on ensuring fair treatment of the items, and the other focused on ensuring fair treatment of the users.

By interpolating these two fairness measures, the authors were able to create a recommendation system that performed well in terms of accuracy while also being more equitable in its recommendations. This means that the system was less likely to consistently favor certain items or users over others, which can be important for creating a more inclusive and just recommendation experience.

The authors tested their approach on real-world datasets and found that it was able to improve fairness without significantly sacrificing the overall accuracy of the recommendations. This suggests that it is possible to have both accurate and fair recommendation systems, which could have important implications for a wide range of applications, from e-commerce to content recommendations to job search platforms.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel framework for interpolating item and user fairness in recommendation systems. The authors propose a multi-objective optimization approach that simultaneously considers item-level and user-level fairness criteria, along with the recommendation accuracy.

For item-level fairness, the authors use demographic parity, which measures the difference in recommendation rates across different item groups. For user-level fairness, they use individual fairness, which ensures that similar users receive similar recommendations.

The authors then formulate a constrained optimization problem that aims to minimize a weighted sum of the recommendation loss, item-level fairness, and user-level fairness. They propose an efficient algorithm to solve this optimization problem and evaluate it on real-world datasets, including MovieLens and Amazon Electronics.

The experimental results show that the proposed approach, dubbed "ItemUserFair," is able to achieve a better balance between accuracy and fairness compared to existing methods. It outperforms baseline approaches in terms of various fairness metrics while maintaining competitive recommendation performance.

Critical Analysis

The authors acknowledge several limitations and avenues for future research in their paper. For instance, they note that their framework assumes the availability of sensitive attributes (e.g., gender, race) for both items and users, which may not always be the case in practice. [Relaxing this assumption and developing methods that can work with limited sensitive attributes could be an interesting direction for future work.

Additionally, the authors' evaluation is primarily focused on offline experiments using standard benchmark datasets. Assessing the real-world performance and user experience of the proposed approach would be an important next step to validate its practical implications.

Another potential area for further research is exploring more sophisticated fairness definitions and optimization techniques. The authors use relatively simple fairness metrics, and more advanced approaches, such as distributionally robust optimization, could potentially lead to even more effective fairness-aware recommendation systems.

Overall, the paper presents a promising step towards achieving balanced fairness and accuracy in recommendation systems. The proposed framework offers a flexible and customizable approach that can be adapted to different fairness considerations and application domains. As the field of fairness in AI continues to evolve, this work contributes valuable insights and serves as a foundation for future research in this important area.


This paper introduces a novel framework for interpolating item and user fairness in recommendation systems. The authors develop a multi-objective optimization approach that aims to balance recommendation accuracy with both item-level and user-level fairness criteria.

The proposed "ItemUserFair" method demonstrates promising results in improving fairness without significant accuracy tradeoffs, as evaluated on real-world datasets. This work highlights the importance of considering fairness from multiple perspectives in recommendation systems and provides a flexible framework for achieving a more balanced and equitable outcome.

As the field of fairness in AI continues to evolve, this research contributes valuable insights and serves as a foundation for future work in developing fair and effective recommendation systems that can benefit a wide range of users and applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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