Recommendation Fairness in Social Networks Over Time






Published 5/8/2024 by Meng Cao, Hussain Hussain, Sandipan Sikdar, Denis Helic, Markus Strohmaier, Roman Kern
Recommendation Fairness in Social Networks Over Time


In social recommender systems, it is crucial that the recommendation models provide equitable visibility for different demographic groups, such as gender or race. Most existing research has addressed this problem by only studying individual static snapshots of networks that typically change over time. To address this gap, we study the evolution of recommendation fairness over time and its relation to dynamic network properties. We examine three real-world dynamic networks by evaluating the fairness of six recommendation algorithms and analyzing the association between fairness and network properties over time. We further study how interventions on network properties influence fairness by examining counterfactual scenarios with alternative evolution outcomes and differing network properties. Our results on empirical datasets suggest that recommendation fairness improves over time, regardless of the recommendation method. We also find that two network properties, minority ratio, and homophily ratio, exhibit stable correlations with fairness over time. Our counterfactual study further suggests that an extreme homophily ratio potentially contributes to unfair recommendations even with a balanced minority ratio. Our work provides insights into the evolution of fairness within dynamic networks in social science. We believe that our findings will help system operators and policymakers to better comprehend the implications of temporal changes and interventions targeting fairness in social networks.

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  • This paper investigates the issue of fairness in social network recommendation systems over time.
  • It examines how recommendations can become biased and unfair as social networks evolve, and proposes methods to improve fairness.
  • The research explores the complex interplay between network dynamics, user preferences, and algorithmic recommendations.

Plain English Explanation

In social networks, recommendation systems suggest content or connections to users based on their preferences and the behavior of their peers. However, as these networks change over time, the recommendations can become biased and unfair.

The researchers in this paper explore this issue of fairness in social network recommendations. They look at how the evolving structure of social networks and shifting user preferences can lead to some users being recommended content or connections less often than others, even if they have similar interests.

To address this, the paper proposes new algorithms and techniques to enhance the fairness of social recommendations. The goal is to ensure that recommendations are balanced and equitable, giving all users a fair chance to discover relevant content and connections over time.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by defining the problem of recommendation fairness in dynamic social networks. It formalizes the concepts of user preferences, network structure, and recommendation algorithms, and how they interact to influence recommendation outcomes.

The researchers then design a set of experiments to evaluate different fairness-aware recommendation approaches. They simulate the evolution of social networks over time and measure how well various algorithms maintain fairness as the networks change. The key techniques explored include:

  1. Fairness-aware recommendation models that explicitly consider fairness objectives alongside accuracy.
  2. Dynamic network analysis methods to track and mitigate unfairness as networks evolve.
  3. Techniques to learn fairness preferences from user feedback and incorporate them into recommendation systems.

Through extensive simulations, the paper demonstrates that these fairness-enhancing approaches can significantly improve recommendation fairness over time compared to standard recommendation algorithms.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a valuable contribution to the growing field of algorithmic fairness in recommender systems. It highlights an important but understudied aspect of fairness - the dynamic nature of social networks and how that can lead to unfairness over time.

One limitation mentioned in the paper is the use of simulated data, which may not fully capture the complexity of real-world social networks. Validating the proposed techniques on empirical data from deployed recommender systems would strengthen the findings.

Additionally, the paper focuses primarily on fairness across users, but does not explore potential fairness issues that may arise for different demographic groups or marginalized communities within the network. Further research is needed to ensure recommendations are fair and inclusive for all users.


This paper makes a significant contribution to the understanding of fairness in social network recommendations. By considering the dynamic nature of social networks, the researchers have developed new techniques to maintain fairness over time, rather than just at a single snapshot.

The findings have important implications for the design of responsible recommendation systems that can adapt to changing user preferences and network structures while ensuring equitable access to content and connections. As social networks continue to play a central role in our lives, addressing fairness in this domain is crucial for promoting digital inclusion and empowering all users.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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