Interpreting and Improving Diffusion Models from an Optimization Perspective






Published 6/4/2024 by Frank Permenter, Chenyang Yuan

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Denoising is intuitively related to projection. Indeed, under the manifold hypothesis, adding random noise is approximately equivalent to orthogonal perturbation. Hence, learning to denoise is approximately learning to project. In this paper, we use this observation to interpret denoising diffusion models as approximate gradient descent applied to the Euclidean distance function. We then provide straight-forward convergence analysis of the DDIM sampler under simple assumptions on the projection error of the denoiser. Finally, we propose a new gradient-estimation sampler, generalizing DDIM using insights from our theoretical results. In as few as 5-10 function evaluations, our sampler achieves state-of-the-art FID scores on pretrained CIFAR-10 and CelebA models and can generate high quality samples on latent diffusion models.

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  • Denoising is related to projection, and learning to denoise is approximately learning to project.
  • The paper interprets denoising diffusion models as approximate gradient descent on the Euclidean distance function.
  • The paper provides convergence analysis of the DDIM sampler and proposes a new gradient-estimation sampler.
  • The new sampler can generate high-quality samples with just 5-10 function evaluations.

Plain English Explanation

Denoising, the process of removing unwanted noise from data, is closely related to the concept of projection. When data lives on a manifold, adding random noise is like perturbing the data in a direction that is perpendicular to the manifold. Learning to denoise, then, is akin to learning to project the noisy data back onto the manifold.

The paper uses this observation to interpret denoising diffusion models, a type of generative model, as a form of gradient descent on the Euclidean distance function. In other words, denoising diffusion models are learning to find the closest point on the manifold to the noisy input.

The paper also provides a mathematical analysis of the DDIM sampler, a technique for generating new samples from a denoising diffusion model. The analysis shows that under certain assumptions, the DDIM sampler will converge to high-quality samples. Building on this, the paper proposes a new gradient-estimation sampler that can generate samples with state-of-the-art quality using just 5-10 function evaluations. This is a significant improvement over previous methods, which required many more steps to generate comparable samples.

Technical Explanation

The paper starts by observing that denoising is intuitively related to projection. Under the manifold hypothesis, adding random noise to data is approximately equivalent to perturbing the data in a direction that is orthogonal to the manifold on which the data lies. As a result, learning to denoise can be seen as approximately learning to project the noisy data back onto the manifold.

The authors then use this insight to interpret denoising diffusion models as a form of approximate gradient descent on the Euclidean distance function. Specifically, they show that the update rule for the DDIM sampler, a popular technique for generating samples from denoising diffusion models, can be viewed as a step of gradient descent on the Euclidean distance between the current sample and the true data manifold.

Building on this analysis, the paper provides a convergence analysis of the DDIM sampler under simple assumptions on the projection error of the denoiser. This allows the authors to establish theoretical guarantees on the quality of the samples generated by the DDIM sampler.

Finally, the paper proposes a new gradient-estimation sampler that generalizes the DDIM sampler. This new sampler leverages the insights from the theoretical analysis to achieve state-of-the-art FID scores on pretrained CIFAR-10 and CelebA models with just 5-10 function evaluations. This represents a significant improvement over previous methods, which required many more steps to generate comparable samples.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a compelling theoretical framework for understanding denoising diffusion models and their connection to projection and gradient descent. The analysis of the DDIM sampler is rigorous and the proposed new sampler demonstrates impressive empirical performance.

One potential limitation of the work is that the theoretical analysis relies on strong assumptions about the projection error of the denoiser. In practice, the projection error may be more complex and harder to characterize, which could limit the applicability of the theoretical results.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the implications of interpreting denoising diffusion models as gradient descent on the Euclidean distance function. It would be interesting to explore how this perspective might inform the design of new architectures or training procedures for diffusion models that better capture the structure of the data manifold.

Overall, the paper presents important insights and advances the understanding of denoising diffusion models, but there may be opportunities for further research to address the limitations and explore the broader implications of the work.


This paper provides a novel interpretation of denoising diffusion models as approximate gradient descent on the Euclidean distance function. This insight allows the authors to derive theoretical guarantees on the performance of the DDIM sampler and propose a new gradient-estimation sampler that can generate high-quality samples with just a few function evaluations.

The work advances the understanding of diffusion models and opens up new avenues for research into generative models that better capture the structure of complex data manifolds. While the theoretical analysis relies on certain assumptions, the empirical results demonstrate the practical value of the proposed techniques. Overall, this paper represents an important contribution to the field of generative modeling.

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