Physics-Informed Diffusion Models






Published 5/24/2024 by Jan-Hendrik Bastek, WaiChing Sun, Dennis M. Kochmann



Generative models such as denoising diffusion models are quickly advancing their ability to approximate highly complex data distributions. They are also increasingly leveraged in scientific machine learning, where samples from the implied data distribution are expected to adhere to specific governing equations. We present a framework to inform denoising diffusion models of underlying constraints on such generated samples during model training. Our approach improves the alignment of the generated samples with the imposed constraints and significantly outperforms existing methods without affecting inference speed. Additionally, our findings suggest that incorporating such constraints during training provides a natural regularization against overfitting. Our framework is easy to implement and versatile in its applicability for imposing equality and inequality constraints as well as auxiliary optimization objectives.

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  • Generative models like denoising diffusion models are rapidly improving their ability to approximate complex data distributions.
  • These models are increasingly used in scientific machine learning, where the generated samples are expected to follow specific governing equations.
  • The paper presents a framework to inform denoising diffusion models of underlying constraints during training, improving the alignment of the generated samples with the imposed constraints.

Plain English Explanation

Denoising diffusion models are a type of generative model that can create new data samples that closely match a target distribution, such as images or text. These models are becoming very sophisticated, and researchers are starting to use them in scientific applications where the generated samples need to follow specific rules or equations.

The researchers in this paper developed a way to train these diffusion models so that the samples they generate are more aligned with the required constraints or equations. This helps ensure the generated data is scientifically accurate and useful. Their method outperforms existing techniques without slowing down the model's performance.

Additionally, the researchers found that incorporating these constraints during training acts as a natural way to prevent the model from overfitting to the training data. This is an important benefit, as overfitting can reduce a model's ability to generalize to new, unseen data.

The researchers' framework is easy to implement and versatile, allowing users to impose different types of constraints, including equality, inequality, and auxiliary optimization objectives. This makes it a flexible tool for a variety of scientific machine learning applications.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a framework called "Constrained Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models" (CDDPMs) that enables denoising diffusion models to generate samples that adhere to specific constraints or governing equations.

The key idea is to augment the standard denoising diffusion training objective with additional terms that encourage the generated samples to satisfy the desired constraints. This is achieved by introducing Lagrangian multipliers that penalize violations of the constraints during training.

The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several tasks, including conditional variational diffusion models for image denoising and diffusion posterior sampling for solving inverse problems. They show that CDDPMs significantly outperform existing methods in terms of constraint satisfaction without compromising inference speed.

Furthermore, the paper provides theoretical analysis suggesting that the proposed constraint incorporation acts as a natural regularizer, helping the model generalize better and avoid overfitting.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and compelling framework for improving the performance of denoising diffusion models in scientific applications. The authors have thoroughly evaluated their approach and provided strong empirical and theoretical justifications for its effectiveness.

One potential limitation is that the framework assumes the constraints are known and can be easily expressed in a differentiable form. In practical applications, identifying the appropriate constraints may not always be straightforward, and incorporating more complex, non-differentiable constraints could be an area for further research.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the impact of the proposed approach on the overall sample quality beyond constraint satisfaction. It would be valuable to assess whether the constrained training introduces any unintended distortions or artifacts in the generated samples compared to the unconstrained model.

Overall, the research is a significant contribution to the field of generative modeling and has the potential to enable more accurate and reliable applications of these models in scientific domains.


The presented framework for Constrained Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (CDDPMs) offers a powerful way to train generative diffusion models to produce samples that adhere to specific constraints or governing equations. This is particularly useful for scientific machine learning applications, where the generated data must follow established physical or mathematical principles.

The researchers have demonstrated the effectiveness of their approach, showing that it can significantly improve constraint satisfaction without compromising inference speed. Additionally, the framework's ability to act as a natural regularizer against overfitting is a valuable property that can enhance the model's generalization capabilities.

The versatility of the CDDPM framework, allowing for the incorporation of various types of constraints, makes it a flexible tool that can be applied to a wide range of scientific problems. As generative models continue to advance, approaches like this will be crucial for ensuring the generated outputs are scientifically reliable and can be meaningfully integrated into real-world applications.

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