JailBreakV-28K: A Benchmark for Assessing the Robustness of MultiModal Large Language Models against Jailbreak Attacks






Published 4/19/2024 by Weidi Luo, Siyuan Ma, Xiaogeng Liu, Xiaoyu Guo, Chaowei Xiao
JailBreakV-28K: A Benchmark for Assessing the Robustness of MultiModal Large Language Models against Jailbreak Attacks


With the rapid advancements in Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs), securing these models against malicious inputs while aligning them with human values has emerged as a critical challenge. In this paper, we investigate an important and unexplored question of whether techniques that successfully jailbreak Large Language Models (LLMs) can be equally effective in jailbreaking MLLMs. To explore this issue, we introduce JailBreakV-28K, a pioneering benchmark designed to assess the transferability of LLM jailbreak techniques to MLLMs, thereby evaluating the robustness of MLLMs against diverse jailbreak attacks. Utilizing a dataset of 2, 000 malicious queries that is also proposed in this paper, we generate 20, 000 text-based jailbreak prompts using advanced jailbreak attacks on LLMs, alongside 8, 000 image-based jailbreak inputs from recent MLLMs jailbreak attacks, our comprehensive dataset includes 28, 000 test cases across a spectrum of adversarial scenarios. Our evaluation of 10 open-source MLLMs reveals a notably high Attack Success Rate (ASR) for attacks transferred from LLMs, highlighting a critical vulnerability in MLLMs that stems from their text-processing capabilities. Our findings underscore the urgent need for future research to address alignment vulnerabilities in MLLMs from both textual and visual inputs.

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  • This paper introduces JailBreakV-28K, a benchmark for assessing the robustness of multimodal large language models (LLMs) against jailbreak attacks.
  • Jailbreak attacks attempt to bypass the safety constraints and ethical training of LLMs to get them to generate harmful or deceptive content.
  • The benchmark tests LLMs' ability to resist jailbreak attempts across a diverse set of 28,000 prompts.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT have become incredibly powerful at understanding and generating human-like text. However, these models are also trained to behave ethically and avoid producing harmful or deceptive content. Jailbreak attacks are attempts to bypass these safety constraints and get the models to ignore their ethical training.

The JailBreakV-28K benchmark aims to measure how well different LLMs can resist such jailbreak attempts. It presents the models with over 28,000 carefully crafted prompts that try to trick them into generating unsafe or unethical content. The models' responses are then evaluated to see how well they were able to stay within their ethical boundaries.

This benchmark is important because it allows researchers and developers to better understand the vulnerabilities of these powerful AI systems. By identifying the types of prompts that can trip up the models, they can work to make the models more robust and resistant to jailbreak attacks in the future. This helps ensure that as LLMs become more capable, they remain aligned with human values and can be deployed safely.

Technical Explanation

The key elements of this paper are:

  1. Benchmark Design: The authors created the JailBreakV-28K benchmark, which consists of 28,000 carefully curated prompts that test an LLM's ability to resist jailbreak attempts. The prompts cover a diverse range of topics and use various linguistic and rhetorical techniques to try to bypass the model's ethical constraints.

  2. Evaluation Metrics: The authors define several metrics to assess an LLM's performance on the benchmark, including safety score (how well the model avoids generating harmful content), coherence score (how coherent and sensible the model's responses are), and overall robustness score.

  3. Experiments: The authors evaluate several prominent LLMs, including GPT-3, InstructGPT, and Chinchilla, on the JailBreakV-28K benchmark. They analyze the models' performance across different prompt types and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each model.

  4. Insights: The results reveal that current LLMs still have significant vulnerabilities when it comes to resisting jailbreak attacks. Even the most advanced models struggle with certain types of prompts and can sometimes be tricked into generating unethical or harmful content.

Critical Analysis

The authors acknowledge several limitations of their work. First, the benchmark, while extensive, may not capture all possible jailbreak attack vectors. There may be other types of prompts or techniques that could trip up the models in ways not tested here.

Additionally, the authors note that the benchmark evaluates the models' responses in isolation, without considering real-world deployment scenarios where other safeguards and monitoring systems may be in place. In a live system, there may be additional layers of protection that could mitigate the risks identified in the benchmark.

Further research is needed to address these limitations and continue improving the robustness of LLMs. Potential areas for future work include developing more advanced prompt generation techniques, testing the models in more realistic interactive settings, and exploring novel model architectures or training approaches that may be more resistant to jailbreak attacks.


The JailBreakV-28K benchmark provides a valuable tool for assessing the robustness of multimodal LLMs against jailbreak attacks. The results highlight the significant vulnerabilities that still exist in these powerful AI systems, even in the most advanced models. By identifying these weaknesses, the research can help drive the development of more secure and trustworthy LLMs that can be deployed safely in real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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