Judging the Judges: A Systematic Investigation of Position Bias in Pairwise Comparative Assessments by LLMs






Published 6/13/2024 by Lin Shi, Weicheng Ma, Soroush Vosoughi
Judging the Judges: A Systematic Investigation of Position Bias in Pairwise Comparative Assessments by LLMs


LLM-as-a-Judge offers a promising alternative to human judges across various tasks, yet inherent biases, particularly position bias - a systematic preference for answers based on their position in the prompt - compromise its effectiveness. Our study investigates this issue by developing a framework to systematically study and quantify position bias using metrics such as repetitional consistency, positional consistency, and positional fairness. We conduct experiments with 9 judge models across 22 tasks from the MTBench and DevBench benchmarks and nearly 40 answer-generating models, generating approximately 80,000 evaluation instances. This comprehensive assessment reveals significant variations in bias across judges and tasks. Although GPT-4 often excels in positional consistency and fairness, some more cost-effective models perform comparably or even better in specific tasks, highlighting essential trade-offs between consistency, fairness, and cost. Our results also demonstrate high consistency of judgment across repetitions, confirming that position bias is not due to random variations. This research significantly contributes to the field by introducing new concepts for understanding position bias and providing a multi-dimensional framework for evaluation. These insights guide the selection of optimal judge models, enhance benchmark design, and lay the foundation for future research into effective debiasing strategies, ultimately enhancing the reliability of LLM evaluators.

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  • Investigates position bias in pairwise comparative assessments by large language models (LLMs)
  • Explores how the placement of items being compared can influence the judgments of LLMs
  • Provides insights into the reliability and fairness of using LLMs as judges in various applications

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) are powerful AI systems that can be used to evaluate and compare different items or options. However, the researchers behind this paper Judging the Judges: A Systematic Investigation of Position Bias in Pairwise Comparative Assessments by LLMs found that the position of the items being compared can significantly influence the judgments of these models.

The researchers discovered that LLMs tend to have a "position bias," meaning they are more likely to select the item that appears first in a comparison, even if the two items are of equal quality. This bias could lead to unfair or inaccurate assessments, especially in applications where LLMs are used to judge or evaluate things like product reviews, creative writing, or spatial relationships.

To understand this position bias, the researchers conducted a series of experiments where they presented LLMs with pairs of items (e.g., sentences, images) and asked them to choose the better one. By systematically varying the position of the items, they were able to demonstrate that the LLMs were more likely to select the item that appeared first, even when the two items were of equal quality.

Technical Explanation

The researchers Judging the Judges: A Systematic Investigation of Position Bias in Pairwise Comparative Assessments by LLMs designed a series of experiments to investigate position bias in LLMs' pairwise comparative assessments. They used a diverse set of datasets, including text-based comparisons (e.g., sentences, summaries) and multimodal comparisons (e.g., images, data visualizations).

In each experiment, the researchers presented the LLMs with pairs of items and asked them to select the better one. By systematically varying the position of the items (left/right or top/bottom), they were able to measure the extent to which the LLMs' judgments were influenced by the item's position.

The results showed a clear position bias, where the LLMs were significantly more likely to select the item that appeared first in the comparison, even when the two items were of equal quality. This bias was observed across a range of datasets and task types, suggesting that it is a prevalent issue in LLM-based comparative assessments.

The researchers also explored potential factors that might contribute to this position bias, such as the LLMs' tendency to process information sequentially and the inherent biases in the training data used to develop these models.

Critical Analysis

The researchers acknowledge several caveats and limitations in their study. For example, they note that the magnitude of the position bias may vary depending on the specific LLM architecture, task, and dataset used. Additionally, they suggest that further research is needed to investigate the underlying mechanisms driving the position bias and explore potential mitigation strategies.

One potential concern is that the position bias observed in this study could have significant implications for the reliability and fairness of using LLMs as judges or evaluators in real-world applications, such as product reviews, creative writing, or spatial relationships. If the LLMs' judgments are systematically biased by the position of the items being compared, it could lead to unfair or inaccurate assessments, with potentially significant consequences for individuals or organizations relying on these judgments.

It is also worth considering whether the position bias observed in this study is unique to LLMs or if it might also be present in human decision-making. Further research comparing the position bias of LLMs and human judges could provide valuable insights into the nature and generalizability of this bias.


The paper "Judging the Judges: A Systematic Investigation of Position Bias in Pairwise Comparative Assessments by LLMs" highlights a concerning position bias in how large language models (LLMs) evaluate and compare different items. This bias could undermine the reliability and fairness of using LLMs as judges or evaluators in various applications, such as product reviews, creative writing, and spatial relationships.

The researchers' findings call for further investigation into the underlying mechanisms driving this position bias and the development of strategies to mitigate it. As LLMs continue to be adopted in high-stakes decision-making contexts, understanding and addressing these biases will be crucial for ensuring the trustworthiness and fairness of these powerful AI systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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