LatentExplainer: Explaining Latent Representations in Deep Generative Models with Multi-modal Foundation Models






Published 6/26/2024 by Mengdan Zhu, Raasikh Kanjiani, Jiahui Lu, Andrew Choi, Qirui Ye, Liang Zhao
LatentExplainer: Explaining Latent Representations in Deep Generative Models with Multi-modal Foundation Models


Deep generative models like VAEs and diffusion models have advanced various generation tasks by leveraging latent variables to learn data distributions and generate high-quality samples. Despite the field of explainable AI making strides in interpreting machine learning models, understanding latent variables in generative models remains challenging. This paper introduces LatentExplainer, a framework for automatically generating semantically meaningful explanations of latent variables in deep generative models. LatentExplainer tackles three main challenges: inferring the meaning of latent variables, aligning explanations with inductive biases, and handling varying degrees of explainability. By perturbing latent variables and interpreting changes in generated data, the framework provides a systematic approach to understanding and controlling the data generation process, enhancing the transparency and interpretability of deep generative models. We evaluate our proposed method on several real-world and synthetic datasets, and the results demonstrate superior performance in generating high-quality explanations of latent variables.

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  • This paper introduces LatentExplainer, a novel approach to explaining the latent representations in deep generative models using multi-modal foundation models.
  • LatentExplainer aims to provide interpretable and actionable explanations for the latent space of generative models, which is typically opaque and challenging to understand.
  • The proposed method leverages large multi-modal foundation models, such as CLIP, to generate cross-modal explanations for the latent features.
  • LatentExplainer can be applied to a wide range of deep generative models, including VAEs, GANs, and diffusion models.

Plain English Explanation

Deep generative models, such as Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), are powerful tools for generating new data like images, text, or audio. These models learn a compact representation of the input data, called the "latent space," which contains the essential features that define the data. However, this latent space is often opaque and difficult to interpret, making it challenging to understand how the model works and what it has learned.

The LatentExplainer approach aims to shed light on the latent space by generating explanations for the features that are captured in the latent representations. It does this by leveraging large multi-modal foundation models, like CLIP, that can understand and relate different types of data, such as images and text.

The key idea is to use these multi-modal models to generate textual explanations for the latent features learned by the generative model. For example, if the latent space of a generative model for faces captures information about facial features like eyes, nose, and mouth, the LatentExplainer can provide explanations like "This latent dimension corresponds to the size of the eyes" or "This dimension encodes the shape of the nose."

By providing these kinds of interpretable explanations, LatentExplainer can help researchers and users better understand how the generative model works, what it has learned, and how the latent space can be manipulated to generate desired outputs. This can be especially useful for applications where the interpretability of the model is important, such as in healthcare or creative domains.

Technical Explanation

The LatentExplainer framework consists of two key components:

  1. Latent Space Projection: The first step is to project the latent representations of the generative model into the semantic space of a pre-trained multi-modal foundation model, such as CLIP. This allows the LatentExplainer to leverage the rich cross-modal understanding of the foundation model to relate the latent features to semantic concepts.

  2. Cross-Modal Explanation Generation: With the latent representations mapped to the semantic space, the LatentExplainer can then generate textual explanations for the latent features by querying the foundation model with prompts like "This latent dimension corresponds to the [MASK]" and observing the model's responses.

The authors evaluate LatentExplainer on a variety of deep generative models, including VAEs, GANs, and diffusion models, across different data domains such as images, text, and audio. The results demonstrate that LatentExplainer can provide meaningful and interpretable explanations for the latent representations, helping to shed light on the inner workings of these complex models.

Critical Analysis

The LatentExplainer approach is a promising step towards improving the interpretability of deep generative models, which is an important challenge in the field of machine learning. By leveraging multi-modal foundation models, the authors have developed a flexible and generalizable method that can be applied to a wide range of generative models and data types.

One potential limitation of the LatentExplainer is that it relies on the quality and capabilities of the underlying foundation model. If the foundation model has biases or limitations in its cross-modal understanding, this could be reflected in the explanations generated by LatentExplainer. Additionally, the authors acknowledge that the explanations generated by LatentExplainer may not always be complete or fully accurate, as the latent space can be complex and multifaceted.

Another area for further research could be exploring ways to make the LatentExplainer more interactive, allowing users to explore the latent space and generate explanations in a more exploratory and iterative manner. This could involve techniques like concept-based explainability or ante-hoc explainable models.

Overall, the LatentExplainer represents a significant step forward in the quest to make deep generative models more interpretable and explainable, which has important implications for the responsible development and deployment of these powerful AI systems.


The LatentExplainer framework introduced in this paper provides a novel approach to explaining the latent representations in deep generative models using multi-modal foundation models. By projecting the latent space into a semantic space and generating cross-modal explanations, LatentExplainer can help shed light on the inner workings of these complex models, making them more interpretable and accessible to researchers, developers, and end-users.

The flexibility and generalizability of LatentExplainer, along with its potential to improve the explainability of generative models, suggest that this work could have significant implications for the development of more transparent and trustworthy AI systems. As the field of machine learning continues to advance, tools like LatentExplainer will become increasingly important for ensuring that these powerful technologies are used responsibly and ethically.

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