Leveraging (Biased) Information: Multi-armed Bandits with Offline Data






Published 5/7/2024 by Wang Chi Cheung, Lixing Lyu
Leveraging (Biased) Information: Multi-armed Bandits with Offline Data


We leverage offline data to facilitate online learning in stochastic multi-armed bandits. The probability distributions that govern the offline data and the online rewards can be different. Without any non-trivial upper bound on their difference, we show that no non-anticipatory policy can outperform the UCB policy by (Auer et al. 2002), even in the presence of offline data. In complement, we propose an online policy MIN-UCB, which outperforms UCB when a non-trivial upper bound is given. MIN-UCB adaptively chooses to utilize the offline data when they are deemed informative, and to ignore them otherwise. MIN-UCB is shown to be tight in terms of both instance independent and dependent regret bounds. Finally, we corroborate the theoretical results with numerical experiments.

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  • Explores the use of offline data to improve decision-making in multi-armed bandit (MAB) problems
  • Proposes new algorithms that leverage biased offline data to enhance exploration and exploitation in MAB settings
  • Demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed approaches through theoretical analysis and empirical evaluations

Plain English Explanation

In many real-world decision-making scenarios, we often have access to historical data that can provide useful information, even if that data is not perfectly representative of the current situation. This paper explores how to leverage such "biased" offline data to improve the performance of multi-armed bandit (MAB) algorithms, which are widely used in areas like personalized recommendations and online advertising.

MAB algorithms face a fundamental tradeoff between exploration (trying new options to gain more information) and exploitation (choosing the best option based on current knowledge). The authors propose new algorithms that can use offline data to guide this exploration-exploitation balance, leading to better overall decision-making.

For example, imagine an e-commerce company trying to determine which product variants to display to customers. They may have historical sales data that is biased due to factors like previous marketing campaigns or product availability. The algorithms in this paper show how to use that biased data to inform the exploration-exploitation tradeoff, potentially leading to higher overall revenue compared to traditional MAB approaches.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces two new algorithms for leveraging offline data in MAB problems:

  1. Offline Policy Learning and Inference by Matrix Completion: This approach uses matrix completion techniques to infer the offline data's underlying reward structure, which is then used to guide exploration in the online setting.

  2. Hellinger UCB: A Novel Algorithm for Stochastic Multi-Armed Bandits: This algorithm incorporates a new way of balancing exploration and exploitation that takes into account the distribution shift between the offline and online environments.

The authors also provide theoretical regret bounds for these algorithms, showing that they can outperform traditional MAB approaches in the presence of biased offline data. They validate these theoretical results through experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets, including recommender system benchmarks and reinforcement learning tasks.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a valuable contribution by addressing the practical challenge of leveraging historical data in MAB problems, where the data may not be perfectly representative of the current environment. The proposed algorithms provide a principled way to incorporate this offline information to improve online decision-making.

However, the authors acknowledge that their approaches rely on certain assumptions, such as the availability of offline data that is "reasonably" informative about the true reward distribution. In real-world scenarios, the quality and relevance of the offline data may be more uncertain, which could limit the effectiveness of these algorithms.

Additionally, the paper does not consider the potential for the offline data to contain biases or noise that could negatively impact the online performance if not properly accounted for. Further research may be needed to develop more robust techniques for handling noisy or adversarial offline data in MAB settings.


This paper presents novel algorithms that leverage biased offline data to enhance the performance of multi-armed bandit algorithms. By incorporating information from historical data, these approaches can improve the exploration-exploitation tradeoff and lead to better overall decision-making.

The theoretical and empirical results demonstrate the potential benefits of this approach, which could have significant practical implications in areas like recommender systems, online advertising, and various reinforcement learning applications. As the availability of historical data continues to grow, techniques for effectively leveraging such information will become increasingly important for building intelligent decision-making systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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