Online Policy Learning and Inference by Matrix Completion






Published 4/29/2024 by Congyuan Duan, Jingyang Li, Dong Xia



Making online decisions can be challenging when features are sparse and orthogonal to historical ones, especially when the optimal policy is learned through collaborative filtering. We formulate the problem as a matrix completion bandit (MCB), where the expected reward under each arm is characterized by an unknown low-rank matrix. The $epsilon$-greedy bandit and the online gradient descent algorithm are explored. Policy learning and regret performance are studied under a specific schedule for exploration probabilities and step sizes. A faster decaying exploration probability yields smaller regret but learns the optimal policy less accurately. We investigate an online debiasing method based on inverse propensity weighting (IPW) and a general framework for online policy inference. The IPW-based estimators are asymptotically normal under mild arm-optimality conditions. Numerical simulations corroborate our theoretical findings. Our methods are applied to the San Francisco parking pricing project data, revealing intriguing discoveries and outperforming the benchmark policy.

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  • Online decision-making can be challenging when features are sparse and unrelated to historical data
  • The optimal policy is often learned through collaborative filtering
  • The problem is formulated as a matrix completion bandit (MCB), where the expected reward under each option is characterized by an unknown low-rank matrix
  • The researchers explore the ε-greedy bandit and online gradient descent algorithms, studying policy learning and regret performance under different exploration probabilities and step sizes
  • An online debiasing method based on inverse propensity weighting (IPW) and a general framework for online policy inference are investigated
  • The methods are applied to the San Francisco parking pricing project data, revealing insights and outperforming the benchmark policy

Plain English Explanation

Making good decisions online can be tricky when the available information is limited and unrelated to past data. In this research, the authors tackle this challenge by framing the problem as a matrix completion bandit. This means they model the expected reward for each possible decision as an unknown low-rank matrix, which they then try to learn.

The researchers explore two algorithms: the ε-greedy bandit and online gradient descent. These methods balance exploration (trying new options) and exploitation (using the best known option) in different ways, and the researchers study how the choice of exploration probability and step size affects the learning of the optimal policy and the overall regret (the difference between the rewards obtained and the maximum possible reward).

The paper also introduces an online debiasing method based on inverse propensity weighting. This helps correct for biases that can arise when the data used to learn the policy doesn't fully represent the true underlying distribution.

The researchers apply their methods to data from a San Francisco parking pricing project, and find that their approaches outperform the benchmark policy, providing useful insights into the problem.

Technical Explanation

The authors formulate the problem as a matrix completion bandit (MCB), where the expected reward under each arm (decision option) is characterized by an unknown low-rank matrix. This allows them to capture the sparse and orthogonal nature of the features, which can be challenging for traditional approaches.

They explore two algorithms: the ε-greedy bandit and the online gradient descent algorithm. The ε-greedy bandit balances exploration and exploitation by randomly selecting a new option with probability ε and choosing the currently best option with probability 1-ε. The online gradient descent algorithm updates the policy parameters using gradient descent on the observed rewards.

The researchers study the policy learning and regret performance of these algorithms under different schedules for the exploration probability ε and the step size. They find that a faster decaying exploration probability yields smaller regret but learns the optimal policy less accurately.

The paper also introduces an online debiasing method based on inverse propensity weighting (IPW). This corrects for biases in the data used to learn the policy, helping the algorithms converge to the true optimal policy. The IPW-based estimators are shown to be asymptotically normal under mild arm-optimality conditions.

The methods are evaluated on the San Francisco parking pricing project data, and the results reveal interesting insights and outperform the benchmark policy. The researchers demonstrate the practical applicability of their approach to real-world decision-making problems.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and theoretically sound approach to online decision-making in the face of sparse and orthogonal features. The use of the matrix completion bandit framework and the exploration of different algorithms, including the ε-greedy bandit and online gradient descent, provide a comprehensive understanding of the problem and the tradeoffs involved.

One potential limitation of the research is the assumption of a low-rank structure for the expected reward matrix. While this assumption may hold in certain applications, it may not be universally applicable, and relaxing this assumption could be an area for further investigation.

Additionally, the paper focuses on the asymptotic properties of the IPW-based estimators, but does not provide a detailed analysis of the finite-sample performance. Exploring the finite-sample behavior and the practical implications of the debiasing method could be an interesting direction for future work.

The application of the methods to the San Francisco parking pricing project data is a strength of the paper, as it demonstrates the real-world relevance and potential impact of the research. However, it would be valuable to see the methods applied to a wider range of decision-making problems to further validate their generalizability.

Overall, this paper makes a significant contribution to the field of online decision-making, particularly in situations where historical data may not be directly relevant to the current problem. The introduction of the matrix completion bandit framework and the exploration of various algorithms, along with the debiasing method, provide a solid foundation for further research and practical applications.


This research tackles the challenge of online decision-making when features are sparse and orthogonal to historical data, a common occurrence in many real-world scenarios. By formulating the problem as a matrix completion bandit, the authors develop a comprehensive framework for learning the optimal policy through collaborative filtering.

The exploration of the ε-greedy bandit and online gradient descent algorithms, along with the introduction of an online debiasing method based on inverse propensity weighting, provides valuable insights into the tradeoffs between exploration, exploitation, and bias correction. The application of these methods to the San Francisco parking pricing project data demonstrates their practical relevance and potential to outperform benchmark policies.

Overall, this research contributes to the growing body of work on contrastive UCB, trajectory-oriented policy optimization, and privacy-constrained policies, pushing the boundaries of online decision-making in the face of sparse and orthogonal data. The insights and methods presented in this paper have the potential to significantly impact a wide range of practical applications, from e-commerce to public policy.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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