Leveraging Ensemble Diversity for Robust Self-Training in the Presence of Sample Selection Bias






Published 4/4/2024 by Ambroise Odonnat, Vasilii Feofanov, Ievgen Redko



Self-training is a well-known approach for semi-supervised learning. It consists of iteratively assigning pseudo-labels to unlabeled data for which the model is confident and treating them as labeled examples. For neural networks, softmax prediction probabilities are often used as a confidence measure, although they are known to be overconfident, even for wrong predictions. This phenomenon is particularly intensified in the presence of sample selection bias, i.e., when data labeling is subject to some constraint. To address this issue, we propose a novel confidence measure, called $mathcal{T}$-similarity, built upon the prediction diversity of an ensemble of linear classifiers. We provide the theoretical analysis of our approach by studying stationary points and describing the relationship between the diversity of the individual members and their performance. We empirically demonstrate the benefit of our confidence measure for three different pseudo-labeling policies on classification datasets of various data modalities. The code is available at https://github.com/ambroiseodt/tsim.

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  • Self-training is a common approach for semi-supervised learning, where the model assigns "pseudo-labels" to unlabeled data it is confident about and then uses those as additional training examples.
  • However, neural networks are known to be overconfident in their predictions, especially when there is bias in the labeled data.
  • The paper proposes a new way to measure the model's confidence, called T-similarity, which looks at the diversity of an ensemble of simpler linear classifiers instead of just the neural network's softmax probabilities.
  • The authors provide theoretical analysis and show empirically that this new confidence measure can improve the performance of self-training on various classification tasks.

Plain English Explanation

Training machine learning models usually requires a lot of labeled data, which can be expensive and time-consuming to obtain. Semi-supervised learning is a way to get around this by also using unlabeled data to help train the model.

One popular semi-supervised technique is called self-training. With self-training, the model first makes predictions on the unlabeled data and then treats the predictions it's most confident about as if they were real labeled examples. The model then retrains on this "pseudo-labeled" data along with the original labeled data.

The problem is that neural network models, which are commonly used for this task, tend to be overconfident in their predictions, even when they're wrong. This overconfidence can lead to the model including incorrect pseudo-labels during self-training, which can actually hurt its performance.

The researchers in this paper propose a new way to measure the model's confidence, called T-similarity. Instead of just looking at the neural network's prediction probabilities, T-similarity looks at how diverse the predictions are from an ensemble of simpler linear models. The idea is that if those models disagree, the neural network shouldn't be too confident in its prediction.

Through both theoretical analysis and experiments on real-world datasets, the paper shows that this T-similarity confidence measure can lead to better performance in self-training compared to just using the neural network's own confidence scores. In other words, it helps the model be more cautious about which unlabeled examples it includes in the training process.

Technical Explanation

The key technical contribution of the paper is the introduction of a novel confidence measure called T-similarity. Whereas traditional self-training methods use the neural network's softmax prediction probabilities as a confidence score, the authors propose using the diversity of predictions from an ensemble of linear classifiers instead.

Specifically, the T-similarity of an unlabeled example is calculated as the average pairwise cosine similarity between the weight vectors of the linear classifiers in the ensemble. The intuition is that if the linear models disagree a lot on the example, then the neural network should not be very confident in its prediction for that example.

The authors provide a theoretical analysis of this T-similarity measure, studying its stationary points and the relationship between the diversity of the linear models and their individual performance. They show that maximizing the T-similarity encourages the linear models to specialize on different parts of the input space.

Empirically, the authors evaluate the proposed confidence measure on three different pseudo-labeling policies across a variety of classification datasets. They demonstrate that using T-similarity can lead to significant improvements in self-training performance compared to relying solely on the neural network's softmax probabilities.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the benefits of the T-similarity confidence measure, both from a theoretical and practical standpoint. The theoretical analysis provides useful insights into the properties of this new metric.

That said, the paper does not delve too deeply into the potential limitations or caveats of the approach. For example, the ensemble of linear models adds computational overhead compared to simply using the neural network's softmax probabilities. The authors also do not explore how the T-similarity measure might perform in settings with different types of data distributions or label noise.

Additionally, while the empirical results are promising, the paper could have provided more discussion on the failure cases or edge cases where the T-similarity approach might not be as effective. A more thorough analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the method would help readers better understand its real-world applicability.

Overall, the research represents a valuable contribution to the field of semi-supervised learning. The T-similarity concept is an innovative way to address the overconfidence issue in self-training, and the positive experimental results suggest it is a promising direction for further exploration and refinement.


This paper introduces a novel confidence measure called T-similarity that can improve the performance of self-training, a popular semi-supervised learning technique. By looking at the diversity of predictions from an ensemble of linear classifiers, rather than just the neural network's own confidence scores, the T-similarity approach helps the model be more cautious about which unlabeled examples to include in the training process.

The theoretical analysis and empirical results demonstrate the benefits of this new confidence measure across a range of classification tasks. While the paper does not extensively cover the potential limitations of the method, it represents an important step forward in addressing the overconfidence problem in self-training.

As machine learning models continue to be applied to real-world problems with limited labeled data, innovations like the T-similarity approach will become increasingly valuable. This research highlights the importance of developing robust confidence measures to ensure the reliability and safety of semi-supervised learning systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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