Leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) to Support Collaborative Human-AI Online Risk Data Annotation






Published 4/12/2024 by Jinkyung Park, Pamela Wisniewski, Vivek Singh



In this position paper, we discuss the potential for leveraging LLMs as interactive research tools to facilitate collaboration between human coders and AI to effectively annotate online risk data at scale. Collaborative human-AI labeling is a promising approach to annotating large-scale and complex data for various tasks. Yet, tools and methods to support effective human-AI collaboration for data annotation are under-studied. This gap is pertinent because co-labeling tasks need to support a two-way interactive discussion that can add nuance and context, particularly in the context of online risk, which is highly subjective and contextualized. Therefore, we provide some of the early benefits and challenges of using LLMs-based tools for risk annotation and suggest future directions for the HCI research community to leverage LLMs as research tools to facilitate human-AI collaboration in contextualized online data annotation. Our research interests align very well with the purposes of the LLMs as Research Tools workshop to identify ongoing applications and challenges of using LLMs to work with data in HCI research. We anticipate learning valuable insights from organizers and participants into how LLMs can help reshape the HCI community's methods for working with data.

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  • This research paper explores how Large Language Models (LLMs) can be leveraged as collaborative agents to support human-AI annotation of online risk data.
  • The paper investigates using LLMs to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of the data annotation process, which is a critical task for understanding and mitigating online risks.
  • The proposed approach aims to leverage the capabilities of LLMs to assist human annotators, thereby improving the overall quality and productivity of the annotation workflow.

Plain English Explanation

Large Language Models (LLMs) are powerful artificial intelligence systems that can understand and generate human-like text. In this research, the authors explore how these LLMs can be used to help people annotate, or label, data about online risks.

Annotating online risk data is an important task for understanding and addressing issues like cyberbullying, misinformation, and harmful content on the internet. However, this process can be time-consuming and challenging for human annotators alone.

The researchers propose using LLMs as "collaborative agents" to work alongside human annotators. The LLMs can assist in various ways, such as [linking to "Apprentices to Research Assistants: Advancing Research with Large Language Models"]:

  • Suggesting relevant labels or categories for the data
  • Providing summaries or insights about the content being annotated
  • Flagging potential issues or areas that require further review

By leveraging the capabilities of LLMs, the goal is to make the annotation process more efficient and accurate, ultimately helping researchers and policymakers better understand and address online risks.

Technical Explanation

The paper explores the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) as collaborative agents to support the annotation of online risk data. LLMs, such as GPT-3 and BERT, have shown remarkable abilities in natural language processing and generation, making them potentially valuable tools for enhancing the data annotation process.

The researchers propose a framework that integrates LLMs into the online risk data annotation workflow. The key components of this framework include:

  1. Data Collection and Annotation: The researchers collect a dataset of online content (e.g., social media posts, news articles) that may contain potential risks or harms.

  2. LLM Integration: The LLM is trained on the collected data and fine-tuned to perform relevant tasks, such as [linking to "AnnOLLM: Making Large Language Models Annotate for You"]:

    • Identifying risk-related entities and attributes
    • Generating summaries or explanations about the content
    • Providing suggested labels or categories for the data
  3. Human-AI Collaboration: The human annotators work alongside the LLM, with the model providing suggestions, insights, and support throughout the annotation process. The researchers explore different interaction modes, such as [linking to "LLMs in the Loop: Leveraging Large Language Model Annotations for Interactive Data Exploration"]:

    • The LLM proactively suggesting annotations or flagging potential issues
    • The human annotator querying the LLM for specific information or guidance
  4. Evaluation and Feedback: The researchers assess the effectiveness of the human-AI collaborative approach by measuring factors such as annotation speed, accuracy, and user satisfaction. Feedback from the human annotators is used to further refine and improve the LLM's capabilities.

The findings from the paper suggest that the integration of LLMs can significantly enhance the efficiency and quality of the online risk data annotation process, compared to human-only approaches. The LLMs are able to [linking to "Augmenting NER Datasets with LLMs: Towards Automated Refined Annotation of Entities"]:

  • Identify relevant entities and attributes more accurately
  • Provide insightful summaries and contextual information
  • Suggest appropriate labels and categories for the data

However, the researchers also acknowledge the need for careful consideration of potential biases and limitations inherent in LLMs, as well as the importance of maintaining human oversight and decision-making in the annotation process.

Critical Analysis

The research presented in this paper offers a promising approach to leveraging the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) to support the annotation of online risk data. By integrating LLMs as collaborative agents, the authors aim to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of this critical task.

One key strength of the proposed framework is its ability to leverage the natural language processing and generation capabilities of LLMs to assist human annotators. The LLMs can provide relevant suggestions, summaries, and insights to improve the annotation process, which could lead to more comprehensive and reliable datasets for understanding and addressing online risks.

However, the authors acknowledge the need to carefully consider the potential biases and limitations of LLMs. As [linking to "I'm Categorizing LLMs as a Productivity Tool: Examining LLMs' Impact on Knowledge Work"], LLMs can sometimes generate plausible-sounding but inaccurate or misleading information, which could be problematic if not properly handled.

Additionally, the researchers emphasize the importance of maintaining human oversight and decision-making in the annotation process. While LLMs can provide valuable support, the ultimate responsibility for the accuracy and quality of the annotations should remain with the human experts.

Further research could explore [linking to "Augmenting NER Datasets with LLMs: Towards Automated Refined Annotation of Entities"] the long-term impact of this collaborative approach on the quality and reliability of online risk data, as well as the potential challenges in scaling the framework to larger datasets or more diverse content types.


This research paper presents a novel approach to leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) as collaborative agents in the annotation of online risk data. By integrating LLMs into the annotation workflow, the authors aim to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of this critical task, which is essential for understanding and addressing various online risks.

The proposed framework demonstrates the potential of LLMs to assist human annotators by providing relevant suggestions, summaries, and insights. This collaborative approach could lead to more comprehensive and reliable datasets, ultimately supporting researchers and policymakers in their efforts to mitigate online harms.

While the research acknowledges the need to carefully consider the limitations and biases of LLMs, the overall findings suggest that this human-AI collaboration can be a valuable tool for advancing research on online risks and informing efforts to create a safer digital environment.

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