Local and global topological complexity measures OF ReLU neural network functions






Published 4/3/2024 by J. Elisenda Grigsby, Kathryn Lindsey, Marissa Masden



We apply a generalized piecewise-linear (PL) version of Morse theory due to Grunert-Kuhnel-Rote to define and study new local and global notions of topological complexity for fully-connected feedforward ReLU neural network functions, F: R^n -> R. Along the way, we show how to construct, for each such F, a canonical polytopal complex K(F) and a deformation retract of the domain onto K(F), yielding a convenient compact model for performing calculations. We also give a construction showing that local complexity can be arbitrarily high.

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  • Researchers applied a type of mathematical theory called Morse theory to study the complexity of fully-connected feedforward neural networks with ReLU activation functions.
  • They were able to construct a special geometric structure called a polytopal complex that captures the topological properties of these neural networks.
  • This allows them to quantify and analyze the local and global complexity of these neural network functions.
  • The researchers also showed that the local complexity can be made arbitrarily high.

Plain English Explanation

Neural networks are a powerful type of machine learning model that can learn to perform all sorts of useful tasks. At their core, neural networks are just mathematical functions that map input data to output predictions. But the structure of these functions can be incredibly complex, with many twists and turns.

The researchers in this paper wanted to better understand and quantify this complexity. They used an advanced branch of mathematics called Morse theory to study the topological structure of neural network functions. This allowed them to define new measures of local and global complexity for these functions.

Intuitively, the local complexity refers to how much the function "wiggles" or changes rapidly in a small region of the input space. The global complexity refers to the overall shape and interconnectedness of the function across the entire input space.

By constructing a special geometric representation of the neural network function, called a polytopal complex, the researchers were able to rigorously analyze these complexity measures. They showed that for certain neural networks, the local complexity can be made arbitrarily high - meaning the function can "wiggle" as much as you want in certain regions.

This work gives us a deeper mathematical understanding of the rich structure inside neural networks, which could lead to better ways of designing, interpreting, and reasoning about these powerful machine learning models.

Technical Explanation

The core technical contribution of this paper is the application of generalized piecewise-linear (PL) Morse theory to the study of fully-connected feedforward ReLU neural network functions, F: R^n -> R.

Morse theory is a branch of mathematics that links the critical points of a function to the topological properties of the underlying space. The researchers used a PL version of Morse theory developed by Grunert, Kuhnel, and Rote to define new local and global notions of complexity for neural network functions.

Specifically, for each neural network function F, the authors construct a canonical polytopal complex K(F) that captures the topological structure of F. They show that the domain of F can be deformation retracted onto K(F), allowing computations on F to be performed on this more compact geometric model.

The local complexity of F is then defined in terms of the number and structure of the cells in K(F). The global complexity is related to the overall connectivity and clustering of these cells. Crucially, the authors provide a construction showing that the local complexity can be made arbitrarily high, even for simple neural network architectures.

This work demonstrates the power of applying advanced mathematical tools like Morse theory to gain deeper insights into the intricate structures underlying neural network functions. The polytopal complex representation provides a convenient framework for analyzing and reasoning about neural network complexity.

Critical Analysis

The main strength of this research is the rigorous mathematical foundation it provides for studying the complexity of neural network functions. By grounding the analysis in Morse theory, the authors are able to define precise notions of local and global complexity that are well-defined and mathematically sound.

That said, the technical nature of the Morse theory concepts may limit the accessibility of this work to a general audience. The paper assumes a fairly advanced mathematical background, which could make it challenging for some readers to fully appreciate the significance of the results.

Additionally, while the paper demonstrates that local complexity can be arbitrarily high, it does not directly address the practical implications of this finding. It remains to be seen how this theoretical result translates to the behavior of neural networks in real-world applications and whether high local complexity is necessarily problematic or beneficial.

Further research could explore the connections between the mathematical complexity measures defined here and the empirical performance and interpretability of neural networks. Investigating how these complexity measures vary across different neural network architectures and tasks would also be a fruitful area of study.


This paper presents a novel application of Morse theory to the analysis of fully-connected feedforward ReLU neural network functions. By constructing a polytopal complex representation of these functions, the researchers were able to rigorously define and study new local and global complexity measures.

The key insight is that neural network functions can exhibit remarkably complex topological structure, with the local complexity being arbitrarily high in certain cases. This work provides a deeper mathematical understanding of the rich inner workings of neural networks, which could lead to improved methods for designing, interpreting, and reasoning about these powerful machine learning models.

While the technical nature of the mathematical concepts may limit the immediate accessibility of these results, the broader significance lies in the potential for such advanced analytical tools to unlock new perspectives on the fundamental properties of neural networks. As the field of machine learning continues to evolve, research like this will be crucial for building a more comprehensive and principled understanding of these remarkable computational systems.

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