Matching Problems to Solutions: An Explainable Way of Solving Machine Learning Problems






Published 6/26/2024 by Lokman Saleh, Hafedh Mili, Mounir Boukadoum
Matching Problems to Solutions: An Explainable Way of Solving Machine Learning Problems


Domain experts from all fields are called upon, working with data scientists, to explore the use of ML techniques to solve their problems. Starting from a domain problem/question, ML-based problem-solving typically involves three steps: (1) formulating the business problem (problem domain) as a data analysis problem (solution domain), (2) sketching a high-level ML-based solution pattern, given the domain requirements and the properties of the available data, and (3) designing and refining the different components of the solution pattern. There has to be a substantial body of ML problem solving knowledge that ML researchers agree on, and that ML practitioners routinely apply to solve the most common problems. Our work deals with capturing this body of knowledge, and embodying it in a ML problem solving workbench to helps domain specialists who are not ML experts to explore the ML solution space. This paper focuses on: 1) the representation of domain problems, ML problems, and the main ML solution artefacts, and 2) a heuristic matching function that helps identify the ML algorithm family that is most appropriate for the domain problem at hand, given the domain (expert) requirements, and the characteristics of the training data. We review related work and outline our strategy for validating the workbench

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  • The paper "Matching Problems to Solutions: An Explainable Way of Solving Machine Learning Problems" proposes a new approach to solving machine learning problems.
  • The authors introduce a "ML-based Problem Solving Workbench" that aims to help users match their machine learning problems to appropriate solutions.
  • The workbench leverages natural language processing and machine learning to provide explanations and recommendations for solving various ML problems.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new way to tackle machine learning (ML) problems. The key idea is to build a "workbench" that can help users figure out the best way to solve their particular ML problem. This workbench uses natural language processing and machine learning techniques to analyze the problem description provided by the user and then suggest relevant solutions.

The motivation behind this approach is to make ML more accessible and explainable. Often, choosing the right ML algorithm or technique for a given problem can be challenging, even for experienced practitioners. The workbench aims to bridge this gap by automatically matching the problem to the appropriate solution, and also explaining why that solution is recommended.

For example, if a user has a dataset and wants to build a predictive model, the workbench could analyze the data, problem statement, and desired outcomes. Based on this, it might recommend using a supervised learning algorithm like linear regression or random forests, and provide an explanation of why that solution is well-suited. The workbench could also suggest preprocessing steps, feature engineering, and model tuning to optimize the performance.

The goal is to make ML more accessible and interpretable, allowing users to focus on the problem they're trying to solve rather than getting bogged down in the technical details of implementing a solution. By bridging the gap between problem and solution, the workbench aims to empower a broader range of users to leverage the power of machine learning.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a "ML-based Problem Solving Workbench" that aims to help users match their machine learning problems to appropriate solutions. The key components of this workbench include:

  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP): The workbench uses NLP techniques to analyze the user's problem description in natural language. This allows it to extract relevant information about the problem, such as the type of data, the desired outcome, and the constraints.

  2. Machine Learning Models: The workbench contains a library of pre-trained ML models that can be applied to different types of problems. These models are used to match the user's problem to the most suitable solution.

  3. Explainable AI: The workbench not only provides a recommended solution, but also explains why that solution is appropriate. This is achieved through the use of interpretable machine learning techniques that can generate human-readable explanations for the model's decisions.

The authors describe the architecture and workflow of the workbench in detail. First, the user provides a natural language description of their problem. The NLP module then processes this input and extracts relevant features. These features are then used to query the library of pre-trained ML models, which are ranked based on their suitability for the given problem.

The top-ranked solution is then presented to the user, along with an explanation of why it was chosen. This explanation is generated by the Explainable AI module, which analyzes the inner workings of the ML model and translates its decision-making process into a human-understandable format.

The authors also discuss the potential benefits of this approach, such as increased accessibility of ML for non-experts, faster problem-solving, and the ability to explore a wider range of solutions. They also acknowledge some limitations, such as the need for a comprehensive library of pre-trained models and the potential for biases in the NLP and ML components.

Critical Analysis

The proposed "ML-based Problem Solving Workbench" is an intriguing approach to making machine learning more accessible and interpretable. By automating the process of matching problems to solutions and providing explanations, the workbench has the potential to lower the barriers to entry for using ML, especially for non-expert users.

One of the key strengths of the workbench is its use of Explainable AI techniques to generate human-readable justifications for the recommended solutions. This can help users understand the reasoning behind the suggestions, which is crucial for building trust and ensuring that the solutions are appropriate for their specific needs.

However, the authors acknowledge that the success of the workbench relies heavily on the quality and comprehensiveness of the pre-trained ML models in its library. If the library is limited or biased, the workbench may not be able to provide suitable recommendations for a wide range of problems. Additionally, the NLP module's ability to accurately extract relevant features from the problem description is crucial, and any shortcomings in this area could lead to suboptimal matches.

Further research could explore ways to dynamically expand the model library, perhaps by leveraging techniques for learning alternative ways of performing a task or eliciting problem specifications from large language models. Investigating how to make the NLP module more robust and adaptable to various problem domains would also be valuable.

Additionally, the authors could consider ways to integrate the workbench with existing ML engineering processes and to explore opportunities for using machine learning in scientific discovery, which may further enhance the workbench's usefulness and impact.


The "Matching Problems to Solutions" paper presents a novel approach to making machine learning more accessible and explainable. The proposed "ML-based Problem Solving Workbench" aims to bridge the gap between problem and solution by automatically matching user problems to appropriate ML techniques and providing human-readable explanations.

This workbench has the potential to empower a broader range of users to leverage the power of machine learning, without the need for extensive technical expertise. By simplifying the problem-solving process and making the reasoning behind recommendations transparent, the workbench could contribute to the ongoing efforts to make machine learning more interpretable and trustworthy.

While the workbench faces some challenges, such as the need for a comprehensive model library and robust NLP capabilities, the authors have outlined a compelling vision for a more accessible and explainable approach to machine learning problem-solving. Further research and development in this direction could yield valuable insights and tools for the broader ML community.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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