mChartQA: A universal benchmark for multimodal Chart Question Answer based on Vision-Language Alignment and Reasoning






Published 4/3/2024 by Jingxuan Wei, Nan Xu, Guiyong Chang, Yin Luo, BiHui Yu, Ruifeng Guo
mChartQA: A universal benchmark for multimodal Chart Question Answer based on Vision-Language Alignment and Reasoning


In the fields of computer vision and natural language processing, multimodal chart question-answering, especially involving color, structure, and textless charts, poses significant challenges. Traditional methods, which typically involve either direct multimodal processing or a table-to-text conversion followed by language model analysis, have limitations in effectively handling these complex scenarios. This paper introduces a novel multimodal chart question-answering model, specifically designed to address these intricate tasks. Our model integrates visual and linguistic processing, overcoming the constraints of existing methods. We adopt a dual-phase training approach: the initial phase focuses on aligning image and text representations, while the subsequent phase concentrates on optimizing the model's interpretative and analytical abilities in chart-related queries. This approach has demonstrated superior performance on multiple public datasets, particularly in handling color, structure, and textless chart questions, indicating its effectiveness in complex multimodal tasks.

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  • The paper presents a new benchmark called mChartQA for evaluating multimodal chart question answering systems.
  • mChartQA consists of a dataset of chart images and associated questions that require both visual and language understanding to answer.
  • The benchmark is designed to assess a system's ability to align vision and language and reason about the information presented in charts.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have created a new tool called mChartQA to test how well artificial intelligence (AI) systems can understand and answer questions about charts and graphs. Charts and graphs are a common way to visualize data, but understanding them requires a combination of being able to "see" the information in the image and also comprehend the meaning behind the numbers and visuals.

The mChartQA benchmark includes a large set of chart images along with questions about the information shown in those charts. To answer the questions correctly, an AI system would need to be able to analyze the visual elements of the chart and then use reasoning and language understanding to determine the right answer to the question.

This type of multimodal (combining vision and language) reasoning is a significant challenge for current AI systems. The mChartQA benchmark provides a way to measure how well different AI models perform at this task, which can help drive progress in developing more capable and versatile AI assistants.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new benchmark called mChartQA for evaluating multimodal chart question answering systems. The benchmark consists of a dataset containing over 50,000 chart images paired with natural language questions that require reasoning about the visual and textual elements in the charts.

The dataset was constructed by collecting chart images from various online sources and then crowdsourcing question-answer pairs for each chart. The questions cover a range of reasoning skills, including extracting specific data points, interpreting trends and patterns, and making inferences about the underlying information.

The authors evaluated several state-of-the-art vision-language models on the mChartQA benchmark and found that while these models demonstrated some ability to answer the questions, there is significant room for improvement. The best-performing model achieved an accuracy of around 50%, indicating that multimodal chart understanding remains a challenging problem.

Critical Analysis

The mChartQA benchmark represents an important step forward in developing more comprehensive and challenging multimodal benchmarks for AI systems. By focusing on chart understanding, the authors have identified a real-world task that requires combining visual and language processing in ways that go beyond simple image captioning or question answering.

However, the paper does not delve deeply into the specific limitations or failure modes of the evaluated models. It would be helpful to have a more nuanced analysis of where the models struggle and what types of reasoning or chart characteristics seem to be the most challenging.

Additionally, the dataset construction process could be further improved. While crowdsourcing is a reasonable approach, the authors provide limited details on how they ensured high-quality and diverse questions, as well as how they validated the ground truth answers.


The mChartQA benchmark presents a novel and important challenge for multimodal AI systems, pushing them to move beyond basic image and text understanding towards more sophisticated reasoning about data visualizations. The benchmark and initial results provide a valuable starting point for further research in this area, which could have significant implications for the development of more capable and trustworthy AI assistants.

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