Multi-intention Inverse Q-learning for Interpretable Behavior Representation






Published 6/21/2024 by Hao Zhu, Brice De La Crompe, Gabriel Kalweit, Artur Schneider, Maria Kalweit, Ilka Diester, Joschka Boedecker
Multi-intention Inverse Q-learning for Interpretable Behavior Representation


In advancing the understanding of natural decision-making processes, inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) methods have proven instrumental in reconstructing animal's intentions underlying complex behaviors. Given the recent development of a continuous-time multi-intention IRL framework, there has been persistent inquiry into inferring discrete time-varying rewards with IRL. To address this challenge, we introduce the class of hierarchical inverse Q-learning (HIQL) algorithms. Through an unsupervised learning process, HIQL divides expert trajectories into multiple intention segments, and solves the IRL problem independently for each. Applying HIQL to simulated experiments and several real animal behavior datasets, our approach outperforms current benchmarks in behavior prediction and produces interpretable reward functions. Our results suggest that the intention transition dynamics underlying complex decision-making behavior is better modeled by a step function instead of a smoothly varying function. This advancement holds promise for neuroscience and cognitive science, contributing to a deeper understanding of decision-making and uncovering underlying brain mechanisms.

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  • This paper presents L(M)V-IQL, a novel approach to inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) that can handle multiple intentions in animal behavior characterization.
  • The method uses a variational inference framework to learn a distribution over reward functions that captures the diverse goals and preferences of the animal.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of L(M)V-IQL on several simulated and real-world animal behavior datasets, showing its ability to outperform existing IRL techniques.

Plain English Explanation

The paper is about a new machine learning technique called L(M)V-IQL that can be used to study animal behavior. When animals interact with their environment, they are often trying to achieve multiple goals or "intentions" at the same time. For example, a bird might be trying to both find food and avoid predators.

Inverse reinforcement learning is a way to try to infer what the animal's goals or intentions are based on observing its behavior. L(M)V-IQL builds on this idea, but allows for the possibility that the animal has multiple, potentially conflicting intentions.

The key insight behind L(M)V-IQL is to use a statistical technique called variational inference to learn a distribution over possible reward functions that the animal might be trying to maximize. This distribution captures the diversity of the animal's goals and preferences.

The authors test their method on both simulated animal behavior data as well as real-world datasets, and show that L(M)V-IQL outperforms existing inverse reinforcement learning techniques. This suggests that explicitly modeling multiple intentions is an important consideration when trying to understand animal behavior.

Technical Explanation

The core of the L(M)V-IQL method is a variational inference framework that learns a distribution over possible reward functions that an animal might be maximizing. This allows the model to capture the fact that animals may have multiple, potentially conflicting intentions when interacting with their environment.

Formally, L(M)V-IQL assumes that the animal's behavior is generated by a Markov decision process, where the agent (the animal) takes actions to maximize some unknown reward function. The authors use a variational autoencoder-like architecture to learn a distribution over these reward functions.

The key components are:

  1. An intention encoder that maps observed state-action trajectories to a distribution over latent "intention" variables.
  2. A reward decoder that maps these latent intentions to a distribution over possible reward functions.
  3. A policy decoder that maps the inferred reward function to a distribution over actions the animal will take.

By training this model end-to-end, the authors are able to learn a rich distribution over the animal's possible intentions and the corresponding reward functions that capture those intentions. This allows L(M)V-IQL to outperform prior single-intention IRL methods on a variety of animal behavior datasets.

The authors also show that the learned reward function distribution has desirable properties, such as converging to the true reward function as more data is observed, and being amenable to hybrid IRL approaches that combine inverse and regular reinforcement learning.

Critical Analysis

One potential limitation of the L(M)V-IQL approach is that it assumes the animal's behavior is Markovian, meaning their actions only depend on the current state and not the full history. This may not always be the case, especially for more complex animal behaviors.

Additionally, the authors only evaluate their method on relatively simple simulated tasks and a few real-world animal datasets. It would be helpful to see how well L(M)V-IQL scales to larger, more challenging scenarios where the animals have a richer set of possible intentions and behaviors.

That said, the core idea of using variational inference to model a distribution over reward functions is promising, and the authors provide a solid theoretical and empirical foundation for this approach. Explicitly accounting for multiple intentions is an important step forward in inverse reinforcement learning for animal behavior analysis.


This paper presents L(M)V-IQL, a novel inverse reinforcement learning method that can handle multiple, potentially conflicting intentions when modeling animal behavior. By using a variational inference framework, the authors are able to learn a rich distribution over possible reward functions that capture the diverse goals and preferences of the animals.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of L(M)V-IQL on both simulated and real-world datasets, showing that it outperforms existing single-intention IRL techniques. This suggests that explicitly modeling multiple intentions is a crucial consideration when trying to understand and characterize animal behavior using machine learning.

Overall, this work represents an important contribution to the field of inverse reinforcement learning, with potential applications in ethology, ecology, and other areas where analyzing animal behavior is of interest.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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