Multi-scale Attention Network for Single Image Super-Resolution






Published 4/16/2024 by Yan Wang, Yusen Li, Gang Wang, Xiaoguang Liu



ConvNets can compete with transformers in high-level tasks by exploiting larger receptive fields. To unleash the potential of ConvNet in super-resolution, we propose a multi-scale attention network (MAN), by coupling classical multi-scale mechanism with emerging large kernel attention. In particular, we proposed multi-scale large kernel attention (MLKA) and gated spatial attention unit (GSAU). Through our MLKA, we modify large kernel attention with multi-scale and gate schemes to obtain the abundant attention map at various granularity levels, thereby aggregating global and local information and avoiding potential blocking artifacts. In GSAU, we integrate gate mechanism and spatial attention to remove the unnecessary linear layer and aggregate informative spatial context. To confirm the effectiveness of our designs, we evaluate MAN with multiple complexities by simply stacking different numbers of MLKA and GSAU. Experimental results illustrate that our MAN can perform on par with SwinIR and achieve varied trade-offs between state-of-the-art performance and computations.

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  • Convolutional neural networks (ConvNets) can compete with transformers in high-level tasks by leveraging larger receptive fields.
  • To unlock the potential of ConvNets for super-resolution, the authors propose a multi-scale attention network (MAN).
  • MAN combines classical multi-scale mechanisms with large kernel attention to capture global and local information effectively.
  • Key components of MAN include multi-scale large kernel attention (MLKA) and a gated spatial attention unit (GSAU).

Plain English Explanation

The paper explores how convolutional neural networks (ConvNets) can compete with transformer models in high-level tasks. The key insight is that ConvNets can leverage their larger receptive fields to their advantage.

To harness the power of ConvNets for the task of super-resolution, the authors introduce a new model called the multi-scale attention network (MAN). MAN combines two key ideas: the classic multi-scale approach and the more recent large kernel attention mechanism.

The multi-scale aspect allows MAN to capture information at different levels of granularity, from global to local. The large kernel attention helps MAN aggregate this information effectively, avoiding potential blocking artifacts that can occur with traditional approaches.

MAN incorporates two novel components to achieve this. The first is multi-scale large kernel attention (MLKA), which modifies the large kernel attention with multi-scale and gating schemes. This allows MLKA to generate abundant attention maps at various levels of detail, enabling it to combine global and local information.

The second component is the gated spatial attention unit (GSAU), which integrates a gating mechanism and spatial attention. This helps GSAU remove unnecessary linear layers and better aggregate informative spatial context.

By stacking different numbers of MLKA and GSAU units, the authors can create MAN models with varying complexities, allowing for a range of performance and computational trade-offs. The experimental results show that MAN can perform on par with state-of-the-art models like SwinIR while offering flexible performance-cost options.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation of this work is the multi-scale attention network (MAN), which aims to leverage the strengths of ConvNets to compete with transformers in high-level tasks. The authors observe that ConvNets can exploit their larger receptive fields to their advantage, and they propose MAN to unleash the potential of ConvNets for the task of super-resolution.

MAN combines classical multi-scale mechanisms with the emerging large kernel attention approach. Specifically, the authors introduce two novel components:

  1. Multi-scale Large Kernel Attention (MLKA): This module modifies the large kernel attention with multi-scale and gating schemes. This allows MLKA to generate abundant attention maps at various levels of granularity, enabling it to aggregate both global and local information while avoiding potential blocking artifacts.

  2. Gated Spatial Attention Unit (GSAU): This unit integrates a gating mechanism and spatial attention to remove unnecessary linear layers and better aggregate informative spatial context.

By stacking different numbers of MLKA and GSAU units, the authors can create MAN models with varying complexities, allowing for a range of performance and computational trade-offs. The experimental results demonstrate that MAN can perform on par with state-of-the-art models like SwinIR and ESPCN while offering flexible performance-cost options.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed approach to leveraging the strengths of ConvNets for high-level tasks, particularly in the domain of super-resolution. The authors' insights on exploiting larger receptive fields and combining multi-scale mechanisms with large kernel attention are compelling.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations or areas for further research. For example, it would be interesting to understand how MAN compares to other recent transformer-based or hybrid approaches for super-resolution. Additionally, the paper could have explored the generalization of MAN to other high-level tasks beyond super-resolution.

Nevertheless, the authors have presented a novel and promising approach that demonstrates the potential of ConvNets to compete with transformers in complex computer vision tasks. Further research and refinement of MAN could lead to even more efficient and effective solutions for high-level vision problems.


This paper introduces the multi-scale attention network (MAN), a novel ConvNet-based architecture that can compete with transformer models in high-level tasks by leveraging larger receptive fields. MAN combines classical multi-scale mechanisms with large kernel attention to capture global and local information effectively, as demonstrated by its strong performance in super-resolution tasks.

The key innovations of MAN are the multi-scale large kernel attention (MLKA) module and the gated spatial attention unit (GSAU), which work together to enable flexible performance-cost trade-offs. By stacking these components, the authors can create MAN models with varying complexities to suit different application requirements.

The results show that MAN can achieve state-of-the-art performance in super-resolution while offering a range of computational budgets, highlighting the potential of ConvNets to excel in high-level computer vision tasks. This work contributes to the ongoing exploration of efficient and effective neural network architectures for complex visual understanding problems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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