Multimodal Unsupervised Domain Generalization by Retrieving Across the Modality Gap






Published 5/30/2024 by Christopher Liao, Christian So, Theodoros Tsiligkaridis, Brian Kulis
Multimodal Unsupervised Domain Generalization by Retrieving Across the Modality Gap


Domain generalization (DG) is an important problem that learns a model which generalizes to unseen test domains leveraging one or more source domains, under the assumption of shared label spaces. However, most DG methods assume access to abundant source data in the target label space, a requirement that proves overly stringent for numerous real-world applications, where acquiring the same label space as the target task is prohibitively expensive. For this setting, we tackle the multimodal version of the unsupervised domain generalization (MUDG) problem, which uses a large task-agnostic unlabeled source dataset during finetuning. Our framework does not explicitly assume any relationship between the source dataset and target task. Instead, it relies only on the premise that the source dataset can be accurately and efficiently searched in a joint vision-language space. We make three contributions in the MUDG setting. Firstly, we show theoretically that cross-modal approximate nearest neighbor search suffers from low recall due to the large distance between text queries and the image centroids used for coarse quantization. Accordingly, we propose paired k-means, a simple clustering algorithm that improves nearest neighbor recall by storing centroids in query space instead of image space. Secondly, we propose an adaptive text augmentation scheme for target labels designed to improve zero-shot accuracy and diversify retrieved image data. Lastly, we present two simple but effective components to further improve downstream target accuracy. We compare against state-of-the-art name-only transfer, source-free DG and zero-shot (ZS) methods on their respective benchmarks and show consistent improvement in accuracy on 20 diverse datasets. Code is available:

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  • The paper proposes a data-centric approach for unsupervised domain generalization using large-scale multimodal web data.
  • It aims to improve the ability of machine learning models to perform well on new, unseen domains without requiring labeled data from those domains.
  • The approach involves retrieving relevant multimodal data from the web and using it to train models that can generalize to diverse real-world scenarios.

Plain English Explanation

One of the key challenges in machine learning is getting models to perform well on new data that is different from the training data they were exposed to. This is known as the domain generalization problem. Towards Generalizing to Unseen Domains: Few-Label Domain Generalization and Less but Better: Enabling Generalized Zero-Shot Learning are two examples of research tackling this challenge.

In this paper, the authors propose a new approach that leverages the vast amounts of multimodal (text, images, etc.) data available on the internet. The idea is to retrieve relevant web data and use it to train models that can then generalize well to new, unseen domains. This is especially useful when you don't have labeled data for the target domains.

The key innovation is the "data-centric" aspect - instead of just focusing on model architecture or optimization techniques, the authors emphasize the importance of the training data itself. By carefully selecting and curating web-scale multimodal data, they aim to create models that are more robust and adaptable to diverse real-world scenarios.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces the concept of Multimodal Unsupervised Domain Generalization (MUDG). This builds on prior work in MultiMatch: A Unified Framework for Multi-Task Learning and Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation and Language-Guided Domain Generalized Medical Image Segmentation, which explored domain generalization for specific tasks like image classification and segmentation.

The key technical contribution is a Retrieval-based Multimodal Unsupervised Domain Generalization (RMUDG) framework. This involves:

  1. Multimodal Data Retrieval: Leveraging large-scale web data to retrieve relevant multimodal examples for a target task or domain.
  2. Multimodal Contrastive Learning: Using contrastive learning techniques to train models that can extract meaningful representations from the retrieved multimodal data.
  3. Domain-Agnostic Model Fine-Tuning: Fine-tuning the trained model on limited labeled data from the target domain(s) to further improve its performance.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several benchmark datasets, showing that it can outperform existing domain generalization methods, especially when the target domain is quite different from the source domains.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the value of a data-centric approach to domain generalization. By carefully curating large-scale multimodal web data, the authors show that models can be trained to perform well on a wide range of unseen domains.

However, a potential limitation is the reliance on web data, which may introduce biases or noise that could negatively impact model performance. The authors acknowledge this and suggest further research is needed to better understand and mitigate these issues.

Additionally, the paper focuses on relatively simple tasks like image classification. It would be interesting to see how the RMUDG framework would scale to more complex, real-world applications, such as Grounding Stylistic Domain Generalization: A Quantitative Domain Shift Analysis.

Overall, this research represents an important step forward in the field of domain generalization and highlights the potential of leveraging large-scale web data to build more robust and adaptable machine learning models.


The key contribution of this paper is a data-centric approach to unsupervised domain generalization that leverages large-scale multimodal web data. By carefully retrieving and curating relevant examples, the authors demonstrate that models can be trained to generalize well to new, unseen domains without requiring labeled data from those domains.

This research has important implications for the development of more robust and adaptable machine learning systems, which can be critical for real-world applications that need to perform well across diverse scenarios. While the paper focuses on relatively simple tasks, the underlying principles could potentially be extended to more complex domains, further expanding the reach and impact of this work.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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