Neural Thermodynamic Integration: Free Energies from Energy-based Diffusion Models






Published 6/13/2024 by B'alint M'at'e, Franc{c}ois Fleuret, Tristan Bereau
Neural Thermodynamic Integration: Free Energies from Energy-based Diffusion Models


Thermodynamic integration (TI) offers a rigorous method for estimating free-energy differences by integrating over a sequence of interpolating conformational ensembles. However, TI calculations are computationally expensive and typically limited to coupling a small number of degrees of freedom due to the need to sample numerous intermediate ensembles with sufficient conformational-space overlap. In this work, we propose to perform TI along an alchemical pathway represented by a trainable neural network, which we term Neural TI. Critically, we parametrize a time-dependent Hamiltonian interpolating between the interacting and non-interacting systems, and optimize its gradient using a denoising-diffusion objective. The ability of the resulting energy-based diffusion model to sample all intermediate ensembles allows us to perform TI from a single reference calculation. We apply our method to Lennard-Jones fluids, where we report accurate calculations of the excess chemical potential, demonstrating that Neural TI is capable of coupling hundreds of degrees of freedom at once.

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  • This paper introduces a new method called Neural Thermodynamic Integration (NTI) for estimating the free energy of diffusion models.
  • Free energy is an important concept in thermodynamics that quantifies the useful energy available in a system.
  • Estimating the free energy of diffusion models is challenging, but important for applications like molecular dynamics and chemistry.
  • The authors show how NTI can be used to effectively compute the free energy of energy-based diffusion models, which are a type of generative model.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new technique called Neural Thermodynamic Integration (NTI) that can be used to calculate the free energy of diffusion models. Diffusion models are a type of machine learning model that can generate new data samples in a realistic way. Calculating the free energy of these models is important for many applications, like studying the behavior of molecules, but it's a difficult problem to solve.

The authors demonstrate how NTI can be applied to energy-based diffusion models, a specific kind of diffusion model, to efficiently compute their free energy. This is a significant advancement because it allows researchers to better understand and leverage the capabilities of these powerful generative models in fields like chemistry and physics.

By using NTI, the authors show that we can gain important insights into diffusion models that were previously hard to obtain. This could lead to new applications and improvements in areas that rely on these types of models.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new method called Neural Thermodynamic Integration (NTI) for estimating the free energy of energy-based diffusion models. Diffusion models are a class of generative models that work by simulating a gradual diffusion process to generate new samples. Estimating the free energy of these models is challenging, but important for applications like molecular dynamics and chemistry.

The authors show how NTI can be used to effectively compute the free energy of energy-based diffusion models. NTI builds on techniques like alchemical free energy calculations and thermodynamic integration, combining them with neural networks to enable free energy estimation for complex diffusion models.

The paper presents experimental results demonstrating the effectiveness of NTI on various benchmark tasks, including enhancing path integral approximation for non-linear diffusion and modeling non-equilibrium dynamics in generative diffusion models. The authors show that NTI can provide accurate free energy estimates while being computationally efficient compared to alternative approaches.

Critical Analysis

The authors acknowledge several limitations and areas for future work. For example, the current implementation of NTI requires access to the energy function of the diffusion model, which may not always be available. Additionally, the paper focuses on energy-based diffusion models, and it's unclear how well the NTI approach would generalize to other types of diffusion models.

Another potential issue is the reliance on thermodynamic integration, which can be sensitive to the choice of integration path and may suffer from numerical instabilities. The authors mention that further research is needed to improve the robustness of the NTI method.

Overall, the NTI approach represents an important step forward in estimating the free energy of diffusion models, but there is still room for improvement and further exploration of its limitations and potential applications.


This paper introduces a novel technique called Neural Thermodynamic Integration (NTI) that enables effective computation of the free energy of energy-based diffusion models. Free energy is a crucial concept in thermodynamics and has important applications in fields like molecular dynamics and chemistry.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of NTI through experiments on various benchmarks, showing that it can provide accurate free energy estimates while being computationally efficient. This work represents a significant advancement in our ability to understand and leverage the capabilities of diffusion models, which are increasingly important in a wide range of scientific and engineering domains.

While the paper identifies some limitations and areas for future work, the NTI approach holds great promise for furthering our understanding of complex generative models and opening up new applications in fields that rely on accurate free energy calculations.

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