NewsQs: Multi-Source Question Generation for the Inquiring Mind






Published 6/18/2024 by Alyssa Hwang, Kalpit Dixit, Miguel Ballesteros, Yassine Benajiba, Vittorio Castelli, Markus Dreyer, Mohit Bansal, Kathleen McKeown
NewsQs: Multi-Source Question Generation for the Inquiring Mind


We present NewsQs (news-cues), a dataset that provides question-answer pairs for multiple news documents. To create NewsQs, we augment a traditional multi-document summarization dataset with questions automatically generated by a T5-Large model fine-tuned on FAQ-style news articles from the News On the Web corpus. We show that fine-tuning a model with control codes produces questions that are judged acceptable more often than the same model without them as measured through human evaluation. We use a QNLI model with high correlation with human annotations to filter our data. We release our final dataset of high-quality questions, answers, and document clusters as a resource for future work in query-based multi-document summarization.

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  • This paper introduces NewsQs, a system for generating multi-source questions about news articles.
  • NewsQs aims to help readers engage more deeply with news content by prompting them to think critically and ask their own questions.
  • The system draws information from multiple related articles to generate diverse, open-ended questions that go beyond the content of a single source.

Plain English Explanation

NewsQs is a tool that can generate thought-provoking questions about news articles. The idea is to help readers dig deeper into the news and develop their own inquiring mindset, rather than just passively consuming information.

Typically, when reading a news article, readers might have various questions that come to mind - whether it's seeking clarification on a point, wondering about underlying causes, or imagining how the story might continue. NewsQs taps into this natural human curiosity by automatically generating a set of questions based on the article.

Importantly, NewsQs doesn't just ask questions about the specific content of a single article. Instead, it draws information from a wider set of related news sources to generate more diverse and open-ended questions. This encourages readers to make connections, consider different perspectives, and explore the broader context around a news story.

By engaging readers in this way, NewsQs aims to foster a more active, critical approach to news consumption. Rather than just absorbing information, readers are prompted to become inquiring minds - questioning, analyzing, and ultimately gaining a richer understanding of current events.

Technical Explanation

The core of the NewsQs system is a question generation model that leverages a multi-source, multi-task learning framework. The model is trained on a large corpus of news articles and related questions, allowing it to generate relevant and diverse questions for new input articles.

Specifically, the NewsQs model takes in a target news article along with a set of related articles on the same topic. It then uses a series of transformer-based neural networks to:

  1. Extract relevant information and context from the multi-source input.
  2. Generate diverse questions that go beyond the content of any single article.
  3. Rank the generated questions based on criteria like relevance, interestingness, and coverage of key information.

The researchers evaluate NewsQs on a variety of metrics, including the quality and diversity of the generated questions, as well as their ability to promote deeper engagement with the source material. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the multi-source, multi-task approach in producing thought-provoking questions that can enhance the news reading experience.

Critical Analysis

The NewsQs paper makes a compelling case for the value of automatically generating questions to foster more active and critical news consumption. By drawing on multiple news sources, the system is able to produce questions that go beyond the surface-level details of a single article and encourage readers to think more deeply.

That said, the researchers acknowledge some limitations of their approach. For example, the quality and relevance of the generated questions are still imperfect and may require further refinement. Additionally, the current implementation is focused on textual news articles, but extending the system to handle other media formats like videos or podcasts could broaden its real-world applicability.

Another potential area for improvement is in personalizing the question generation to individual readers' interests and backgrounds. While the current multi-source approach aims for broad relevance, tailoring the questions to each user's unique informational needs and curiosities could make the system even more engaging and impactful.

Overall, the NewsQs framework represents an exciting step forward in developing AI-powered tools to enhance the news reading experience. By encouraging critical thinking and a more active, inquiring mindset, systems like this have the potential to improve news literacy and empower citizens to better navigate the complex information landscape.


The NewsQs paper introduces an innovative approach to generating thought-provoking questions about news articles. By leveraging multiple related sources, the system can produce diverse, open-ended questions that go beyond the content of a single article and prompt readers to think more critically.

While the current implementation has some limitations, the underlying concept of using AI to foster active, inquiring engagement with news content is highly promising. As news consumers increasingly navigate a complex and often overwhelming information ecosystem, tools like NewsQs could play a valuable role in cultivating the skills and mindset needed to be an informed and discerning citizen.

Looking ahead, further advancements in areas like personalization, multimodal question generation, and real-time adaptation could unlock even greater potential for systems like NewsQs to transform the way we consume and interact with news. Ultimately, by empowering readers to become active inquirers, this research carries important implications for the future of news literacy and democratic discourse.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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