Non-Parametric Learning of Stochastic Differential Equations with Non-asymptotic Fast Rates of Convergence






Published 4/24/2024 by Riccardo Bonalli, Alessandro Rudi



We propose a novel non-parametric learning paradigm for the identification of drift and diffusion coefficients of multi-dimensional non-linear stochastic differential equations, which relies upon discrete-time observations of the state. The key idea essentially consists of fitting a RKHS-based approximation of the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation to such observations, yielding theoretical estimates of non-asymptotic learning rates which, unlike previous works, become increasingly tighter when the regularity of the unknown drift and diffusion coefficients becomes higher. Our method being kernel-based, offline pre-processing may be profitably leveraged to enable efficient numerical implementation, offering excellent balance between precision and computational complexity.

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  • Proposes a novel non-parametric learning approach for identifying drift and diffusion coefficients of multi-dimensional non-linear stochastic differential equations
  • Relies on discrete-time observations of the state to fit a RKHS-based approximation of the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation
  • Provides theoretical estimates of non-asymptotic learning rates that become tighter as the regularity of the unknown drift and diffusion coefficients increases
  • Leverages offline pre-processing to enable efficient numerical implementation, balancing precision and computational complexity

Plain English Explanation

This research paper introduces a new way to learn about the behavior of complex, dynamic systems described by non-linear stochastic differential equations. These types of equations are used to model phenomena that evolve randomly over time, such as stock prices, weather patterns, or the spread of diseases.

The key idea is to take discrete-time observations of the system's state (i.e., measurements taken at specific points in time) and use them to fit an approximation of the Fokker-Planck equation, which describes how the probability distribution of the system's state changes over time. This approximation is based on a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS), a mathematical framework that allows for flexible and efficient representation of complex functions.

The researchers show that their method can provide accurate estimates of the drift (the average rate of change) and diffusion (the amount of randomness) coefficients of the stochastic differential equation, even when the true coefficients are highly irregular. Importantly, the more regular the coefficients are, the tighter the theoretical guarantees on the learning rates become.

Additionally, the paper discusses how the kernel-based nature of the approach allows for efficient numerical implementation through offline pre-processing, which helps balance the precision of the estimates with the computational complexity of the method.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a novel non-parametric learning paradigm for identifying the drift and diffusion coefficients of multi-dimensional non-linear stochastic differential equations (SDEs). The method relies on discrete-time observations of the system's state, rather than continuous-time monitoring.

The core idea is to fit a RKHS-based approximation of the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation to the observed data. The Fokker-Planck equation describes the evolution of the probability distribution of the system's state over time, and the RKHS framework allows for a flexible and efficient representation of the unknown drift and diffusion coefficients.

The authors derive theoretical non-asymptotic learning rates for their method, which provide guarantees on the accuracy of the estimated coefficients. Importantly, these learning rates become increasingly tighter as the regularity of the unknown drift and diffusion coefficients increases, which is a significant improvement over previous work.

Additionally, the kernel-based nature of the approach enables offline pre-processing, which can be leveraged to achieve an excellent balance between the precision of the estimates and the computational complexity of the numerical implementation.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling and theoretically-grounded approach for learning the dynamics of complex, stochastic systems from discrete-time observations. The authors provide rigorous non-asymptotic learning rate guarantees, which is a notable contribution that sets their work apart from previous methods in this area.

However, the paper does not discuss the practical implications of the method or its limitations in depth. For example, the authors do not address how the method would scale to high-dimensional systems or how sensitive the performance is to the choice of kernel function and its hyperparameters.

Additionally, while the theoretical analysis is sound, the paper lacks extensive experimental validation on real-world datasets. It would be helpful to see the method applied to a diverse set of problems to better understand its strengths, weaknesses, and the types of systems it is most suitable for.

Overall, the research presents a promising approach, but further investigation into its practical applicability and limitations would help strengthen the contribution and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the method's capabilities.


This research paper introduces a novel non-parametric learning paradigm for identifying the drift and diffusion coefficients of multi-dimensional non-linear stochastic differential equations. The key innovation is the use of a RKHS-based approximation of the Fokker-Planck equation, which allows for flexible and efficient representation of the unknown coefficients and provides strong theoretical guarantees on the non-asymptotic learning rates.

The kernel-based nature of the approach enables effective offline pre-processing, enabling a balance between precision and computational complexity. While the theoretical analysis is robust, the paper would benefit from more extensive experimental validation and a deeper discussion of the practical implications and limitations of the method.

Overall, this research represents an important contribution to the field of learning the dynamics of complex, stochastic systems and non-linear system identification. The novel learning paradigm and the theoretical insights offered by the authors have the potential to significantly advance the state-of-the-art in this area.

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