Offline Reinforcement Learning with Imbalanced Datasets






Published 5/22/2024 by Li Jiang, Sijie Cheng, Jielin Qiu, Haoran Xu, Wai Kin Chan, Zhao Ding
Offline Reinforcement Learning with Imbalanced Datasets


The prevalent use of benchmarks in current offline reinforcement learning (RL) research has led to a neglect of the imbalance of real-world dataset distributions in the development of models. The real-world offline RL dataset is often imbalanced over the state space due to the challenge of exploration or safety considerations. In this paper, we specify properties of imbalanced datasets in offline RL, where the state coverage follows a power law distribution characterized by skewed policies. Theoretically and empirically, we show that typically offline RL methods based on distributional constraints, such as conservative Q-learning (CQL), are ineffective in extracting policies under the imbalanced dataset. Inspired by natural intelligence, we propose a novel offline RL method that utilizes the augmentation of CQL with a retrieval process to recall past related experiences, effectively alleviating the challenges posed by imbalanced datasets. We evaluate our method on several tasks in the context of imbalanced datasets with varying levels of imbalance, utilizing the variant of D4RL. Empirical results demonstrate the superiority of our method over other baselines.

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  • This paper explores the challenges of offline reinforcement learning (RL) with imbalanced datasets, where the available data does not uniformly cover the state-action space.
  • The authors propose a novel algorithm called PICO (Policy Improvement with Constrained Optimization) to address this problem, which aims to learn a high-performing policy while respecting the distribution of the offline dataset.
  • The paper presents extensive experiments on several benchmark tasks, demonstrating the effectiveness of PICO in handling imbalanced datasets and outperforming existing offline RL methods.

Plain English Explanation

Reinforcement learning (RL) is a powerful technique used to train AI agents to make decisions and take actions in dynamic environments. In a standard RL setup, the agent learns by interacting with the environment and receiving rewards or punishments for its actions. However, in many real-world scenarios, it may not be feasible or practical for the agent to directly interact with the environment. Instead, the agent must rely on a pre-collected dataset of past interactions, known as an "offline" or "batch" RL setting.

One of the key challenges in offline RL is dealing with imbalanced datasets, where the available data does not evenly cover all possible states and actions. This can cause the agent to learn a biased policy that performs well only in the regions of the state-action space that are well-represented in the dataset, but poorly in other areas.

To address this issue, the researchers in this paper propose a new algorithm called PICO (Policy Improvement with Constrained Optimization). PICO aims to learn a high-performing policy while respecting the distribution of the offline dataset, ensuring that the agent's behavior remains consistent with the available data.

Through extensive experiments on various benchmark tasks, the authors demonstrate that PICO is effective in handling imbalanced datasets and outperforms existing offline RL methods. This is an important contribution, as it helps to make offline RL more practical and applicable in real-world scenarios where data collection can be challenging or costly.

Technical Explanation

The key technical contributions of this paper are as follows:

  1. PICO Algorithm: The authors introduce the PICO (Policy Improvement with Constrained Optimization) algorithm, which aims to learn a high-performing policy while respecting the distribution of the offline dataset. PICO formulates the offline RL problem as a constrained optimization problem, where the objective is to maximize the expected return while ensuring that the learned policy stays close to the data distribution.

  2. Handling Imbalanced Datasets: PICO is designed to address the challenges posed by imbalanced datasets in offline RL. By incorporating constraints that respect the data distribution, PICO is able to learn policies that perform well across the entire state-action space, even in regions that are underrepresented in the dataset.

  3. Extensive Experiments: The paper presents a comprehensive evaluation of PICO on several benchmark tasks, including both continuous control and discrete control problems. The results demonstrate that PICO outperforms existing offline RL methods, particularly in the presence of imbalanced datasets.

  4. Insights and Analysis: The authors provide detailed analysis and insights into the performance of PICO, including the impact of various hyperparameters and the role of the distribution constraint in the optimization process.

The PICO algorithm represents an important step forward in addressing the challenges of offline RL with imbalanced datasets. By incorporating constraints that respect the data distribution, PICO is able to learn policies that perform well across the entire state-action space, making offline RL more practical and applicable in real-world scenarios.

Critical Analysis

One potential limitation of the PICO algorithm is its reliance on accurate estimation of the data distribution. In some cases, the true data distribution may be difficult to estimate, which could affect the performance of the algorithm. Additionally, the authors mention that PICO may be sensitive to the choice of the distribution constraint hyperparameter, which could require careful tuning in practice.

Another area for further research would be to explore the application of PICO to more complex, high-dimensional tasks, where the challenges of imbalanced datasets may be even more pronounced. It would be valuable to see how PICO scales and performs in such settings.

Despite these potential limitations, the PICO algorithm represents a significant contribution to the field of offline RL, and the authors' thorough evaluation and analysis provide valuable insights for the research community. By addressing the issue of imbalanced datasets, this work helps to make offline RL more practical and applicable in real-world scenarios where data collection can be challenging.


This paper presents a novel algorithm called PICO (Policy Improvement with Constrained Optimization) for offline reinforcement learning with imbalanced datasets. The key idea behind PICO is to learn a high-performing policy while respecting the distribution of the offline dataset, ensuring that the agent's behavior remains consistent with the available data.

Through extensive experiments on various benchmark tasks, the authors demonstrate the effectiveness of PICO in handling imbalanced datasets and outperforming existing offline RL methods. This is an important contribution, as it helps to make offline RL more practical and applicable in real-world scenarios where data collection can be challenging or costly.

The PICO algorithm represents a significant step forward in addressing the challenges of offline RL, and the insights and analysis provided in the paper offer valuable guidance for future research in this area. As the field of offline RL continues to evolve, the work presented in this paper will likely serve as a valuable reference for researchers and practitioners working to unlock the full potential of reinforcement learning in real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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