An optimization-based equilibrium measure describes non-equilibrium steady state dynamics: application to edge of chaos






Published 6/10/2024 by Junbin Qiu, Haiping Huang
An optimization-based equilibrium measure describes non-equilibrium steady state dynamics: application to edge of chaos


Understanding neural dynamics is a central topic in machine learning, non-linear physics and neuroscience. However, the dynamics is non-linear, stochastic and particularly non-gradient, i.e., the driving force can not be written as gradient of a potential. These features make analytic studies very challenging. The common tool is the path integral approach or dynamical mean-field theory, but the drawback is that one has to solve the integro-differential or dynamical mean-field equations, which is computationally expensive and has no closed form solutions in general. From the aspect of associated Fokker-Planck equation, the steady state solution is generally unknown. Here, we treat searching for the steady states as an optimization problem, and construct an approximate potential related to the speed of the dynamics, and find that searching for the ground state of this potential is equivalent to running an approximate stochastic gradient dynamics or Langevin dynamics. Only in the zero temperature limit, the distribution of the original steady states can be achieved. The resultant stationary state of the dynamics follows exactly the canonical Boltzmann measure. Within this framework, the quenched disorder intrinsic in the neural networks can be averaged out by applying the replica method, which leads naturally to order parameters for the non-equilibrium steady states. Our theory reproduces the well-known result of edge-of-chaos, and further the order parameters characterizing the continuous transition are derived, and the order parameters are explained as fluctuations and responses of the steady states. Our method thus opens the door to analytically study the steady state landscape of the deterministic or stochastic high dimensional dynamics.

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  • This paper proposes an optimization-based equilibrium measure to describe the dynamics of non-equilibrium steady states, with a focus on the "edge of chaos" in complex systems.
  • The approach involves using a replica method from statistical physics to derive an optimization problem that characterizes the non-equilibrium steady state.
  • The authors apply this framework to study the dynamics of artificial neural networks, demonstrating its ability to capture important phenomena like the transition to chaos.

Plain English Explanation

This research explores a new way to understand the dynamics of complex systems that are not in equilibrium. Many natural and artificial systems, like the human brain or the stock market, exist in a state of constant change and don't settle into a stable equilibrium. The authors of this paper developed a mathematical framework inspired by statistical physics to study these non-equilibrium steady states.

At the heart of their approach is the idea of an "optimization-based equilibrium measure." This means they formulate an optimization problem that, when solved, describes the essential features of the non-equilibrium dynamics. They use a mathematical technique called the "replica method" to derive this optimization problem from the underlying dynamics of the system.

The authors then apply this framework to study the behavior of artificial neural networks, which are a type of machine learning model that can exhibit complex, chaotic dynamics. By solving the optimization problem, they are able to capture key phenomena like the "edge of chaos" - the point where the network transitions from stable, ordered behavior to unstable, chaotic behavior.

Technical Explanation

The core of this paper is the development of an optimization-based equilibrium measure to characterize the non-equilibrium steady state dynamics of complex systems. The authors use the replica method from statistical physics to derive an optimization problem that captures the essential features of the non-equilibrium dynamics.

Specifically, the authors consider a general class of Langevin dynamics, which describe the stochastic evolution of a system over time. They show that the non-equilibrium steady state of this system can be characterized by an optimization problem involving the minimization of a certain "free energy" functional. This functional depends on both the dynamics of the system and an "order parameter" that encodes the collective behavior of the system.

The authors then apply this framework to study the dynamics of artificial neural networks, which can exhibit complex, chaotic behavior. By solving the optimization problem, they are able to capture the transition to chaos, known as the "edge of chaos," and uncover the underlying mechanisms that govern this transition.

Critical Analysis

The authors present a rigorous and innovative approach to characterizing the non-equilibrium steady state dynamics of complex systems. The use of the replica method from statistical physics is a powerful mathematical technique that allows them to derive a tractable optimization problem from the underlying dynamics.

One potential limitation of the approach is that it relies on certain assumptions, such as the existence of a unique non-equilibrium steady state and the validity of the replica method. While the authors provide numerical evidence to support their framework, further theoretical and experimental validation may be needed to establish its generality and robustness.

Additionally, the application of this framework to artificial neural networks is an important case study, but it remains to be seen how well the approach can be extended to other complex systems, such as biological or social networks. Exploring the broader applicability of the optimization-based equilibrium measure would be a valuable direction for future research.


This paper presents a novel approach to characterizing the non-equilibrium steady state dynamics of complex systems, with a particular focus on the "edge of chaos" in artificial neural networks. By formulating an optimization-based equilibrium measure using the replica method, the authors have developed a powerful mathematical framework that can capture key dynamical phenomena in these systems.

The implications of this research extend beyond the specific application to neural networks, as the optimization-based equilibrium measure could be a valuable tool for understanding the dynamics of a wide range of non-equilibrium systems. As the field of complex systems continues to evolve, the techniques and insights presented in this paper may prove instrumental in unraveling the mysteries of the "edge of chaos" and other emergent behaviors in natural and artificial systems.

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