PCNN: Probable-Class Nearest-Neighbor Explanations Improve Fine-Grained Image Classification Accuracy for AIs and Humans






Published 4/23/2024 by Giang Nguyen, Valerie Chen, Mohammad Reza Taesiri, Anh Nguyen



Nearest neighbors (NN) are traditionally used to compute final decisions, e.g., in Support Vector Machines or k-NN classifiers, and to provide users with explanations for the model's decision. In this paper, we show a novel utility of nearest neighbors: To improve predictions of a frozen, pretrained classifier C. We leverage an image comparator S that (1) compares the input image with NN images from the top-K most probable classes; and (2) uses S's output scores to weight the confidence scores of C. Our method consistently improves fine-grained image classification accuracy on CUB-200, Cars-196, and Dogs-120. Also, a human study finds that showing lay users our probable-class nearest neighbors (PCNN) improves their decision accuracy over prior work which only shows only the top-1 class examples.

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  • This paper explores a novel use of nearest neighbors (NN) to improve the predictions of a pre-trained image classifier.
  • The proposed method compares the input image to NN images from the top-K most probable classes, and uses the comparison scores to adjust the confidence scores of the classifier.
  • The method consistently improves fine-grained image classification accuracy on several datasets, and a human study finds it helps lay users make more accurate decisions compared to prior work.

Plain English Explanation

In machine learning, nearest neighbors (NN) are often used to make final decisions or provide explanations for a model's predictions. This paper introduces a new way to use NN to actually improve the predictions of an existing, pre-trained image classifier.

The key idea is to take the input image and compare it to the nearest neighbor images from the top-K classes that the classifier thinks are most likely. The results of this comparison are then used to adjust the confidence scores that the classifier gives to each possible class. This helps the classifier make more accurate predictions, especially for fine-grained classification tasks like telling different breeds of dogs apart.

The authors show that this approach consistently improves accuracy on several challenging image datasets. They also found that showing users the NN images from the top predicted classes helps lay people make more accurate decisions, compared to just showing the single top prediction like in prior work.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a novel technique to leverage nearest neighbors (NN) to improve the predictions of a pre-trained image classifier C. The method works as follows:

  1. For a given input image, the classifier C outputs a set of confidence scores, one for each possible class.
  2. The method then compares the input image to the NN images from the top-K classes that C deemed most probable.
  3. The output of this image comparator S is used to re-weight the confidence scores from C. Classes whose NN images are more similar to the input get a boost in confidence, while classes with less similar NNs get their scores reduced.

The authors evaluate this "probable-class nearest neighbors" (PCNN) approach on fine-grained image classification tasks like distinguishing between different car models or dog breeds. They find consistent improvements in accuracy compared to the base classifier C.

Additionally, the authors conducted a human study where lay users were shown either the top-1 prediction from C, or the top-K predictions plus the PCNN NN images. The latter approach led to significantly higher decision accuracy, demonstrating the value of this NN-based explanation.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling and relatively simple way to leverage nearest neighbors to enhance the predictions of a pre-trained classifier. This is an interesting departure from the traditional use of NN for final decision-making or explanation.

That said, the paper does not explore the limits or failure modes of this approach. For example, it's unclear how the method would perform on more coarse-grained classification tasks, or how sensitive it is to the hyperparameters like the choice of K. The authors also don't compare to more sophisticated NN-based explanation methods or adversarial training approaches.

Overall, this is a promising line of research, but more work is needed to fully understand the strengths, weaknesses, and appropriate applications of the PCNN technique.


This paper introduces a novel method to leverage nearest neighbors to improve the predictions of a pre-trained image classifier. By comparing the input to NN images from the top predicted classes, the approach can boost the classifier's confidence in the correct predictions.

The authors demonstrate consistent accuracy gains on fine-grained classification tasks, and show that surfacing these NN explanations also helps human users make more accurate decisions. While more research is needed, this work points to an intriguing new use of NN in machine learning systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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