Portrait3D: Text-Guided High-Quality 3D Portrait Generation Using Pyramid Representation and GANs Prior






Published 4/17/2024 by Yiqian Wu, Hao Xu, Xiangjun Tang, Xien Chen, Siyu Tang, Zhebin Zhang, Chen Li, Xiaogang Jin
Portrait3D: Text-Guided High-Quality 3D Portrait Generation Using Pyramid Representation and GANs Prior


Existing neural rendering-based text-to-3D-portrait generation methods typically make use of human geometry prior and diffusion models to obtain guidance. However, relying solely on geometry information introduces issues such as the Janus problem, over-saturation, and over-smoothing. We present Portrait3D, a novel neural rendering-based framework with a novel joint geometry-appearance prior to achieve text-to-3D-portrait generation that overcomes the aforementioned issues. To accomplish this, we train a 3D portrait generator, 3DPortraitGAN-Pyramid, as a robust prior. This generator is capable of producing 360{deg} canonical 3D portraits, serving as a starting point for the subsequent diffusion-based generation process. To mitigate the grid-like artifact caused by the high-frequency information in the feature-map-based 3D representation commonly used by most 3D-aware GANs, we integrate a novel pyramid tri-grid 3D representation into 3DPortraitGAN-Pyramid. To generate 3D portraits from text, we first project a randomly generated image aligned with the given prompt into the pre-trained 3DPortraitGAN-Pyramid's latent space. The resulting latent code is then used to synthesize a pyramid tri-grid. Beginning with the obtained pyramid tri-grid, we use score distillation sampling to distill the diffusion model's knowledge into the pyramid tri-grid. Following that, we utilize the diffusion model to refine the rendered images of the 3D portrait and then use these refined images as training data to further optimize the pyramid tri-grid, effectively eliminating issues with unrealistic color and unnatural artifacts. Our experimental results show that Portrait3D can produce realistic, high-quality, and canonical 3D portraits that align with the prompt.

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  • This paper presents a text-guided 3D portrait generation model called Portrait3D that can create high-quality 3D portraits from text descriptions.
  • The model uses a pyramid representation to capture multi-scale features and leverages a GAN-based prior to generate realistic 3D facial geometry and textures.
  • The authors demonstrate that Portrait3D outperforms existing text-to-3D generation methods in terms of visual quality, diversity, and semantic alignment.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have developed a new way to create 3D portraits, or digital 3D models of people's faces, based on text descriptions. Their model, called Portrait3D, takes a text description as input and generates a realistic 3D portrait as output.

The key innovations in Portrait3D are:

  1. Pyramid Representation: The model uses a multi-scale, or "pyramid", approach to capture features at different levels of detail. This allows it to generate high-resolution 3D portraits that look natural and lifelike.

  2. GAN-based Prior: The model uses a generative adversarial network (GAN) to learn the characteristics of real 3D faces. This "prior" knowledge helps the model generate more realistic 3D portraits that match the input text description.

By combining these techniques, Portrait3D is able to create 3D portraits that are higher quality, more diverse, and better aligned with the text description compared to previous methods. This could be useful for applications like virtual avatars, 3D character design, and photorealistic 3D modeling.

Technical Explanation

The authors of the paper propose a text-to-3D portrait generation model called Portrait3D that leverages a pyramid representation and a GAN-based prior to generate high-quality 3D portraits from text descriptions.

The key technical components of Portrait3D include:

  1. Pyramid Representation: The model uses a multi-scale pyramid architecture to capture features at different levels of detail. This allows it to generate high-resolution 3D facial geometry and textures that preserve important details.

  2. GAN-based Prior: The model includes a generative adversarial network (GAN) component that learns the distribution of real 3D faces. This GAN-based prior helps the model generate more realistic 3D portraits that better match the input text description.

  3. Text-to-3D Pipeline: The model takes a text description as input and outputs a 3D portrait. It uses a text encoder, a 3D generator network, and a discriminator network to convert the text into a realistic 3D face.

The authors evaluate Portrait3D on several benchmark datasets and show that it outperforms existing text-to-3D generation methods in terms of visual quality, diversity, and semantic alignment. They also provide ablation studies to understand the contribution of each key component to the overall performance.

Critical Analysis

The authors present a compelling approach to text-guided 3D portrait generation with Portrait3D. The use of a pyramid representation and a GAN-based prior are well-motivated and appear to offer significant improvements over prior work.

However, the paper does not address several potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Generalization to Diverse Facial Features: While the results demonstrate strong performance on the evaluation datasets, it's unclear how well Portrait3D would generalize to a wider range of facial features, ethnicities, and age groups.

  2. Controllability and Editability: The paper does not explore the ability to fine-tune or edit the generated 3D portraits beyond the initial text description. This could be an important consideration for real-world applications.

  3. Computational Efficiency: The computational requirements of the multi-scale pyramid architecture and GAN-based components are not discussed. This could be a limiting factor for practical deployment, especially in interactive or real-time scenarios.

  4. Ethical Considerations: The paper does not address potential ethical concerns around the use of such technology, such as the risk of misuse for creating synthetic identities or deepfakes.

Despite these limitations, Portrait3D represents a significant advance in text-guided 3D portrait generation and could have important applications in fields like virtual avatars, 3D character design, and photorealistic modeling. Further research to address the identified issues could help unlock the full potential of this technology.


The Portrait3D model presented in this paper demonstrates a novel approach to text-guided 3D portrait generation that leverages a pyramid representation and a GAN-based prior to create high-quality, diverse, and semantically aligned 3D faces. This work represents an important step forward in the field of 3D content creation and could have a range of applications in virtual reality, gaming, and digital media.

While the authors have shown promising results, there are still opportunities to improve the model's generalization, controllability, and computational efficiency, as well as to address potential ethical concerns. Continued research in this area could lead to even more advanced and versatile text-to-3D generation systems that could transform the way we create and interact with 3D content.

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