Position: Towards Implicit Prompt For Text-To-Image Models






Published 5/29/2024 by Yue Yang, Yuqi Lin, Hong Liu, Wenqi Shao, Runjian Chen, Hailong Shang, Yu Wang, Yu Qiao, Kaipeng Zhang, Ping Luo
Position: Towards Implicit Prompt For Text-To-Image Models


Recent text-to-image (T2I) models have had great success, and many benchmarks have been proposed to evaluate their performance and safety. However, they only consider explicit prompts while neglecting implicit prompts (hint at a target without explicitly mentioning it). These prompts may get rid of safety constraints and pose potential threats to the applications of these models. This position paper highlights the current state of T2I models toward implicit prompts. We present a benchmark named ImplicitBench and conduct an investigation on the performance and impacts of implicit prompts with popular T2I models. Specifically, we design and collect more than 2,000 implicit prompts of three aspects: General Symbols, Celebrity Privacy, and Not-Safe-For-Work (NSFW) Issues, and evaluate six well-known T2I models' capabilities under these implicit prompts. Experiment results show that (1) T2I models are able to accurately create various target symbols indicated by implicit prompts; (2) Implicit prompts bring potential risks of privacy leakage for T2I models. (3) Constraints of NSFW in most of the evaluated T2I models can be bypassed with implicit prompts. We call for increased attention to the potential and risks of implicit prompts in the T2I community and further investigation into the capabilities and impacts of implicit prompts, advocating for a balanced approach that harnesses their benefits while mitigating their risks.

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  • This position paper proposes a framework for using implicit prompts in text-to-image models, rather than relying on explicit text prompts.
  • The key idea is to learn a latent prompt representation that can guide the image generation process, without requiring users to provide detailed text instructions.
  • The authors argue that implicit prompts can lead to more flexible and controllable text-to-image generation, addressing some of the limitations of current approaches.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses a new way of creating images from text using AI models. Typically, these "text-to-image" models require users to provide detailed written instructions or "prompts" describing what they want the image to look like. The authors propose an alternative approach where the model learns an internal "implicit" prompt representation that guides the image generation, rather than relying on the user's text prompt.

The main benefit of this implicit prompt approach is that it could make text-to-image generation more flexible and controllable. Instead of being limited by the user's ability to craft the perfect text prompt, the model can learn to generate images based on this internal representation that captures more complex and nuanced concepts. This could lead to more creative and diverse image outputs that better match the user's intent.

The paper lays out a framework for developing text-to-image models that leverage these implicit prompts. The key technical elements involve training the model to learn a latent prompt representation that can be used to guide the image generation process. The authors argue this has the potential to address some of the current limitations of text-to-image AI systems.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a framework for using "implicit prompts" in text-to-image generation models, rather than relying solely on explicit textual prompts provided by users. The core idea is to train the model to learn a latent prompt representation that can guide the image generation process, without requiring the user to supply detailed text instructions.

The authors argue that implicit prompts offer several potential benefits over traditional text prompts. By learning an internal representation of the desired image, the model may be able to capture more complex and nuanced concepts that are difficult to express in written form. This could lead to more flexible and controllable text-to-image generation, where the outputs better match the user's intent.

The technical approach involves training the text-to-image model to learn a latent prompt representation in addition to the image generation parameters. This latent prompt acts as an intermediary between the input text and the output image, allowing the model to generate images based on this internal representation rather than the user's text prompt.

The paper discusses various architectural choices and training procedures to effectively learn these implicit prompts. This includes techniques like using variational autoencoders to capture the latent prompt space, and adversarial training to ensure the latent prompt aligns with the user's textual input.

The authors also outline a set of evaluation metrics and benchmarks to assess the effectiveness of implicit prompts, going beyond the typical image quality and caption similarity measures. This includes examining factors like controllability, diversity, and faithfulness to the user's intent.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling case for exploring implicit prompts as an alternative to traditional text-based prompting in text-to-image models. The authors make a strong argument that learning a latent prompt representation could lead to more flexible and expressive image generation, addressing some of the limitations of current approaches.

However, the proposed framework also raises several potential challenges and areas for further research. For example, the authors acknowledge the difficulty of evaluating implicit prompts, as the latent representation may capture nuanced or abstract concepts that are hard to measure objectively. Developing robust evaluation metrics that capture the full scope of this approach will be crucial for assessing its real-world impact.

Additionally, the paper does not address potential issues around the interpretability and transparency of implicit prompts. If the latent representation becomes too complex or opaque, it may be difficult for users to understand and control the image generation process. Striking the right balance between flexibility and interpretability will be an important area for future work.

The authors also do not explore the potential biases and safety concerns that could arise from using implicit prompts. As with any AI system, there is a risk of the model learning and perpetuating undesirable biases present in the training data. Developing techniques to mitigate these biases and ensure the ethical deployment of implicit prompt-based text-to-image models will be a critical area of focus.

Overall, the paper presents a thought-provoking and well-reasoned proposal for advancing the state of the art in text-to-image generation. While the implicit prompt approach holds promise, the authors rightly acknowledge the need for further research to address the technical, practical, and ethical considerations involved.


This position paper introduces a framework for using implicit prompts in text-to-image generation models, rather than relying solely on explicit text-based prompting. The key idea is to train the model to learn a latent prompt representation that can guide the image generation process, without requiring users to provide detailed textual instructions.

The authors argue that this implicit prompt approach has the potential to lead to more flexible and controllable text-to-image generation, addressing some of the limitations of current systems. By capturing more complex and nuanced concepts in the latent prompt, the model may be able to produce images that better match the user's intent.

While the proposed framework presents an intriguing direction for advancing text-to-image AI, the paper also highlights several areas for further research and consideration. Developing robust evaluation metrics, maintaining model interpretability, and addressing potential biases and safety concerns will be crucial for realizing the full potential of implicit prompts in real-world applications.

Overall, this paper offers a thought-provoking contribution to the ongoing efforts to enhance the capabilities and accessibility of text-to-image generation models, with the implicit prompt approach representing a promising area for future exploration and development.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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