Survey of Bias In Text-to-Image Generation: Definition, Evaluation, and Mitigation






Published 5/3/2024 by Yixin Wan, Arjun Subramonian, Anaelia Ovalle, Zongyu Lin, Ashima Suvarna, Christina Chance, Hritik Bansal, Rebecca Pattichis, Kai-Wei Chang



The recent advancement of large and powerful models with Text-to-Image (T2I) generation abilities -- such as OpenAI's DALLE-3 and Google's Gemini -- enables users to generate high-quality images from textual prompts. However, it has become increasingly evident that even simple prompts could cause T2I models to exhibit conspicuous social bias in generated images. Such bias might lead to both allocational and representational harms in society, further marginalizing minority groups. Noting this problem, a large body of recent works has been dedicated to investigating different dimensions of bias in T2I systems. However, an extensive review of these studies is lacking, hindering a systematic understanding of current progress and research gaps. We present the first extensive survey on bias in T2I generative models. In this survey, we review prior studies on dimensions of bias: Gender, Skintone, and Geo-Culture. Specifically, we discuss how these works define, evaluate, and mitigate different aspects of bias. We found that: (1) while gender and skintone biases are widely studied, geo-cultural bias remains under-explored; (2) most works on gender and skintone bias investigated occupational association, while other aspects are less frequently studied; (3) almost all gender bias works overlook non-binary identities in their studies; (4) evaluation datasets and metrics are scattered, with no unified framework for measuring biases; and (5) current mitigation methods fail to resolve biases comprehensively. Based on current limitations, we point out future research directions that contribute to human-centric definitions, evaluations, and mitigation of biases. We hope to highlight the importance of studying biases in T2I systems, as well as encourage future efforts to holistically understand and tackle biases, building fair and trustworthy T2I technologies for everyone.

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  • The paper provides a comprehensive survey of biases in text-to-image (T2I) generation models, including definitions, evaluation methods, and mitigation approaches.
  • It focuses on gender bias, which is a significant concern in these AI systems.
  • The paper also discusses other types of biases, such as racial and cultural biases, and the challenges in addressing them.

Plain English Explanation

The paper examines the issue of bias in text-to-image (T2I) generation models, which are AI systems that can create images based on textual descriptions. These models are becoming increasingly powerful and widespread, but they can also reflect and amplify societal biases.

The researchers define different types of bias, such as gender bias, where the model may generate stereotypical or unrepresentative images based on certain gender-related prompts. For example, if asked to generate an image of a "CEO," the model might produce a picture of a man, even though many CEOs are women.

The paper also discusses methods for evaluating and measuring these biases, as well as approaches for mitigating them. This includes techniques like debiasing the training data, adjusting the model architecture, and using specialized loss functions during training.

Understanding and addressing bias in T2I models is critical, as these systems are being used in various applications, from art generation to product design. Unchecked biases can lead to the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes and the exclusion of underrepresented groups.

Technical Explanation

The paper starts by defining different types of bias in T2I models, with a focus on gender bias. The researchers identify several ways in which gender bias can manifest, such as in the visual representation of individuals, the attributes associated with them, and the relative frequency of different genders in the generated images.

To evaluate these biases, the paper presents various metrics and benchmarks, such as measuring the gender distribution of generated images, assessing the correlation between gender and perceived attributes, and comparing the representation of different genders across various domains (e.g., professions, activities).

The researchers then review a range of mitigation strategies, including data augmentation techniques, model architecture modifications, and specialized training objectives. These approaches aim to reduce the biases observed in the generated images while maintaining the overall performance of the T2I models.

The paper also discusses the challenges in addressing biases, particularly when they are deeply rooted in the training data or the underlying language models used in the T2I systems. The researchers highlight the need for holistic and interdisciplinary approaches to tackle this complex problem.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough and well-structured review of bias in T2I models, which is a pressing issue as these systems become more widely adopted. The researchers have done an excellent job of defining the problem, outlining evaluation methods, and exploring mitigation strategies.

One potential limitation of the paper is that it primarily focuses on gender bias, while other forms of bias, such as racial and cultural biases, are only briefly mentioned. Given the multifaceted nature of bias, a more in-depth discussion of these other types of biases and their unique challenges would have been valuable.

Additionally, the paper acknowledges the difficulty of addressing deeply-rooted biases in the training data and underlying language models. This raises questions about the long-term feasibility of the proposed mitigation strategies and the need for more fundamental changes in the way these models are developed and deployed.

Overall, the paper is a valuable contribution to the field, highlighting the importance of understanding and addressing bias in T2I models. It serves as a solid foundation for further research and development in this critical area.


The paper provides a comprehensive survey of bias in text-to-image generation models, focusing on the issue of gender bias. It defines different types of bias, outlines evaluation methods, and explores a range of mitigation strategies.

Understanding and addressing bias in T2I models is crucial as these systems become increasingly prevalent in various applications. Unchecked biases can lead to the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes and the exclusion of underrepresented groups.

The paper's thorough examination of the problem and the proposed solutions offer valuable insights for researchers, developers, and end-users of T2I systems. While the challenges in addressing bias are significant, this work represents an important step towards more equitable and inclusive AI-generated content.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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