Prediction without Preclusion: Recourse Verification with Reachable Sets






Published 5/2/2024 by Avni Kothari, Bogdan Kulynych, Tsui-Wei Weng, Berk Ustun



Machine learning models are often used to decide who receives a loan, a job interview, or a public benefit. Models in such settings use features without considering their actionability. As a result, they can assign predictions that are fixed $-$ meaning that individuals who are denied loans and interviews are, in fact, precluded from access to credit and employment. In this work, we introduce a procedure called recourse verification to test if a model assigns fixed predictions to its decision subjects. We propose a model-agnostic approach for recourse verification with reachable sets $-$ i.e., the set of all points that a person can reach through their actions in feature space. We develop methods to construct reachable sets for discrete feature spaces, which can certify the responsiveness of any model by simply querying its predictions. We conduct a comprehensive empirical study on the infeasibility of recourse on datasets from consumer finance. Our results highlight how models can inadvertently preclude access by assigning fixed predictions and underscore the need to account for actionability in model development.

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  • Machine learning models are often used to make important decisions about people's access to loans, jobs, and public benefits.
  • These models use various features about individuals without considering whether those features are actually actionable or changeable by the individual.
  • As a result, the models can assign fixed predictions, meaning some people are permanently denied access to credit, employment, and other opportunities.

Plain English Explanation

In today's world, machine learning models are frequently used to make decisions that significantly impact people's lives. For example, these models might determine who gets approved for a loan, who gets invited to a job interview, or who receives a public benefit. The problem is that these models often use personal characteristics or features about the individuals, without considering whether those features are actually things the person can change or control.

This can lead to a concerning situation where the model assigns a fixed prediction about a person - for instance, denying them a loan or a job interview. Even if the person works hard to improve the features the model is looking at, the model won't change its decision. In essence, these individuals are permanently precluded from accessing things like credit or employment opportunities.

To address this issue, the researchers introduce a new approach called "recourse verification." The goal is to test whether a model is assigning fixed predictions, or if there's a way for people to take actions that would lead to a different outcome. The researchers develop methods to map out the "reachable set" - the set of all points in the feature space that a person can realistically achieve through their own efforts. By analyzing these reachable sets, they can certify whether a model is responsive to changes made by the individual, or if it has assigned fixed, unchangeable predictions.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a procedure called "recourse verification" to test if machine learning models assign fixed predictions to their decision subjects. The authors propose a model-agnostic approach for recourse verification using "reachable sets" - the set of all points in the feature space that a person can reach through their own actions.

The researchers develop methods to construct reachable sets for discrete feature spaces, which allows them to certify the responsiveness of any model by simply querying its predictions. They conduct a comprehensive empirical study on datasets from consumer finance, which highlights how models can inadvertently preclude access by assigning fixed predictions.

The key technical contributions include:

  1. A formal definition and characterization of "recourse" and "reachable sets" for discrete feature spaces.
  2. Algorithms to efficiently compute reachable sets for discrete features.
  3. Experimental validation of the recourse verification approach on real-world datasets, demonstrating the prevalence of fixed predictions.

Critical Analysis

The paper raises an important issue with the use of machine learning models for high-stakes decision-making. By not accounting for the actionability of features, these models can effectively lock individuals out of opportunities, even if they work to improve the relevant characteristics.

One limitation of the current work is that it focuses on discrete feature spaces. While this is a meaningful first step, many real-world applications involve continuous features, which may require different techniques for reachable set construction and analysis. Additionally, the paper does not delve into the ethical implications of models making fixed predictions, which is an area that deserves further exploration.

Future research could investigate methods for incorporating causality and sparsity into the recourse verification process, or explore approaches for probabilistic dataset reconstruction to better understand the underlying data distribution. Techniques for generating counterfactual explanations could also be leveraged to provide individuals with actionable insights on how to improve their outcomes.


This paper highlights a critical issue with the use of machine learning models in high-stakes decision-making. By not considering the actionability of features, these models can effectively preclude individuals from accessing important opportunities like loans, jobs, and public benefits. The proposed recourse verification approach provides a way to test for this problem and identify models that are assigning fixed, unchangeable predictions.

Moving forward, it will be essential for model developers to prioritize actionability and causal relationships when designing machine learning systems that make decisions about people's lives. Addressing these concerns can help ensure that these powerful technologies are used in a way that promotes fairness and expands access to critical resources.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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