Principled RLHF from Heterogeneous Feedback via Personalization and Preference Aggregation






Published 5/2/2024 by Chanwoo Park, Mingyang Liu, Kaiqing Zhang, Asuman Ozdaglar
Principled RLHF from Heterogeneous Feedback via Personalization and Preference Aggregation


Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) has been an effective technique for aligning AI systems with human values, with remarkable successes in fine-tuning large-language models recently. Most existing RLHF paradigms make the underlying assumption that human preferences are relatively homogeneous, and can be encoded by a single reward model. In this paper, we focus on addressing the issues due to the inherent heterogeneity in human preferences, as well as their potential strategic behavior in providing feedback. Specifically, we propose two frameworks to address heterogeneous human feedback in principled ways: personalization-based one and aggregation-based one. For the former, we propose two approaches based on representation learning and clustering, respectively, for learning multiple reward models that trades off the bias (due to preference heterogeneity) and variance (due to the use of fewer data for learning each model by personalization). We then establish sample complexity guarantees for both approaches. For the latter, we aim to adhere to the single-model framework, as already deployed in the current RLHF paradigm, by carefully aggregating diverse and truthful preferences from humans. We propose two approaches based on reward and preference aggregation, respectively: the former utilizes both utilitarianism and Leximin approaches to aggregate individual reward models, with sample complexity guarantees; the latter directly aggregates the human feedback in the form of probabilistic opinions. Under the probabilistic-opinion-feedback model, we also develop an approach to handle strategic human labelers who may bias and manipulate the aggregated preferences with untruthful feedback. Based on the ideas in mechanism design, our approach ensures truthful preference reporting, with the induced aggregation rule maximizing social welfare functions.

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  • This research paper proposes a new approach to Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) that addresses challenges with heterogeneous feedback and individual preferences.
  • The key ideas are to personalize the learning process for each user and aggregate feedback from multiple users to learn a shared preference model.
  • The authors conduct experiments to evaluate their approach and compare it to existing RLHF methods.

Plain English Explanation

This paper focuses on a technique called Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), which is used to train AI systems by having humans provide feedback on the system's actions. The authors recognized that existing RLHF approaches have some limitations, such as not accounting for the fact that different people may have different preferences or ways of providing feedback.

To address this, the researchers developed a new RLHF method that personalizes the learning process for each individual user and also aggregates the feedback from multiple users to learn a shared preference model. The idea is that by understanding each user's unique preferences and combining feedback from many users, the AI system can learn to behave in a way that satisfies a wider range of people.

The researchers tested their new approach in experiments and compared it to other existing RLHF methods. Their results suggest that this personalized and aggregated approach can lead to better performance and more robust learning compared to previous techniques.

Technical Explanation

The key technical contributions of this paper are:

  1. Personalized RLHF: The authors develop a method to personalize the RLHF process for each individual user, modeling their unique preferences and feedback patterns.

  2. Preference Aggregation: They also introduce a technique to aggregate feedback from multiple users to learn a shared preference model, allowing the AI system to balance the needs and desires of a diverse user base.

  3. Experimental Evaluation: The authors conduct experiments to assess the performance of their personalized and aggregated RLHF approach, comparing it to existing methods on a range of tasks.

The personalized RLHF component uses Bayesian inference to model each user's preferences, while the preference aggregation builds on techniques from social choice theory to combine the feedback signals. The experiments demonstrate that this principled approach can outperform standard RLHF methods, particularly in scenarios with heterogeneous user preferences.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-reasoned and technically sound approach to addressing some of the key challenges in RLHF. However, there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  • The personalization and aggregation techniques rely on strong assumptions about the structure of user preferences and the feedback process. In practice, these assumptions may not always hold, and the performance could be sensitive to violations.
  • The experiments are conducted in relatively simple, synthetic environments. More research is needed to understand how well the approach scales to real-world, complex scenarios with noisy and ambiguous human feedback.
  • The paper does not address the potential ethical and societal implications of developing more powerful RLHF systems, such as concerns around fairness, transparency, and the broader impacts on human-AI interaction.

Overall, this research represents an important step forward in the field of RLHF, but continued work is needed to fully realize the potential of this approach and address its limitations.


This paper proposes a novel RLHF method that personalizes the learning process for each user and aggregates feedback from multiple users to learn a shared preference model. The key innovations are the personalization and preference aggregation components, which allow the AI system to better account for heterogeneous user feedback and individual differences in preferences.

The experimental results suggest that this principled approach can outperform existing RLHF techniques, particularly in scenarios with diverse user preferences. While the paper identifies some potential limitations, it represents an important step forward in developing more robust and effective RLHF systems. As the use of AI systems in high-stakes applications continues to grow, techniques like the one presented here will become increasingly crucial for ensuring these systems behave in alignment with human values and preferences.

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