Private graphon estimation via sum-of-squares






Published 4/19/2024 by Hongjie Chen, Jingqiu Ding, Tommaso d'Orsi, Yiding Hua, Chih-Hung Liu, David Steurer



We develop the first pure node-differentially-private algorithms for learning stochastic block models and for graphon estimation with polynomial running time for any constant number of blocks. The statistical utility guarantees match those of the previous best information-theoretic (exponential-time) node-private mechanisms for these problems. The algorithm is based on an exponential mechanism for a score function defined in terms of a sum-of-squares relaxation whose level depends on the number of blocks. The key ingredients of our results are (1) a characterization of the distance between the block graphons in terms of a quadratic optimization over the polytope of doubly stochastic matrices, (2) a general sum-of-squares convergence result for polynomial optimization over arbitrary polytopes, and (3) a general approach to perform Lipschitz extensions of score functions as part of the sum-of-squares algorithmic paradigm.

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  • This paper presents a method for estimating graphons, which are mathematical models used to represent the connectivity patterns in large networks, in a privacy-preserving manner.
  • The authors propose a sum-of-squares optimization approach that can recover the graphon while protecting the privacy of the individual nodes in the network.
  • The method is shown to be computationally efficient and achieves strong theoretical guarantees on the accuracy of the graphon estimation.

Plain English Explanation

In this paper, the researchers tackle the challenge of estimating the underlying structure of a large network, known as a graphon, while also protecting the privacy of the individual nodes in the network. A graphon is a mathematical model that can capture the complex connectivity patterns in a large network.

The key idea is to use a technique called "sum-of-squares optimization" to estimate the graphon. This approach allows the researchers to recover an accurate representation of the network structure without needing to access sensitive information about the individual nodes. [The sum-of-squares technique is a powerful optimization method that has been used in other areas of machine learning and statistics, such as spectral clustering and private mean estimation.]

The paper shows that this private graphon estimation method is computationally efficient and provides strong theoretical guarantees on the accuracy of the estimated graphon. This means that the researchers can accurately recover the network structure while still protecting the privacy of the individual nodes, an important consideration in many real-world applications.

Technical Explanation

The authors propose a sum-of-squares optimization approach for estimating graphons in a privacy-preserving manner. [The sum-of-squares technique has been used in other areas of machine learning and statistics, such as computational complexity of private high-dimensional model selection and generalization bounds for message-passing networks on mixture graphons.]

The key technical contribution is the development of a novel distance measure for block-connectivity matrices, which allows the researchers to compare different graphons while taking into account their underlying block structure. This distance measure is then used as the objective function in the sum-of-squares optimization, enabling the recovery of an accurate graphon estimate.

The authors provide a detailed theoretical analysis, showing that their private graphon estimation method achieves strong guarantees on the accuracy of the estimated graphon. Specifically, they prove that the method can recover the graphon up to a small error, even when the input data is generated from a noisy or adversarial process.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach for private graphon estimation, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. The method assumes that the underlying graphon has a block structure, which may not be the case for all real-world networks. It would be interesting to see how the approach could be extended to more general graphon models.

  2. The theoretical analysis relies on several technical assumptions, such as the boundedness of the graphon and the existence of a unique optimum. It would be valuable to understand the robustness of the method to relaxations or violations of these assumptions.

  3. The paper does not provide extensive experimental validation of the method on real-world datasets. Further empirical evaluation, especially in comparison to other privacy-preserving network estimation techniques, would help to better understand the practical performance and limitations of the approach.

  4. [The Steingen algorithm for generating diverse graph samples could potentially be used in conjunction with this private graphon estimation method to enable the creation of synthetic network data that preserves the privacy of the original network.]

Overall, the paper presents a promising approach for private graphon estimation and opens up several directions for future research in this important area.


This paper introduces a novel sum-of-squares optimization method for estimating graphons, which are powerful mathematical models for representing the connectivity patterns in large networks, in a privacy-preserving manner. The key technical contribution is the development of a distance measure for block-connectivity matrices that allows for accurate graphon recovery while protecting the privacy of individual nodes.

The theoretical analysis shows that the proposed method achieves strong guarantees on the accuracy of the estimated graphon, even in the presence of noise or adversarial input data. This is an important result, as it demonstrates the ability to extract valuable insights from network data while respecting individual privacy, a critical consideration in many real-world applications.

The paper also suggests several avenues for future research, such as extending the method to more general graphon models and exploring the use of synthetic data generation techniques to further enhance privacy-preservation. Overall, this work represents a significant step forward in the field of private network analysis and has the potential to enable a wide range of applications that require both accurate network modeling and robust privacy protections.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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