Provably Scalable Black-Box Variational Inference with Structured Variational Families






Published 6/4/2024 by Joohwan Ko, Kyurae Kim, Woo Chang Kim, Jacob R. Gardner



Variational families with full-rank covariance approximations are known not to work well in black-box variational inference (BBVI), both empirically and theoretically. In fact, recent computational complexity results for BBVI have established that full-rank variational families scale poorly with the dimensionality of the problem compared to e.g. mean-field families. This is particularly critical to hierarchical Bayesian models with local variables; their dimensionality increases with the size of the datasets. Consequently, one gets an iteration complexity with an explicit (mathcal{O}(N^2)) dependence on the dataset size (N). In this paper, we explore a theoretical middle ground between mean-field variational families and full-rank families: structured variational families. We rigorously prove that certain scale matrix structures can achieve a better iteration complexity of (mathcal{O}left(Nright)), implying better scaling with respect to (N). We empirically verify our theoretical results on large-scale hierarchical models.

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  • Variational families with full-rank covariance approximations are known to perform poorly in black-box variational inference (BBVI)
  • Recent research has shown that full-rank variational families scale poorly with the dimensionality of the problem compared to mean-field families
  • This is particularly problematic for hierarchical Bayesian models with local variables, as their dimensionality increases with the size of the datasets
  • The authors explore a middle ground between mean-field and full-rank families: structured variational families

Plain English Explanation

In black-box variational inference (BBVI), researchers try to approximate complex probability distributions using simpler, more manageable distributions. One common approach is to use "full-rank" distributions, which can capture more intricate relationships between the variables. However, recent studies have shown that these full-rank distributions don't work very well in BBVI, especially as the number of variables (the "dimensionality") gets larger.

This is a particular problem for hierarchical Bayesian models with local variables, where the dimensionality increases as the dataset gets bigger. In these cases, the computational complexity of the BBVI algorithm ends up scaling poorly with the dataset size, making it impractical for large-scale problems.

To address this issue, the authors of this paper explore a middle ground between the simple "mean-field" distributions and the more complex full-rank distributions. They investigate "structured" variational families, which can capture some of the important relationships between variables while still scaling better than the full-rank approach. Through rigorous mathematical analysis, they show that certain structured distributions can achieve better scaling with respect to the dataset size, making them a promising alternative for large-scale hierarchical models.

Technical Explanation

The authors build on prior work that has established the computational complexity issues of full-rank variational families in BBVI. Specifically, they show that the iteration complexity of BBVI with full-rank families has an explicit

dependence on the dataset size
, where
is the number of data points. This is in contrast to the
scaling of simpler mean-field variational families.

To address this problem, the authors explore a class of "structured" variational families that lie between mean-field and full-rank. They rigorously prove that certain structured scale matrix forms can achieve an

iteration complexity, implying better scaling with respect to the dataset size. The key insight is that these structured families can capture important dependencies between variables while avoiding the prohibitive costs of the full-rank approach.

The authors empirically verify their theoretical results on large-scale hierarchical Bayesian models, demonstrating the practical benefits of their structured variational families. This work contributes to the ongoing research on improving the reliability and efficiency of BBVI and advancing the state-of-the-art in variational inference.

Critical Analysis

The authors provide a rigorous theoretical analysis of the computational complexity trade-offs between different variational families in the context of BBVI. Their work highlights the importance of carefully designing the structure of the variational family to balance expressiveness and scalability, especially for large-scale hierarchical models.

That said, the authors acknowledge that the specific structured forms they analyze may not be the only viable options, and there could be other structured families that achieve similar or better scaling properties. Additionally, the empirical evaluation is limited to a few hierarchical models, and further testing on a wider range of real-world problems would help validate the broader applicability of their approach.

It would also be interesting to see how the structured variational families perform compared to other recent advancements in BBVI, such as variance control techniques or kernel-based methods. A more comprehensive comparative analysis could further elucidate the strengths and limitations of the structured variational approach.

Overall, this work makes an important contribution to the theoretical understanding of BBVI and provides a promising direction for developing more scalable variational inference methods for large-scale hierarchical models.


This paper explores a middle ground between the simple mean-field and the more complex full-rank variational families in the context of black-box variational inference (BBVI). The authors rigorously prove that certain structured variational families can achieve better computational scaling with respect to the dataset size compared to full-rank families, while still capturing important dependencies between variables.

The theoretical insights and empirical results presented in this work have the potential to significantly improve the applicability of BBVI to large-scale hierarchical Bayesian models, which are widely used in a variety of domains. By developing more scalable variational inference methods, the authors contribute to the ongoing efforts to make Bayesian modeling and inference more practical and accessible for real-world problems.

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