A Framework for Improving the Reliability of Black-box Variational Inference






Published 5/17/2024 by Manushi Welandawe, Michael Riis Andersen, Aki Vehtari, Jonathan H. Huggins



Black-box variational inference (BBVI) now sees widespread use in machine learning and statistics as a fast yet flexible alternative to Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for approximate Bayesian inference. However, stochastic optimization methods for BBVI remain unreliable and require substantial expertise and hand-tuning to apply effectively. In this paper, we propose Robust and Automated Black-box VI (RABVI), a framework for improving the reliability of BBVI optimization. RABVI is based on rigorously justified automation techniques, includes just a small number of intuitive tuning parameters, and detects inaccurate estimates of the optimal variational approximation. RABVI adaptively decreases the learning rate by detecting convergence of the fixed--learning-rate iterates, then estimates the symmetrized Kullback--Leibler (KL) divergence between the current variational approximation and the optimal one. It also employs a novel optimization termination criterion that enables the user to balance desired accuracy against computational cost by comparing (i) the predicted relative decrease in the symmetrized KL divergence if a smaller learning were used and (ii) the predicted computation required to converge with the smaller learning rate. We validate the robustness and accuracy of RABVI through carefully designed simulation studies and on a diverse set of real-world model and data examples.

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  • This paper proposes a new framework called Robust and Automated Black-box VI (RABVI) to improve the reliability of black-box variational inference (BBVI), a popular method for approximate Bayesian inference.
  • BBVI is a fast and flexible alternative to Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, but the stochastic optimization methods used for BBVI can be unreliable and require substantial expertise to apply effectively.
  • RABVI aims to address these issues by automating key aspects of the optimization process and providing more robust convergence detection and termination criteria.

Plain English Explanation

Black-box variational inference (BBVI) is a widely used technique in machine learning and statistics for approximate Bayesian inference. It provides a fast and flexible way to estimate complex probability distributions, which is useful for tasks like data analysis and model building.

However, the optimization methods used for BBVI can be tricky to get right. Researchers and practitioners often need to spend a lot of time and effort tuning the optimization parameters to ensure reliable results. This can be a major barrier to using BBVI effectively.

The new RABVI framework proposed in this paper aims to make BBVI optimization more reliable and easier to use. It includes several innovative techniques to automate key aspects of the optimization process:

  • Adaptive learning rate: RABVI can automatically detect when the optimization is converging and then gradually decrease the learning rate to improve accuracy.
  • Convergence detection: RABVI monitors the optimization progress and can identify when the variational approximation has become sufficiently accurate, avoiding the need for extensive hand-tuning.
  • Termination criterion: RABVI can balance the desired accuracy against the computational cost by comparing the predicted improvement from using a smaller learning rate versus the extra time required.

These techniques are designed to make BBVI optimization more robust and accessible, so that researchers and practitioners can more easily apply it to a wide range of real-world problems.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes the Robust and Automated Black-box VI (RABVI) framework to improve the reliability and usability of black-box variational inference (BBVI). BBVI is a popular method for approximate Bayesian inference that uses stochastic optimization to fit a variational approximation to the true posterior distribution.

RABVI introduces several key innovations to address the unreliability and need for extensive hand-tuning that often plague BBVI optimization:

  1. Adaptive learning rate: RABVI adaptively decreases the learning rate over the course of optimization by detecting convergence of the fixed-learning-rate iterates. This helps ensure accurate estimation of the optimal variational approximation.

  2. Convergence detection: RABVI estimates the symmetrized Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between the current variational approximation and the optimal one. This provides a principled way to detect when the optimization has converged sufficiently.

  3. Termination criterion: RABVI employs a novel criterion that enables the user to balance desired accuracy against computational cost. It compares the predicted relative decrease in the symmetrized KL divergence if a smaller learning rate were used, versus the predicted extra computation required to converge with the smaller rate.

The authors validate RABVI's robustness and accuracy through carefully designed simulation studies and real-world model/data examples. They demonstrate that RABVI can reliably optimize BBVI models without the need for extensive hand-tuning, in contrast to standard BBVI optimization methods.

Critical Analysis

The RABVI framework proposed in this paper represents a significant advance in making black-box variational inference (BBVI) more reliable and accessible for practical use. The automated techniques for adaptive learning rate adjustment, convergence detection, and optimization termination criteria are well-justified and appear to be effective based on the empirical results.

One potential limitation is that the framework still requires the user to specify a few tuning parameters, such as the initial learning rate and the desired accuracy/computation trade-off. While these parameters are fewer and more intuitive than in standard BBVI optimization, there may still be some trial-and-error required to find the best settings for a particular problem.

Additionally, the paper focuses on BBVI, but the techniques could potentially be extended to other variational inference methods as well. It would be interesting to see how RABVI performs in the context of other variational Bayes approaches, such as those designed for robust optimization or with log-concave posteriors.

Overall, the RABVI framework represents an important advancement in making sophisticated Bayesian inference techniques more accessible and practical for a wide range of applications in machine learning and statistics.


This paper proposes the Robust and Automated Black-box VI (RABVI) framework, which aims to improve the reliability and usability of black-box variational inference (BBVI) for approximate Bayesian inference. RABVI introduces several key innovations, including adaptive learning rate adjustment, convergence detection, and a novel optimization termination criterion.

The empirical results demonstrate that RABVI can optimize BBVI models effectively without the need for extensive hand-tuning, in contrast to standard BBVI optimization methods. This represents an important advancement in making sophisticated Bayesian inference techniques more accessible and practical for a wide range of applications in machine learning and statistics.

While RABVI still requires some user-specified tuning parameters, it is a significant step forward in automating the BBVI optimization process. Further research could explore extending the RABVI techniques to other variational inference methods and addressing any remaining limitations or potential areas for improvement.

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