Quantum algorithms for spectral sums






Published 6/11/2024 by Alessandro Luongo, Changpeng Shao



We propose new quantum algorithms for estimating spectral sums of positive semi-definite (PSD) matrices. The spectral sum of an PSD matrix $A$, for a function $f$, is defined as $ text{Tr}[f(A)] = sum_j f(lambda_j)$, where $lambda_j$ are the eigenvalues of $A$. Typical examples of spectral sums are the von Neumann entropy, the trace of $A^{-1}$, the log-determinant, and the Schatten $p$-norm, where the latter does not require the matrix to be PSD. The current best classical randomized algorithms estimating these quantities have a runtime that is at least linearly in the number of nonzero entries of the matrix and quadratic in the estimation error. Assuming access to a block-encoding of a matrix, our algorithms are sub-linear in the matrix size, and depend at most quadratically on other parameters, like the condition number and the approximation error, and thus can compete with most of the randomized and distributed classical algorithms proposed in the literature, and polynomially improve the runtime of other quantum algorithms proposed for the same problems. We show how the algorithms and techniques used in this work can be applied to three problems in spectral graph theory: approximating the number of triangles, the effective resistance, and the number of spanning trees within a graph.

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  • The paper proposes new quantum algorithms for estimating spectral sums of positive semi-definite (PSD) matrices.
  • Spectral sums are mathematical expressions that describe important properties of matrices, such as the von Neumann entropy, trace of the inverse, log-determinant, and Schatten p-norm.
  • Current classical algorithms for estimating these quantities have runtimes that are at least linear in the number of non-zero entries of the matrix and quadratic in the estimation error.
  • The quantum algorithms proposed in this paper are sub-linear in the matrix size and depend at most quadratically on other parameters, like the condition number and approximation error.
  • The techniques used in this work can also be applied to three problems in spectral graph theory: approximating the number of triangles, effective resistance, and number of spanning trees within a graph.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces new quantum algorithms for calculating important properties of matrices. These properties, known as "spectral sums," describe things like the complexity, connectivity, and structure of the matrix.

Imagine you have a matrix that represents a social network - the rows and columns could be people, and the values in the matrix could represent how closely those people are connected. The spectral sums of this matrix would tell you interesting things about the overall structure of the network, like how many tightly-knit groups (triangles) exist, how easily information can flow between people (effective resistance), and how many possible ways the network could be rearranged (spanning trees).

Current methods for calculating these spectral sums are slow, taking a long time even for moderately sized matrices. But the new quantum algorithms proposed in this paper can do the calculations much faster, in a way that scales better as the matrix size increases. This means they could be used to analyze much larger networks or other complex systems in a reasonable amount of time.

The key innovation is that these quantum algorithms rely on a special way of representing the matrix, called a "block-encoding." This allows the quantum computer to bypass some of the computational bottlenecks that slow down classical algorithms. As a result, the new quantum methods can outperform state-of-the-art classical approaches, sometimes by a polynomial factor.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces new quantum algorithms for estimating spectral sums of positive semi-definite (PSD) matrices. Spectral sums are mathematical expressions that describe important properties of a matrix, such as the von Neumann entropy, the trace of the inverse, the log-determinant, and the Schatten p-norm.

The current best classical randomized algorithms for estimating these quantities have a runtime that is at least linear in the number of non-zero entries of the matrix and quadratic in the estimation error. In contrast, the quantum algorithms proposed in this paper are sub-linear in the matrix size, and depend at most quadratically on other parameters, like the condition number and the approximation error.

The key to the improved performance is the use of a "block-encoding" representation of the input matrix. This allows the quantum algorithms to bypass some of the computational bottlenecks that slow down classical methods. As a result, the new quantum algorithms can compete with or outperform most of the randomized and distributed classical algorithms proposed in the literature, and provide polynomial improvements over other quantum algorithms proposed for the same problems.

The paper also shows how the algorithms and techniques used in this work can be applied to three problems in spectral graph theory: approximating the number of triangles, the effective resistance, and the number of spanning trees within a graph.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a strong technical contribution, with rigorous mathematical analysis and well-designed quantum algorithms that outperform state-of-the-art classical approaches. However, as with any research, there are some caveats and limitations to consider:

  • The algorithms assume access to a "block-encoding" of the input matrix, which may not always be readily available in practice. Developing efficient methods for constructing these block-encodings could be an important area for future research.
  • The runtime of the algorithms still depends on certain problem-specific parameters, such as the condition number and the desired approximation error. In some cases, these parameters may be difficult to estimate or control, which could limit the practical applicability of the methods.
  • The paper focuses on the theoretical analysis and does not provide extensive experimental validation of the proposed algorithms. Implementing these methods on real-world datasets and quantum hardware would be an important next step to assess their practical performance.

Despite these potential limitations, the techniques and insights presented in this paper represent a significant contribution to the field of quantum algorithms for matrix problems. The ability to achieve sub-linear scaling in the matrix size and polynomial improvements over classical methods is a notable achievement that could have far-reaching implications for a wide range of applications, from network analysis to machine learning.


This paper introduces new quantum algorithms for estimating spectral sums of positive semi-definite matrices, which are fundamental mathematical quantities with numerous applications in fields like graph theory, machine learning, and physics. The proposed algorithms leverage a block-encoding representation of the input matrix to achieve sub-linear scaling in the matrix size and polynomial improvements over state-of-the-art classical methods.

While the paper focuses on the theoretical analysis and does not provide extensive experimental validation, the techniques and insights presented represent an important contribution to the field of quantum algorithms. As quantum hardware continues to advance, the ability to perform these types of matrix computations more efficiently could lead to breakthroughs in areas like network analysis, optimization, and scientific computing. Overall, this work demonstrates the potential of quantum algorithms to tackle complex mathematical problems in ways that classical computers cannot.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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