A Quantum Algorithm Framework for Discrete Probability Distributions with Applications to R'enyi Entropy Estimation






Published 4/4/2024 by Xinzhao Wang, Shengyu Zhang, Tongyang Li



Estimating statistical properties is fundamental in statistics and computer science. In this paper, we propose a unified quantum algorithm framework for estimating properties of discrete probability distributions, with estimating R'enyi entropies as specific examples. In particular, given a quantum oracle that prepares an $n$-dimensional quantum state $sum_{i=1}^{n}sqrt{p_{i}}|irangle$, for $alpha>1$ and $0<alpha<1$, our algorithm framework estimates $alpha$-R'enyi entropy $H_{alpha}(p)$ to within additive error $epsilon$ with probability at least $2/3$ using $widetilde{mathcal{O}}(n^{1-frac{1}{2alpha}}/epsilon + sqrt{n}/epsilon^{1+frac{1}{2alpha}})$ and $widetilde{mathcal{O}}(n^{frac{1}{2alpha}}/epsilon^{1+frac{1}{2alpha}})$ queries, respectively. This improves the best known dependence in $epsilon$ as well as the joint dependence between $n$ and $1/epsilon$. Technically, our quantum algorithms combine quantum singular value transformation, quantum annealing, and variable-time amplitude estimation. We believe that our algorithm framework is of general interest and has wide applications.

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  • This paper proposes a unified quantum algorithm framework for estimating properties of discrete probability distributions, with a focus on estimating Rényi entropies.
  • The algorithm can estimate the α-Rényi entropy of a quantum state with an n-dimensional probability distribution, for both α > 1 and 0 < α < 1.
  • The algorithm requires a quantum oracle that prepares the quantum state, and provides improved query complexity compared to previous methods.

Plain English Explanation

In this paper, the researchers developed a new way to estimate certain statistical properties of probability distributions using quantum computers. Specifically, they looked at a measure called Rényi entropy, which provides information about how "spread out" or "concentrated" a probability distribution is.

The key idea is to use a quantum computer to prepare a special quantum state that encodes the probability distribution of interest. Then, the researchers' algorithm can efficiently estimate the Rényi entropy of this distribution. This is useful in many areas, like machine learning and quantum physics, where understanding the properties of probability distributions is important.

Compared to previous methods, the researchers' algorithm is able to estimate the Rényi entropy more efficiently, requiring fewer queries to the quantum state preparation oracle. This makes the estimation process faster and more practical, which could lead to advances in fields that rely on statistical analysis of data.

Technical Explanation

The core of the researchers' approach is a quantum algorithm that combines several techniques, including quantum singular value transformation, quantum annealing, and variable-time amplitude estimation.

Specifically, the algorithm is designed to work with a quantum oracle that prepares an n-dimensional quantum state of the form Σ√pi|i⟩, where pi are the probabilities of the discrete probability distribution. The algorithm can then estimate the α-Rényi entropy of this distribution, for both α > 1 and 0 < α < 1, with an additive error ε.

The key analytical contribution is that the algorithm achieves improved query complexity compared to previous methods. For α > 1, the algorithm uses Õ(n^(1-1/2α)/ε + √n/ε^(1+1/2α)) queries, and for 0 < α < 1, it uses Õ(n^(1/2α)/ε^(1+1/2α)) queries. This represents a better dependence on both the dimension n and the error tolerance ε.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a strong theoretical result, with a well-designed quantum algorithm that outperforms previous methods for estimating Rényi entropies. However, as with much quantum algorithm research, the main limitation is the reliance on a quantum oracle that can prepare the required quantum state.

In practice, preparing such quantum states may be challenging, especially for large n. The paper does not address how this quantum state preparation can be implemented efficiently. Additionally, the analysis assumes perfect quantum operations, which may not be realistic in noisy, intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices.

Further research is needed to understand the practical feasibility of implementing this algorithm on near-term quantum hardware, as well as the robustness of the algorithm to noise and imperfections. Exploring applications of this algorithm in domains like machine learning and quantum physics would also be valuable to understand its real-world impact.


This paper presents a novel quantum algorithm framework for efficiently estimating Rényi entropies of discrete probability distributions. The key innovation is the ability to achieve improved query complexity compared to previous methods, which could lead to faster and more practical statistical analysis in a variety of fields.

While the theoretical results are strong, the practical implementation and the algorithm's performance on realistic quantum hardware remain open questions. Continued research in this direction, as well as exploring applications of the algorithm, will be important to fully realize its potential benefits.

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