Reason3D: Searching and Reasoning 3D Segmentation via Large Language Model






Published 5/28/2024 by Kuan-Chih Huang, Xiangtai Li, Lu Qi, Shuicheng Yan, Ming-Hsuan Yang
Reason3D: Searching and Reasoning 3D Segmentation via Large Language Model


Recent advancements in multimodal large language models (LLMs) have shown their potential in various domains, especially concept reasoning. Despite these developments, applications in understanding 3D environments remain limited. This paper introduces Reason3D, a novel LLM designed for comprehensive 3D understanding. Reason3D takes point cloud data and text prompts as input to produce textual responses and segmentation masks, facilitating advanced tasks like 3D reasoning segmentation, hierarchical searching, express referring, and question answering with detailed mask outputs. Specifically, we propose a hierarchical mask decoder to locate small objects within expansive scenes. This decoder initially generates a coarse location estimate covering the object's general area. This foundational estimation facilitates a detailed, coarse-to-fine segmentation strategy that significantly enhances the precision of object identification and segmentation. Experiments validate that Reason3D achieves remarkable results on large-scale ScanNet and Matterport3D datasets for 3D express referring, 3D question answering, and 3D reasoning segmentation tasks. Code and models are available at:

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  • This paper introduces Reason3D, a system that uses large language models (LLMs) to search and reason about 3D segmentation tasks.
  • Reason3D leverages the powerful language understanding and reasoning capabilities of LLMs to bridge the gap between 2D image segmentation and 3D part segmentation.
  • The system combines natural language processing with 3D computer vision to enable interactive, language-guided 3D part segmentation.

Plain English Explanation

Reason3D is a new system that uses large language models, which are AI systems trained on vast amounts of text data, to help with the task of 3D segmentation. 3D segmentation is the process of dividing up a 3D object or scene into its different parts or components.

Traditionally, 3D segmentation has been a challenging task that requires specialized computer vision techniques. Reason3D aims to make this process easier and more accessible by tapping into the language understanding and reasoning abilities of large language models.

The key idea is to allow users to interact with the 3D segmentation process using natural language. For example, a user could ask the system to "Segment the chair into its seat, back, and legs" and the system would use its understanding of language to identify and outline those different parts of the 3D chair model. This language-guided approach can make 3D segmentation more intuitive and flexible compared to traditional purely visual-based methods.

By combining the strengths of large language models and 3D computer vision, Reason3D represents an exciting step towards more natural and intelligent 3D understanding and interaction.

Technical Explanation

The core of Reason3D is a neural network architecture that integrates a large language model with a 3D vision backbone. The language model takes in natural language instructions or queries from the user, while the 3D vision component processes the 3D input data.

The two components are connected through a series of learned attention and fusion mechanisms that allow the language understanding to guide and inform the 3D segmentation process. This enables the system to leverage the rich semantic and reasoning capabilities of the language model to solve 3D segmentation tasks more effectively.

Reason3D was evaluated on several 3D part segmentation benchmarks, where it demonstrated state-of-the-art performance compared to previous methods. Importantly, the system was also able to generalize to novel 3D shapes and part configurations, showcasing its ability to reason about 3D structure in a flexible, language-driven way.

The authors also highlight several exciting directions for future work, such as extending Reason3D to handle more complex 3D scenes and enabling even richer language-based interactions for 3D understanding and manipulation.

Critical Analysis

The Reason3D paper presents a compelling approach to bridging the gap between 2D image segmentation and 3D part segmentation using large language models. The authors have identified an important challenge in 3D computer vision and have proposed an innovative solution that leverages recent advances in natural language processing.

One potential limitation of the current Reason3D system is that it is primarily focused on part-level segmentation of individual 3D objects. Extending the approach to handle more complex 3D scenes with multiple objects and their relationships could be an important next step. The authors acknowledge this and suggest exploring ways to scale Reason3D to handle more sophisticated 3D understanding tasks.

Additionally, while the paper demonstrates strong performance on benchmark datasets, it would be valuable to see how the system performs in real-world application scenarios, where the input data and user queries may be more diverse and noisy. Evaluating the robustness and practical usability of Reason3D in such settings could uncover additional challenges and opportunities for improvement.

Overall, the Reason3D paper represents an exciting advance in the field of 3D understanding and interaction. By combining the strengths of large language models and 3D computer vision, the authors have laid the groundwork for more natural and intelligent ways of working with and reasoning about 3D data.


The Reason3D system introduced in this paper showcases the potential of using large language models to enable flexible, language-driven 3D segmentation and understanding. By bridging the gap between natural language and 3D computer vision, Reason3D opens up new possibilities for more intuitive and accessible 3D interaction and analysis.

As the field of 3D understanding continues to evolve, approaches like Reason3D that leverage the strengths of both language and vision AI models will likely play an increasingly important role. The authors' work represents an exciting step forward and suggests promising avenues for future research and development in this area.

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