Retrieval-Enhanced Visual Prompt Learning for Few-shot Classification






Published 6/19/2024 by Jintao Rong, Hao Chen, Tianxiao Chen, Linlin Ou, Xinyi Yu, Yifan Liu



Prompt learning has become a popular approach for adapting large vision-language models, such as CLIP, to downstream tasks. Typically, prompt learning relies on a fixed prompt token or an input-conditional token to fit a small amount of data under full supervision. While this paradigm can generalize to a certain range of unseen classes, it may struggle when domain gap increases, such as in fine-grained classification and satellite image segmentation. To address this limitation, we propose Retrieval-enhanced Prompt learning (RePrompt), which introduces retrieval mechanisms to cache the knowledge representations from downstream tasks. we first construct a retrieval database from training examples, or from external examples when available. We then integrate this retrieval-enhanced mechanism into various stages of a simple prompt learning baseline. By referencing similar samples in the training set, the enhanced model is better able to adapt to new tasks with few samples. Our extensive experiments over 15 vision datasets, including 11 downstream tasks with few-shot setting and 4 domain generalization benchmarks, demonstrate that RePrompt achieves considerably improved performance. Our proposed approach provides a promising solution to the challenges faced by prompt learning when domain gap increases. The code and models will be available.

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  • Large vision-language models like CLIP have been adapted to downstream tasks through prompt learning
  • Prompt learning typically uses a fixed prompt or input-conditional token to fit a small amount of data
  • This approach can struggle when the domain gap increases, such as in fine-grained classification or satellite image segmentation
  • The paper proposes Retrieval-enhanced Prompt learning (RePrompt), which integrates retrieval mechanisms to better adapt to new tasks with few samples

Plain English Explanation

Large AI models like CLIP have been trained on massive amounts of data to understand language and vision. To use these models for specific tasks, researchers often rely on a technique called prompt learning. Prompt learning involves providing the model with a short "prompt" - a phrase or sentence that instructs the model on what to do.

For example, to use CLIP for image classification, a prompt like "This is a photo of a [object]" could be used, where [object] is a placeholder for the class you want to identify. The model can then be fine-tuned on a small amount of data using this prompt.

While prompt learning can be effective, it has limitations. If the new task is very different from the original training data, the model may struggle to adapt. This could happen in specialized fields like fine-grained classification or satellite image segmentation.

To address this, the researchers propose a new approach called Retrieval-enhanced Prompt learning (RePrompt). RePrompt adds a "retrieval" mechanism to the prompt learning process. This means the model can reference similar examples it has seen before, either from the training data or from external sources, to better adapt to the new task.

By drawing on this additional knowledge, the RePrompt model is able to perform better on tasks with limited training data, even when the domain is quite different from the original model training. The researchers demonstrate significant improvements across a wide range of vision datasets and benchmarks.

Technical Explanation

The core idea behind Retrieval-enhanced Prompt learning (RePrompt) is to integrate retrieval mechanisms into the prompt learning process to better adapt to new tasks with few training samples.

Typically, prompt learning relies on a fixed prompt token or an input-conditional token to fit a small amount of data under full supervision. While this can generalize to some unseen classes, it struggles when the domain gap increases, such as in fine-grained classification or satellite image segmentation.

To address this, the RePrompt approach first constructs a retrieval database from the training examples, or from external examples if available. It then integrates this retrieval-enhanced mechanism into various stages of a simple prompt learning baseline.

By referencing similar samples in the training set or external data, the enhanced model is better able to adapt to new tasks with few samples. The researchers evaluate RePrompt across 15 vision datasets, including 11 downstream tasks with few-shot settings and 4 domain generalization benchmarks. The results demonstrate that RePrompt achieves considerable performance improvements compared to standard prompt learning.

This approach provides a promising solution to the challenges faced by prompt learning when the domain gap increases, as the retrieval-enhanced model can better leverage relevant knowledge to adapt to new tasks with limited data.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to address the limitations of prompt learning, particularly when dealing with significant domain shifts. By incorporating retrieval mechanisms, RePrompt demonstrates the ability to better leverage relevant knowledge from training or external data to adapt to new tasks with few samples.

However, the paper does not delve into potential limitations or caveats of the RePrompt approach. For example, the performance gain may depend on the quality and relevance of the retrieval database, which could be challenging to curate in some scenarios. Additionally, the computational overhead of the retrieval process is not discussed, which could be a concern for real-world deployments.

Further research could explore the robustness of RePrompt to different types of domain shifts, the impact of the retrieval database size and composition, and potential trade-offs between performance and computational efficiency. Investigating how RePrompt compares to other few-shot or domain adaptation techniques, such as convolutional prompting, could also provide valuable insights.

Overall, the RePrompt approach is a promising step towards improving the generalization capabilities of prompt learning, particularly in challenging domains. However, deeper analysis of its limitations and further exploration of its potential applications and enhancements would be valuable for the research community.


The paper introduces Retrieval-enhanced Prompt learning (RePrompt), a novel approach that integrates retrieval mechanisms into the prompt learning process to better adapt large vision-language models to downstream tasks with limited training data.

By referencing similar examples from the training set or external sources, the RePrompt model is able to leverage relevant knowledge to perform well on new tasks, even when the domain gap is significant. The extensive experiments across 15 vision datasets demonstrate the considerable performance improvements of RePrompt compared to standard prompt learning.

This research provides a promising solution to the challenges faced by prompt learning when dealing with diverse domains and limited data, opening up new avenues for applying large pre-trained models to a broader range of real-world applications. Further exploration of RePrompt's capabilities, limitations, and potential enhancements could lead to even more impactful advancements in the field of few-shot and domain-adaptive learning.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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