Retrieving Examples from Memory for Retrieval Augmented Neural Machine Translation: A Systematic Comparison






Published 4/4/2024 by Maxime Bouthors, Josep Crego, Francois Yvon
Retrieving Examples from Memory for Retrieval Augmented Neural Machine Translation: A Systematic Comparison


Retrieval-Augmented Neural Machine Translation (RAMT) architectures retrieve examples from memory to guide the generation process. While most works in this trend explore new ways to exploit the retrieved examples, the upstream retrieval step is mostly unexplored. In this paper, we study the effect of varying retrieval methods for several translation architectures, to better understand the interplay between these two processes. We conduct experiments in two language pairs in a multi-domain setting and consider several downstream architectures based on a standard autoregressive model, an edit-based model, and a large language model with in-context learning. Our experiments show that the choice of the retrieval technique impacts the translation scores, with variance across architectures. We also discuss the effects of increasing the number and diversity of examples, which are mostly positive across the board.

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  • This paper presents a systematic comparison of different retrieval techniques for use in retrieval-augmented neural machine translation (NMT) models.
  • The researchers explore how different retrieval approaches can be integrated into NMT architectures to improve translation quality.
  • They evaluate several retrieval techniques, including dense and sparse retrieval, and examine their impact on translation performance.
  • The goal is to provide insights into the most effective ways to leverage retrieval in NMT to enhance overall translation capabilities.

Plain English Explanation

The paper looks at different ways to incorporate information retrieval into neural machine translation (NMT) systems. NMT models are a type of artificial intelligence that can translate text from one language to another. However, these models sometimes struggle to produce high-quality translations, especially for complex or specialized content.

The researchers hypothesized that adding a "retrieval" component to NMT models could help improve translation quality. The idea is that the retrieval component would be able to find relevant information from a database of text, and then use that information to inform and enhance the translation process.

The team tested several different retrieval techniques, including ones that find information based on the meaning of the text (dense retrieval) and ones that find information based on the specific words used (sparse retrieval). They wanted to understand which retrieval approaches work best when integrated into NMT models.

By comparing the performance of NMT models with different retrieval methods, the researchers aimed to provide guidance on the most effective ways to leverage information retrieval to boost the translation capabilities of NMT systems. This could lead to more accurate and reliable machine translation, which has important applications in fields like business, research, and communication.

Technical Explanation

The paper examines the integration of retrieval techniques into neural machine translation (NMT) architectures. NMT models use deep learning to translate text from one language to another, but they can struggle with producing high-quality translations, particularly for specialized or complex content.

The researchers hypothesized that incorporating retrieval components into NMT models could enhance translation performance. The retrieval component would be able to access a database of relevant information and incorporate that knowledge into the translation process.

The paper explores several retrieval approaches that could be used in this context:

  • Dense retrieval: Finds relevant information based on the semantic meaning of the text, using dense vector representations.
  • Sparse retrieval: Finds relevant information based on the specific words and phrases used in the text, using sparse term-based representations.

The team implemented these retrieval techniques within different NMT model architectures and evaluated their impact on translation quality across a range of benchmark datasets. They analyzed factors such as the retrieval method, the size of the retrieval database, and the integration of the retrieval component into the NMT model.

The results provide insights into the most effective ways to leverage retrieval in NMT systems. The findings can guide the development of more robust and capable machine translation models that leverage external knowledge sources to improve their translation performance.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a thorough and rigorous evaluation of different retrieval techniques for integration into NMT architectures. The researchers carefully designed their experiments to systematically compare a range of retrieval approaches and analyze their impact on translation quality.

One potential limitation is that the study was conducted on a limited set of language pairs and translation tasks. While the researchers used standard benchmark datasets, it would be valuable to see how the results generalize to a wider range of real-world translation scenarios, including low-resource language pairs and specialized domains.

Additionally, the paper does not deeply explore the reasons why certain retrieval techniques may be more effective than others in the context of NMT. Further analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the different retrieval methods, and how they interact with the NMT model architecture, could provide additional insights.

Another area for potential improvement is the integration of the retrieval component into the NMT model. The paper primarily focuses on different retrieval approaches, but more research could be done on optimal ways to fuse the retrieved information with the NMT model's own processing and decision-making.

Overall, the paper makes a valuable contribution by systematically examining the use of retrieval techniques in NMT and providing empirical evidence to guide future research and development in this area. Continued work in this direction has the potential to lead to significant advances in machine translation capabilities.


This paper presents a comprehensive evaluation of different retrieval techniques for integration into neural machine translation (NMT) models. The researchers explored the use of both dense and sparse retrieval approaches, examining their impact on translation quality across a range of benchmark datasets.

The findings provide important insights into the most effective ways to leverage retrieval in NMT systems. By combining the strengths of retrieval-based and neural-based approaches, the resulting "retrieval-augmented" NMT models have the potential to produce more accurate and reliable translations, particularly for complex or specialized content.

The systematic analysis and empirical results reported in this paper can help guide future research and development in this area, ultimately leading to more advanced and capable machine translation technologies. As these technologies continue to improve, they can have significant real-world applications in fields such as international business, scientific communication, and cross-cultural understanding.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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