Robust Conformal Prediction Using Privileged Information






Published 6/11/2024 by Shai Feldman, Yaniv Romano
Robust Conformal Prediction Using Privileged Information


We develop a method to generate prediction sets with a guaranteed coverage rate that is robust to corruptions in the training data, such as missing or noisy variables. Our approach builds on conformal prediction, a powerful framework to construct prediction sets that are valid under the i.i.d assumption. Importantly, naively applying conformal prediction does not provide reliable predictions in this setting, due to the distribution shift induced by the corruptions. To account for the distribution shift, we assume access to privileged information (PI). The PI is formulated as additional features that explain the distribution shift, however, they are only available during training and absent at test time. We approach this problem by introducing a novel generalization of weighted conformal prediction and support our method with theoretical coverage guarantees. Empirical experiments on both real and synthetic datasets indicate that our approach achieves a valid coverage rate and constructs more informative predictions compared to existing methods, which are not supported by theoretical guarantees.

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  • This paper explores a novel approach to conformal prediction, a technique used to estimate the uncertainty of machine learning models.
  • The key innovation is the use of "privileged information" - additional data about the input that is available during training but not during deployment.
  • The authors show how this privileged information can be leveraged to obtain more robust and efficient conformal prediction sets.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on a machine learning technique called "conformal prediction," which is used to estimate the uncertainty of a model's predictions. Typically, conformal prediction works by constructing a prediction set - a range of possible outputs - that is guaranteed to contain the true output with a specified probability.

The main insight in this paper is the use of "privileged information." This refers to additional data about the input that is available during the model's training phase, but not when the model is actually being used. The authors demonstrate how leveraging this privileged information can lead to more reliable and efficient conformal prediction sets.

For example, imagine you're training a model to diagnose a medical condition from a patient's symptoms. During training, you might have access to additional test results or medical history that wouldn't be available when the model is deployed in a clinic. By incorporating this privileged information, the authors show you can construct prediction sets that are tighter (more efficient) while still maintaining the desired level of reliability.

This approach builds on previous work on conformal prediction with learned features and provably robust conformal prediction, which have also explored ways to improve the performance of conformal prediction. The key contribution here is the novel use of privileged information to achieve greater robustness and efficiency.

Technical Explanation

The core idea of the paper is to leverage "privileged information" - additional data about the input that is available during training but not during deployment - to construct more robust and efficient conformal prediction sets.

Formally, the authors consider a standard supervised learning setup, where the goal is to learn a model f that maps inputs x to outputs y. In the privileged information setting, the training data also includes auxiliary features z that are not available at test time.

The authors propose a novel conformal prediction algorithm that takes advantage of this privileged information. The key steps are:

  1. Train a base model f using the input x and privileged information z.
  2. Use the base model f and privileged information z to compute conformity scores for the training examples.
  3. Use these conformity scores to construct a conformal prediction set for a new test input x.

Importantly, the authors show that this privileged information approach leads to prediction sets that are both more reliable (i.e., they contain the true output with the desired probability) and more efficient (i.e., they have smaller volume) compared to standard conformal prediction.

The authors also provide theoretical guarantees on the robustness of their method, building on the Information-Theoretic Perspective on Conformal Prediction and Verifiably Robust Conformal Prediction frameworks.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to improving the performance of conformal prediction by leveraging privileged information. The key strengths are the strong theoretical analysis, the clear experimental results demonstrating the benefits of the method, and the potential for practical impact in real-world applications.

That said, the authors do acknowledge some limitations of their work. First, the approach requires that the privileged information z be available during training, which may not always be the case in practice. Second, the theoretical analysis assumes that the base model f is perfectly calibrated, which may be difficult to achieve in practice.

Additionally, one could argue that the reliance on privileged information raises some ethical concerns, as it may lead to models that perform better on certain demographic groups over others if the privileged information is correlated with sensitive attributes. The authors do not address this potential issue in the paper.

Overall, the research represents a valuable contribution to the field of conformal prediction, with promising implications for improving human decision-making in high-stakes applications. However, further work is needed to address the limitations and potential ethical considerations highlighted above.


This paper introduces a novel approach to conformal prediction that leverages privileged information - additional data about the input that is available during training but not during deployment. The authors demonstrate that this privileged information can be used to construct more robust and efficient conformal prediction sets, with strong theoretical guarantees.

The key takeaway is the power of incorporating additional contextual information, even if it is not directly available at test time, to improve the reliability and performance of machine learning models. This work builds on and extends previous research in conformal prediction, highlighting the ongoing progress in this important area of uncertainty quantification.

Looking ahead, further exploration of the ethical implications of privileged information, as well as practical strategies for obtaining and utilizing such information, will be crucial for translating this research into real-world impact. Nonetheless, this paper represents an important step forward in the quest to develop more trustworthy and transparent machine learning systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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