Robustness of AI-based weather forecasts in a changing climate

Read original: arXiv:2409.18529 - Published 9/30/2024 by Thomas Rackow, Nikolay Koldunov, Christian Lessig, Irina Sandu, Mihai Alexe, Matthew Chantry, Mariana Clare, Jesper Dramsch, Florian Pappenberger, Xabier Pedruzo-Bagazgoitia and 2 others
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  • Data-driven machine learning models have made significant progress in weather forecasting, outperforming physics-based models.
  • This raises the question of whether machine learning can also revolutionize climate science, such as informing climate change mitigation and adaptation.
  • The paper shows that state-of-the-art machine learning models trained for weather forecasting can produce skillful forecasts across different climate states, including pre-industrial, present-day, and future warmer climates.
  • This suggests the dynamics shaping weather on short timescales may not fundamentally differ in a changing climate, and demonstrates the out-of-distribution generalization capabilities of these models.
  • However, two models show a global-mean cold bias in forecasts for the future warmer climate, drifting towards the colder present-day climate they were trained on.
  • The paper discusses possible remedies for these biases and analyzes their spatial distribution, revealing complex warming and cooling patterns.

Plain English Explanation

Machine learning models have become very good at weather forecasting, outperforming traditional physics-based models in many cases. This raises the exciting possibility that these data-driven models could also be used to study and understand climate change.

The researchers in this paper tested whether these advanced weather forecasting models could still make accurate predictions in different climate conditions, such as pre-industrial times, today's climate, and a future warmer climate. They found that the models were generally able to produce skillful forecasts across these different climate states.

This suggests that the fundamental processes driving weather patterns may not change too much, even as the overall climate warms up. It also shows that these machine learning models have the capability to generalize beyond the specific conditions they were trained on - a key requirement for using them in climate science.

However, the researchers also found some limitations. Two of the models they tested showed a tendency to forecast cooler temperatures in the future warmer climate, drifting back towards the colder present-day climate they were originally trained on. The paper explores possible reasons for this bias and how it varies geographically.

Despite these current issues, the overall results suggest that data-driven machine learning models could become powerful new tools for climate science, complementing the traditional physics-based approaches and potentially transforming the field.

Technical Explanation

The paper evaluates the ability of state-of-the-art data-driven machine learning models trained for weather forecasting to generate skillful forecasts across different climate states, including pre-industrial, present-day, and future warmer climates.

The researchers used three leading machine learning weather forecasting models and tested their performance on climate simulation data representing these varying conditions. They assessed the models' skill across a range of standard meteorological metrics.

The results show that the machine learning models are able to produce skillful forecasts across the different climate states, suggesting the fundamental weather dynamics may not change drastically even as the climate warms. This demonstrates the out-of-distribution generalization capabilities of these models, which is a critical requirement for applying them to climate science.

However, two of the models exhibited a global-mean cold bias in their forecasts for the future warmer climate state, drifting back towards the colder present-day climate they were originally trained on. The paper explores potential reasons for this, such as missing information about ocean, sea ice, and land surface changes in the training data.

The spatial distribution of these biases is also analyzed, revealing complex patterns of regional warming and cooling. The researchers discuss potential remedies, such as incorporating more diverse climate data into the training process.

Overall, the findings indicate that advanced data-driven machine learning models hold substantial promise for transforming climate science, but also highlight the need to further develop these techniques to fully harness their potential.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents an intriguing and promising step towards leveraging the power of machine learning for climate science. The ability of the tested models to produce skillful forecasts across different climate states is a significant result, suggesting these techniques may be able to complement traditional physics-based climate models.

However, the cold bias exhibited by two of the models in the future warmer climate scenario is a clear limitation that requires further investigation and remedies. The authors rightly point out that this could be due to the training data lacking sufficient information about important factors like ocean, sea ice, and land surface changes. Addressing these biases will be crucial for ensuring the reliability of machine learning models in climate applications.

Additionally, the paper only examines a small number of models and climate scenarios. Expanding the research to a wider range of state-of-the-art machine learning architectures and a broader set of climate conditions would help establish the generalizability of the findings.

It would also be valuable to see more detailed analysis of the models' performance, such as evaluating their ability to capture important climate phenomena like monsoons, El Niño-Southern Oscillation, and tropical cyclones. Understanding the models' strengths and weaknesses in these key areas would provide valuable insights.

Overall, the paper demonstrates exciting potential for machine learning in climate science, but also highlights the need for continued research and development to fully realize this potential. A critical, evidence-based approach will be essential as the field progresses.


This paper presents a significant step forward in exploring the use of data-driven machine learning models for climate science. The researchers show that state-of-the-art weather forecasting models can produce skillful forecasts across a range of climate conditions, including future warmer states.

This suggests the fundamental weather dynamics may not change as dramatically as the climate warms, and that these machine learning techniques have the potential to generalize beyond their training data - a key requirement for climate applications.

However, the paper also identifies limitations, such as the tendency of some models to drift towards colder forecasts in the future warmer climate. Addressing these biases and further developing the capabilities of machine learning for climate science will be important next steps.

Overall, the findings indicate that data-driven approaches could become powerful complementary tools for climate research, potentially transforming established practices in the field. Continued advancements in this area could lead to significant improvements in our understanding and forecasting of climate change and its impacts.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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