Robustness of graph embedding methods for community detection






Published 5/2/2024 by Zhi-Feng Wei, Pablo Moriano, Ramakrishnan Kannan
Robustness of graph embedding methods for community detection


This study investigates the robustness of graph embedding methods for community detection in the face of network perturbations, specifically edge deletions. Graph embedding techniques, which represent nodes as low-dimensional vectors, are widely used for various graph machine learning tasks due to their ability to capture structural properties of networks effectively. However, the impact of perturbations on the performance of these methods remains relatively understudied. The research considers state-of-the-art graph embedding methods from two families: matrix factorization (e.g., LE, LLE, HOPE, M-NMF) and random walk-based (e.g., DeepWalk, LINE, node2vec). Through experiments conducted on both synthetic and real-world networks, the study reveals varying degrees of robustness within each family of graph embedding methods. The robustness is found to be influenced by factors such as network size, initial community partition strength, and the type of perturbation. Notably, node2vec and LLE consistently demonstrate higher robustness for community detection across different scenarios, including networks with degree and community size heterogeneity. These findings highlight the importance of selecting an appropriate graph embedding method based on the specific characteristics of the network and the task at hand, particularly in scenarios where robustness to perturbations is crucial.

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  • This paper examines the robustness of graph embedding methods for community detection.
  • Graph embedding methods are used to represent the structure of a graph in a low-dimensional space, which can aid in tasks like community detection.
  • The authors evaluate the performance of several popular graph embedding techniques under various types of graph perturbations, such as edge additions/deletions and node removals.

Plain English Explanation

Graphs are a way of representing connections between different objects or entities. For example, a social network can be represented as a graph, where each person is a "node" and the connections between them are "edges." Graph embedding methods are techniques that can take this complex graph structure and represent it in a simpler, lower-dimensional form, which can be useful for tasks like identifying communities or groups within the graph.

In this paper, the researchers looked at how robust or stable these graph embedding methods are when the original graph is altered or perturbed in some way. They tested things like adding or removing connections between nodes, or removing nodes entirely, to see how that would affect the ability of the embedding methods to correctly identify communities within the graph.

The key finding is that some graph embedding techniques are more resilient to these types of perturbations than others. This is important because real-world graphs, like social networks or online communities, are often messy and changing over time. Having embedding methods that can maintain the integrity of the graph's community structure, even as the underlying connections evolve, is crucial for practical applications.

Technical Explanation

The authors evaluate the performance of several popular graph embedding techniques, including DeepWalk, node2vec, and HOPE, under different types of graph perturbations. These perturbations include edge additions/deletions, node removals, and a combination of these.

The authors measure the robustness of the embedding methods by comparing the community assignments derived from the perturbed graph embeddings to the ground truth communities in the original, unperturbed graph. They use a common community detection metric, normalized mutual information (NMI), to quantify the similarity between the predicted and true community assignments.

Their experiments on both synthetic and real-world graphs show that the robustness of the embedding methods varies significantly. For example, they find that DeepWalk is more robust to edge perturbations, while node2vec is more resilient to node removals. The authors also observe that the performance of the embedding techniques degrades as the magnitude of the perturbations increases.

Critical Analysis

The authors provide a comprehensive evaluation of the robustness of graph embedding methods, which is an important consideration for practical applications. However, there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. The paper only considers a limited set of graph embedding techniques. It would be valuable to extend the analysis to include a broader range of methods, including more recent advancements in community-aware graph embeddings.

  2. The perturbation types studied, while representative, do not capture the full range of real-world graph dynamics. Exploring the impact of more complex, time-varying graph changes could yield additional insights.

  3. The authors focus on community detection as the downstream task, but the robustness of the embeddings may have implications for other applications, such as node classification or link prediction. Investigating these other use cases could broaden the practical significance of the findings.

Overall, this paper provides a useful foundation for understanding the strengths and limitations of current graph embedding techniques in the face of graph changes. Further research building on this work could lead to the development of more robust and adaptive embedding methods for real-world graph-based applications.


This paper investigates the robustness of popular graph embedding techniques, such as DeepWalk and node2vec, when applied to community detection tasks on perturbed graphs. The authors find that the performance of these methods can vary significantly depending on the type and magnitude of the graph perturbations, highlighting the importance of considering robustness when selecting an appropriate embedding approach for a given application.

The insights from this study can help guide the development of more resilient graph embedding methods and inform the practical deployment of these techniques in domains where the underlying graph structure may be subject to constant change, such as social networks or evolving citation networks. By understanding the limitations of current approaches, researchers can work towards creating graph embedding tools that can better withstand the noise and dynamism inherent in real-world data.

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