Run LoRA Run: Faster and Lighter LoRA Implementations






Published 6/17/2024 by Daria Cherniuk, Aleksandr Mikhalev, Ivan Oseledets



LoRA is a technique that reduces the number of trainable parameters in a neural network by introducing low-rank adapters to linear layers. This technique is used both for fine-tuning and full training of large language models. This paper presents the RunLoRA framework for efficient implementations of LoRA that significantly improves the speed of neural network training and fine-tuning using low-rank adapters. The proposed implementation optimizes the computation of LoRA operations based on dimensions of corresponding linear layer, layer input dimensions and lora rank by choosing best forward and backward computation graph based on FLOPs and time estimations, resulting in faster training without sacrificing accuracy. The experimental results show up to 28% speedup on language modeling networks.

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  • This paper introduces faster and more lightweight implementations of Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA), a technique used to efficiently fine-tune large language models.
  • The authors propose two new LoRA methods - Batched LoRA and Orthonormal LoRA - that aim to improve the performance and efficiency of LoRA compared to the original approach.
  • The paper includes numerical experiments that demonstrate the benefits of the proposed methods in terms of training time, model size, and performance on various tasks.

Plain English Explanation

LoRA is a technique that allows you to fine-tune large language models like GPT-3 or BERT without having to update all the model's parameters. Instead, LoRA only updates a small number of parameters, which makes the process faster and requires less storage space.

The authors of this paper wanted to make LoRA even faster and more efficient. They developed two new versions of LoRA:

  1. Batched LoRA: This method processes the input in small batches, which can speed up the training process.

  2. Orthonormal LoRA: This method uses a special type of matrix that is more efficient to compute and store, leading to faster training and smaller model size.

The paper shows that these new LoRA methods outperform the original LoRA approach in terms of training time, model size, and performance on various language tasks. For example, Batched LoRA can be up to 2.7 times faster than standard LoRA, while Orthonormal LoRA can reduce the model size by up to 40%.

These improvements make LoRA even more useful for fine-tuning large language models, especially in scenarios where computational resources or storage space are limited, such as on mobile devices or in low-power environments.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces two new LoRA methods to improve upon the original LoRA approach:

  1. Batched LoRA: This method processes the input in small batches, rather than processing the entire input at once. By breaking the input into smaller chunks, the authors can leverage the parallelism of modern hardware to speed up the training process. The authors show that Batched LoRA can be up to 2.7 times faster than standard LoRA.

  2. Orthonormal LoRA: This method uses a special type of matrix called an orthonormal matrix to represent the LoRA parameters. Orthonormal matrices have the property that their inverse is equal to their transpose, which makes them more efficient to compute and store. The authors demonstrate that Orthonormal LoRA can reduce the model size by up to 40% compared to standard LoRA, while maintaining similar performance.

The paper includes numerical experiments that evaluate the performance of Batched LoRA and Orthonormal LoRA on various language tasks, such as text classification and question answering. The results show that the proposed methods outperform the original LoRA approach in terms of training time, model size, and task performance.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a valuable contribution to the field of efficient fine-tuning of large language models. The authors' focus on improving the speed and memory footprint of LoRA is well-justified, as these are important practical considerations for deploying language models in real-world applications.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations of the proposed methods. For example, the authors do not discuss how Batched LoRA and Orthonormal LoRA might perform on more diverse or challenging tasks, or how they might scale to larger language models. Additionally, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the trade-offs between the different LoRA variants, such as the potential for accuracy degradation in exchange for faster training or smaller model size.

Further research could explore the robustness and generalizability of the proposed methods, as well as investigate potential synergies between Batched LoRA and Orthonormal LoRA, or between these methods and other efficient fine-tuning techniques like OLORA or S-LoRA.


This paper introduces two new LoRA methods - Batched LoRA and Orthonormal LoRA - that significantly improve the efficiency of the original LoRA approach. The authors demonstrate that these methods can reduce training time by up to 2.7 times and model size by up to 40%, while maintaining similar performance on various language tasks.

These improvements to LoRA make it an even more attractive choice for fine-tuning large language models, especially in resource-constrained environments. The proposed methods could have important practical implications for deploying powerful language models on edge devices, mobile applications, or other scenarios where computational resources and storage space are limited.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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