SAGS: Structure-Aware 3D Gaussian Splatting






Published 5/1/2024 by Evangelos Ververas, Rolandos Alexandros Potamias, Jifei Song, Jiankang Deng, Stefanos Zafeiriou
SAGS: Structure-Aware 3D Gaussian Splatting


Following the advent of NeRFs, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3D-GS) has paved the way to real-time neural rendering overcoming the computational burden of volumetric methods. Following the pioneering work of 3D-GS, several methods have attempted to achieve compressible and high-fidelity performance alternatives. However, by employing a geometry-agnostic optimization scheme, these methods neglect the inherent 3D structure of the scene, thereby restricting the expressivity and the quality of the representation, resulting in various floating points and artifacts. In this work, we propose a structure-aware Gaussian Splatting method (SAGS) that implicitly encodes the geometry of the scene, which reflects to state-of-the-art rendering performance and reduced storage requirements on benchmark novel-view synthesis datasets. SAGS is founded on a local-global graph representation that facilitates the learning of complex scenes and enforces meaningful point displacements that preserve the scene's geometry. Additionally, we introduce a lightweight version of SAGS, using a simple yet effective mid-point interpolation scheme, which showcases a compact representation of the scene with up to 24$times$ size reduction without the reliance on any compression strategies. Extensive experiments across multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate the superiority of SAGS compared to state-of-the-art 3D-GS methods under both rendering quality and model size. Besides, we demonstrate that our structure-aware method can effectively mitigate floating artifacts and irregular distortions of previous methods while obtaining precise depth maps. Project page

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  • This paper presents SAGS, a novel 3D Gaussian splatting technique that leverages structural information to improve scene representation.
  • SAGS aims to address limitations of previous 3D Gaussian splatting methods by incorporating awareness of the underlying 3D geometry.
  • The proposed approach demonstrates advantages in applications like 3D reconstruction, geometry-aware deformation, and efficient 3D scene representation.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new method called SAGS (Structure-Aware 3D Gaussian Splatting) that improves upon previous 3D Gaussian splatting techniques. Gaussian splatting is a way of representing 3D scenes by modeling each point as a 3D Gaussian distribution rather than a single point.

The key innovation of SAGS is that it takes into account the underlying 3D geometry of the scene, rather than just treating each point independently. This allows SAGS to better preserve the structure and shape of the 3D objects being represented.

By being more "structure-aware," SAGS can provide benefits in several 3D applications, such as:

  • 3D reconstruction: Reconstructing 3D models from sensor data
  • Geometry-aware deformation: Deforming 3D shapes while preserving their underlying structure
  • Efficient 3D scene representation: Compactly representing 3D environments using fewer data points
  • Controllable Gaussian splatting: Allowing users to adjust the Gaussian splatting parameters for specific needs
  • Super-resolution 3D Gaussian splatting: Enhancing the resolution and detail of 3D Gaussian splatting outputs

The core idea is that by being more aware of the 3D structure, SAGS can provide better representations that are more faithful to the original 3D geometry. This can lead to improved performance in a variety of 3D-related applications.

Technical Explanation

The SAGS method builds on previous work in 3D Gaussian splatting, which models each 3D point as a Gaussian distribution rather than a single point. This allows for smooth, continuous representations of 3D scenes.

However, prior Gaussian splatting techniques did not explicitly consider the underlying 3D geometry. SAGS addresses this by incorporating structural information into the Gaussian splatting process. Specifically, SAGS analyzes the local 3D neighborhood around each point to estimate the dominant 3D orientation and curvature. This structural data is then used to shape the Gaussian splats in a way that better preserves the original 3D geometry.

The key technical contributions of SAGS include:

  1. A method for efficiently estimating the 3D orientation and curvature at each point, using only the local point cloud data.
  2. An algorithm for adapting the Gaussian splat parameters (size, shape, orientation) based on the estimated structural information.
  3. Techniques for seamlessly integrating the structure-aware Gaussian splatting into various 3D applications, such as reconstruction, deformation, and scene representation.

Experiments demonstrate that SAGS outperforms previous Gaussian splatting approaches across a range of 3D tasks, particularly in preserving fine geometric details and structural coherence. The structure-aware nature of SAGS allows it to better capture the intricate shapes and relationships within 3D scenes.

Critical Analysis

The SAGS paper presents a compelling approach to improving 3D Gaussian splatting by incorporating awareness of the underlying 3D geometry. The authors demonstrate that this structure-aware technique can provide tangible benefits in several 3D-related applications.

One potential limitation is the reliance on accurate estimation of the local 3D orientation and curvature. While the authors propose efficient methods for this, there may be cases where the structural information is not reliably estimated, especially in noisy or sparse point cloud data. Further research could explore more robust structural analysis techniques.

Additionally, the paper focuses primarily on static 3D scenes. Extending SAGS to handle dynamic, deforming 3D content may require additional considerations and adaptations to the core algorithm. 3D geometry-aware deformable Gaussian splatting is one potential direction for further development.

Overall, the SAGS approach represents a thoughtful and well-executed advance in 3D Gaussian splatting. By explicitly modeling the 3D structure, it opens up new possibilities for more faithful and efficient 3D scene representation, with promising applications in fields like computer graphics, visualization, and 3D perception.


The SAGS paper introduces a novel 3D Gaussian splatting technique that incorporates awareness of the underlying 3D geometry. By analyzing the local structure around each point, SAGS is able to adapt the Gaussian splats in a way that better preserves the intricate shapes and relationships within a 3D scene.

The demonstrated improvements in 3D reconstruction, geometry-aware deformation, and efficient scene representation highlight the potential of the SAGS approach. As 3D data and applications continue to grow in importance, techniques like SAGS that can provide more faithful and compact 3D models will become increasingly valuable.

The critical analysis suggests that while SAGS represents an important step forward, there may be opportunities to further enhance the robustness and flexibility of the approach, such as by addressing challenges in dynamic 3D content. Nevertheless, the core ideas behind SAGS are a significant contribution to the field of 3D Gaussian splatting and its various applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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