Scalable Ensembling For Mitigating Reward Overoptimisation






Published 6/21/2024 by Ahmed M. Ahmed, Rafael Rafailov, Stepan Sharkov, Xuechen Li, Sanmi Koyejo
Scalable Ensembling For Mitigating Reward Overoptimisation


Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) has enabled significant advancements within language modeling for powerful, instruction-following models. However, the alignment of these models remains a pressing challenge as the policy tends to overfit the learned proxy reward model past an inflection point of utility as measured by a gold reward model that is more performant -- a phenomenon known as overoptimisation. Prior work has mitigated this issue by computing a pessimistic statistic over an ensemble of reward models, which is common in Offline Reinforcement Learning but incredibly costly for language models with high memory requirements, making such approaches infeasible for sufficiently large models. To this end, we propose using a shared encoder but separate linear heads. We find this leads to similar performance as the full ensemble while allowing tremendous savings in memory and time required for training for models of similar size.

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  • This paper proposes a scalable ensembling method to mitigate reward overoptimization in reinforcement learning (RL) systems.
  • Reward overoptimization occurs when an RL agent becomes overly focused on maximizing a specific reward signal, leading to unintended and potentially harmful behaviors.
  • The authors' approach uses an ensemble of reward models to provide a more robust and diverse reward signal, helping to address this challenge.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on a common problem in reinforcement learning called "reward overoptimization." This happens when an AI system becomes too focused on maximizing a specific reward signal, even if that means engaging in unintended or undesirable behaviors.

To address this, the authors suggest using an "ensemble" approach. An ensemble is a group of different models or systems that work together. In this case, the ensemble consists of multiple reward models that each provide a different perspective on what the AI system should be rewarded for.

By using this ensemble of reward models, the AI system is less likely to become fixated on a single, potentially flawed reward signal. Instead, it has to balance the various reward signals from the ensemble, leading to more well-rounded and beneficial behavior.

The key advantage of this approach is that it is "scalable," meaning it can be applied to large, complex AI systems without becoming unwieldy or impractical. This makes it a promising technique for helping to ensure that powerful AI systems remain aligned with human values and intentions, even as they become more capable.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a scalable ensembling method to mitigate reward overoptimization in reinforcement learning (RL) systems. Reward overoptimization occurs when an RL agent becomes overly focused on maximizing a specific reward signal, leading to unintended and potentially harmful behaviors.

The authors' approach uses an ensemble of reward models to provide a more robust and diverse reward signal to the RL agent. The ensemble is constructed by training multiple reward models, each with different architectures or training data, to capture a diverse set of reward signals.

During training, the RL agent must learn to balance the different reward signals from the ensemble, rather than fixating on a single reward. This helps to prevent the agent from becoming overly specialized and ensures that it learns a more well-rounded and beneficial policy.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach through experiments on a range of benchmarks, including link to related paper: "Improving Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback". They show that the ensemble-based method outperforms single-reward RL agents in terms of robustness and alignment with intended behaviors.

Critical Analysis

The authors present a promising approach to mitigating reward overoptimization, which is a critical challenge in the development of safe and reliable RL systems. The use of an ensemble of reward models is a clever and scalable solution, as it avoids the need to design a single, perfect reward function.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations of the ensemble approach. For example, it's unclear how the ensemble is constructed and how the individual reward models are trained. There may be challenges in ensuring that the ensemble captures a truly diverse set of reward signals, especially if the training data or model architectures are not sufficiently varied.

Additionally, the paper does not discuss how the ensemble-based approach might perform in more complex, real-world environments where the reward structure is more ambiguous or difficult to define. It would be valuable to see further evaluation of the method in such settings, as this is where reward overoptimization is likely to be a greater concern.

Overall, the research presented in this paper is a valuable contribution to the field of link to related paper: "Online Merging of Optimizers for Boosting Rewards and Mitigating Tax" and link to related paper: "Leveraging Domain Knowledge for Efficient Reward Modelling in RLHF". The scalable ensembling approach offers a promising direction for further research and development in the area of link to related paper: "INFORM: Mitigating Reward Hacking in RLHF via Information" and link to related paper: "RLHF Deciphered: A Critical Analysis of Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback".


The paper presents a scalable ensembling method for mitigating reward overoptimization in reinforcement learning systems. By using an ensemble of diverse reward models, the approach helps to prevent RL agents from becoming overly fixated on a single reward signal and engaging in unintended or harmful behaviors.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their method through experiments on various benchmarks, showing that the ensemble-based approach outperforms single-reward RL agents in terms of robustness and alignment with intended behaviors.

While the paper highlights some important limitations that warrant further investigation, the proposed scalable ensembling technique represents a valuable contribution to the ongoing efforts to develop safe and reliable AI systems that reliably pursue intended goals and objectives.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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