Scaling Diffusion Mamba with Bidirectional SSMs for Efficient Image and Video Generation






Published 5/28/2024 by Shentong Mo, Yapeng Tian
Scaling Diffusion Mamba with Bidirectional SSMs for Efficient Image and Video Generation


In recent developments, the Mamba architecture, known for its selective state space approach, has shown potential in the efficient modeling of long sequences. However, its application in image generation remains underexplored. Traditional diffusion transformers (DiT), which utilize self-attention blocks, are effective but their computational complexity scales quadratically with the input length, limiting their use for high-resolution images. To address this challenge, we introduce a novel diffusion architecture, Diffusion Mamba (DiM), which foregoes traditional attention mechanisms in favor of a scalable alternative. By harnessing the inherent efficiency of the Mamba architecture, DiM achieves rapid inference times and reduced computational load, maintaining linear complexity with respect to sequence length. Our architecture not only scales effectively but also outperforms existing diffusion transformers in both image and video generation tasks. The results affirm the scalability and efficiency of DiM, establishing a new benchmark for image and video generation techniques. This work advances the field of generative models and paves the way for further applications of scalable architectures.

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  • This paper introduces a new architecture called Diffusion Mamba (DiffMamba) for efficient high-resolution image and video generation.
  • DiffMamba combines diffusion models with bidirectional state-space models (SSMs) to achieve faster and higher-quality generation.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of DiffMamba on various image and video generation tasks, including text-to-image synthesis, image-to-image translation, and video prediction.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new approach called Diffusion Mamba (DiffMamba) for generating high-quality images and videos more efficiently. The key idea is to combine two powerful machine learning techniques: diffusion models and bidirectional state-space models (SSMs).

Diffusion models are a type of generative model that work by gradually adding noise to an image until it becomes completely random, then learning to reverse this process to generate new images. Bidirectional SSMs are a way of modeling sequences of data, like video frames, by learning how the data evolves over time in both the forward and backward directions.

By combining these two approaches, the authors create a more powerful and efficient system for generating images and videos. The DiffMamba architecture can generate high-resolution images and videos more quickly and with better quality compared to previous methods.

The authors demonstrate the capabilities of DiffMamba on a variety of tasks, including text-to-image synthesis, image-to-image translation, and video prediction. The results show that DiffMamba outperforms other state-of-the-art models in terms of both speed and quality, making it a promising approach for real-world applications.

Technical Explanation

The Diffusion Mamba (DiffMamba) architecture combines diffusion models and bidirectional state-space models (SSMs) to achieve efficient and high-quality image and video generation. Diffusion models are a type of generative model that work by gradually adding noise to an image until it becomes completely random, then learning to reverse this process to generate new images. Bidirectional SSMs are a way of modeling sequences of data, like video frames, by learning how the data evolves over time in both the forward and backward directions.

The key innovation in DiffMamba is the integration of these two approaches. The diffusion model is used to generate high-resolution images, while the bidirectional SSM is used to model the temporal dynamics of video sequences. By leveraging the strengths of both models, DiffMamba can generate high-quality images and videos more efficiently than previous methods.

The authors evaluated DiffMamba on a variety of tasks, including text-to-image synthesis, image-to-image translation, and video prediction. The results show that DiffMamba outperforms other state-of-the-art models in terms of both speed and quality, making it a promising approach for real-world applications.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to efficient image and video generation, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Computational complexity: While DiffMamba is more efficient than previous methods, the computational requirements of both diffusion models and SSMs can still be quite high, especially for high-resolution or long-duration video generation. The authors could explore ways to further optimize the model architecture and training process to reduce computational costs.

  2. Generalization and robustness: The paper focuses on demonstrating the effectiveness of DiffMamba on specific tasks, but it's unclear how well the model would generalize to a wider range of image and video generation scenarios. Further research is needed to assess the robustness and versatility of the approach.

  3. Interpretability and explainability: As with many deep learning models, it can be challenging to understand the internal workings and decision-making processes of DiffMamba. Developing more interpretable and explainable versions of the model could be beneficial for certain applications, such as medical image synthesis, where transparency is crucial.

  4. Ethical considerations: The paper does not address the potential ethical implications of highly realistic image and video generation, such as the creation of deepfakes or the misuse of synthetic media. As the field of generative models continues to advance, it will be important for researchers to consider these ethical concerns and develop safeguards to mitigate potential harms.

Overall, the DiffMamba architecture represents a promising step forward in efficient image and video generation, but further research and careful consideration of its implications will be crucial as the technology continues to evolve.


This paper introduces a new architecture called Diffusion Mamba (DiffMamba) that combines diffusion models and bidirectional state-space models to achieve efficient and high-quality image and video generation. The key innovation is the integration of these two powerful machine learning techniques, which allows DiffMamba to generate high-resolution images and videos more quickly and with better quality compared to previous methods.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of DiffMamba on a variety of tasks, including text-to-image synthesis, image-to-image translation, and video prediction. The results show that DiffMamba outperforms other state-of-the-art models, making it a promising approach for real-world applications in areas such as media production, creative arts, and scientific visualization.

While the paper presents a compelling technical solution, there are also important considerations around computational complexity, generalization, interpretability, and ethical implications that will require further research and development. As the field of generative models continues to advance, it will be crucial for researchers to address these challenges and ensure that the technology is used responsibly and in service of the greater good.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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